Nightwing’s Love Triangle Is Finally Ending Thanks to a Surprising Hero

Nightwing’s Love Triangle Is Finally Ending Thanks to a Surprising Hero

Warning: Spoilers for Nightwing #91 ahead!

The long-running love triangle Nightwing has had with Batgirl and Starfire might finally see some resolution thanks to the Flash. Like many of his heroic counterparts, Dick Grayson has a difficult time with work-life balance, but some simple, yet powerful, advice from the Flash could put an end to that. As his life as civilian and hero continue to bleed together when Dick steps into the spotlight as a billionaire philanthropist, his close friend and fellow do-gooder, Wally West, hits him with the advice all heroes need, but few ever receive: He deserves to be happy.

These days, Dick may be sharing his nights (and the adorable dog Haley, aka Bitewing) with Gordon, he’s also frequently been involved with fellow Titan Starfire. The two of them even had a brief moment in Teen Titans Academy #1 back in March 2021, but that fizzled out quickly with Gordon in the picture. If Dick takes Wally’s advice, it could finally end the love triangle that as caused endless strife in all three of their lives.

In Nightwing #91, by Tom Taylor and Geraldo Borges, Dick looks to his longtime friend Wally to get him out of Blüdhaven, where Blockbuster has put a massive bounty on his head thanks to his philanthropic efforts in the city. After a brief bit of downtime, the duo take off for Costa Rica, where they take down the reclusive assassin La Agente Fúnebre. Despite a pretty clean takedown, Wally has a close call with a land mine keeping him down for the showdown. In the ensuing heart-to-heart, Flash admits that he stresses constantly about the dangers of being a hero, especially with a family back home, but says that it can’t stop him from being happy — and those same worries shouldn’t stop Dick and his longtime on-again, off-again beau Barbara Gordon, from being happy either. It’s simple advice, but very needed for a hero like Dick whose personal life has only gotten more public, and more dangerous.

Nightwing’s Love Triangle Is Finally Ending Thanks to a Surprising Hero

Taking Wally’s advice goes beyond putting out old flames, though. Dick is part of a long list of heroes who have insisted that the dangers of heroism mean that loved ones must be kept at arm’s length. Wally, however, is living proof that you don’t need to be Superman to make it work. Despite being an active Justice League member and Multiversal traveler, Wally has managed to raise a family in the suburbs of Keystone City with his wife Linda. He’s the perfect person to dole out advice about superhero happiness, and Dick would be very wise to take said advice from his old friend.

True happiness will always be hard to come by for superheroes. They lead dangerous lives and make evil people angry — not exactly a recipe for peaceful nights. But Wally’s right: If Dick and Barbara have the opportunity to make each other happy, they can’t ignore it. Fans can only hope that Nightwing will take the Flash‘s advice and finally do what makes him happy while also closing the chapter on his love triangle with Batgirl and Starfire.