Nightwing’s New Partner Is Literally the Last DC Hero Anyone Expected

Nightwing’s New Partner Is Literally the Last DC Hero Anyone Expected

Spoilers for Nightwing #97 by DC ComicsIn a shocking twist, a surprise hero has returned to the DC Universe, as Ric Grayson makes an unexpected cameo in the pages of Nightwing. In the hero’s ongoing series, he encounters Ric, his former persona that represents one of the darker times for Dick Grayson. Considering how much DC Comics readers collectively disliked the previous arc involving Ric, his return is one of the most surprising storylines in recent memory.

Dick Grayson has served two primary roles in the DC Universe. First, as the original Robin who fought alongside Batman. Secondly, he became Nightwing, a hero who worked alongside the Teen Titans and would turn into the protector of Bludhaven. However, during DC’s Rebirth era, Dick was shot in the head by the KGBeast, leading to him losing his memory and becoming “Ric Grayson.” The overlong story not only sidelined Nightwing and Dick Grayson but transformed the hero into someone who was nearly unrecognizable and a completely different person. Ultimately, critics and readers disliked the “Ric Grayson” saga, and when the hero returned to being Dick and Nightwing, the arc was believed to be left in the past. However, Ric Grayson just made a shocking return in the pages of DC Comics.

In Nightwing #97 by Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas, Geraldo Borges, Caio Filipe, and Wes Abbott from DC Comics, Nightwing and Batgirl assist the Gotham PD in transporting Sal Maroni from Bludhaven to Gotham City, as the crime lord has become a massive target after being apprehended. After unsuccessfully bringing him to Gotham, Nightwing and Batgirl take Maroni to a safehouse outside Gotham. However, it turns out they aren’t alone, as despite being in a secluded area deep within the woods, a taxi arrives where the driver reveals himself to be Ric Grayson.

How Has Ric Grayson Returned To The DC Universe?

Nightwing’s New Partner Is Literally the Last DC Hero Anyone Expected

Considering Nightwing and Ric Grayson are the same person, it stands to reason that the surprise return of Dick’s former persona is somehow an imposter or, at the very least, not what he appears to be. Given the recent shenanigans in the Multiverse, it’s possible Ric isn’t from the main DC Universe. It’s also possible he’s another hero/villain in disguise, such as Clayface, who has taken on the form of Nightwing’s darkest form. Or, perhaps, he’s a nightmare come to life? Seeing how DC explains his return will be fascinating.

Regardless of who the doppelganger truly is, Ric Grayson is the last character readers expected to return. The Nightwing ongoing series post-Ric has done a lot of course-correcting to move past the critically-maligned storyline, so seeing him return is a total shock and surprise. How Ric has come back and what he wants remains to be seen, but it seems he’s interested in working alongside Dick for some unknown purpose. Ric Grayson officially returns in Nightwing #97 by DC Comics, which is in stores now.