Now You See Me 3 Gets Confidant Filming Update From Jesse Eisenberg

Now You See Me 3 gets a promising new filming update from franchise star Jesse Eisenberg. After the success of the first film in 2013, Eisenberg and the rest of the cast returned for Now You See Me 2 in 2016, with Eisenberg’s J. Daniel Atlas and the rest of the Four Horsemen pulling off yet another heist using the power of illusion. Since the sequel, however, a third film has yet to come to fruition, though one has long been in development.

In a recent interview with Collider, Eisenberg reveals that he thinks filming on Now You See Me 3 will start this year, though it’s still not set in stone. The actor also reveals that he has now read the script for the new movie, and he confirms it will continue a trend set by the previous two entries. Check out Eisenberg’s full comment below:

“Yeah, I did [read the script]. Hopefully it will happen in the next six months. I think it will, it seems like it will. Yeah, it’s really great.

“I also agree with you. For me, the thing I love about it so much, having just read the script, it celebrates intelligence and it’s non-violent but exciting, and it’s so weird to see that because it sounds so obvious, and it sounds like that would be common, but it’s actually quite uncommon to have a movie that’s this franchise, this Hollywood-style movie that’s really just about teamwork and intelligence, rather than just violence.”

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