No, Jackie Chan Can’t Be In Cobra Kai Season 6

No, Jackie Chan Can’t Be In Cobra Kai Season 6

In spite of all the theories it can still happen, a guest appearance from Jackie Chan wouldn’t work for Cobra Kai season 6. Due to the martial arts star’s role in The Karate Kid remake, he’s often been identified as a candidate for a potential cameo in a future season. But while the 2010 movie’s place in the canon of the original Karate Kid franchise has already made this scenario problematic, theories that his character could appear in the show have persisted nonetheless.

Unlike the situation with the characters in first three movies, Jaden Smith’s Dre Parker and Chan’s Mr. Han from The Karate Kid remake aren’t part of Daniel and Mr. Miyagi’s story in any way. However, the fact that these people theoretically could exist in Cobra Kai’s world has resulted in continued speculation that a cameo from the kung fu icon might actually be feasible. Mr. Han living in China creates a massive obstacle toward him showing up, but the setup for Cobra Kai to go global with the Sekai Taikai has deepened interest in the possibility of the character appearing in some capacity.

Why Jackie Chan’s Karate Kid Character Doesn’t Fit Cobra Kai’s Story

No, Jackie Chan Can’t Be In Cobra Kai Season 6

The theory that Chan could appear in season 6 is based on the idea that he could be a rival sensei to Johnny and Daniel in the Sekai Taikai. The reason why that can’t come to pass relates to what’s already been established about the event. When Terry Silver first brought it up, he specifically described it as an international karate tournament. Mr. Han has no place in such a competition because his character doesn’t teach karate. While the title of the 2010 film may imply otherwise, Mr. Han is actually a kung fu master. Since that’s the case, it wouldn’t make any sense for Mr. Han to enter Dre or any other student he might have in the Sekai Taikai.

If the Sekai Taikai had been introduced as a martial arts tournament, it would be possible for Daniel and Johnny’s students to fight practitioners of different fighting styles, but instead the show has opted to keep the focus on karate. That rules out Mr. Han and Dre from showing up, but leaves the door open for any karate experts in the Miyagiverse to appear. So while Chan’s character can’t fit into season 6’s story, Hilary Swank’s Julie Pierce technically could be involved, considering that Mr. Miyagi trained her in karate.

How Cobra Kai Already Hinted At Jackie Chan Never Appearing

Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith in Karate Kid

In addition to all the issues that stand in the way of a Jackie Chan cameo in Cobra Kai, there’s also the fact that the series already name-dropped him in a season 1 episode. That means Chan is indeed around, albeit as an actor. That alone didn’t kill any chance he had of showing up, but it was indicative of the series not having any real interest in making Mr. Han and Dre a part of its universe later on down the road. By all indications, Cobra Kai will keep its focus on characters from within the Miyagiverse.