Nightwing & Supergirl’s Romance Revealed Why She Can’t Stand Him

Nightwing & Supergirl’s Romance Revealed Why She Can’t Stand Him

One of the most iconic and unexpected rivalries in DC Comics is between Supergirl and Nightwing, originating back when Dick Grayson was still Robin. Their antagonistic dynamic began with a failed attempt at romance, prompting Kara to reveal the surprising reason behind her disdain for Dick. Despite their past conflicts, the possibility of a future romance between the two still remains.

In Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #12, by Mark Waid and Emanuela Lupacchino, the source of Supergirl and Robin Dick Grayson’s ongoing rivalry, hinted at in previous installments, is finally unveiled—a disastrous date. The narrative shifts between the date itself and Supergirl and Robin separately recounting it to their respective mentors, Superman and Batman.

Nightwing & Supergirl’s Romance Revealed Why She Can’t Stand Him

However, it’s Supergirl’s conversation with Clark that proves most revealing, as she candidly explains why she can’t stand Dick, citing that she doesn’t like the person she becomes in his presence. This revelation not only adds depth to Supergirl’s character but also showcases a remarkable level of maturity.

Supergirl Can’t Stand Dick Grayson Because He Brings the Worst in Her Out

Batman Superman Worlds Finest #12 Robin and Supergirl date

While venting to Superman, Supergirl reveals that watching Dick tie himself into knots for attention and approval during their date made her feel “... intolerant. Judgmental. Then ashamed, then angry. And a little manipulative.She then reaches a profound conclusion: being around him brings out qualities in her that she doesn’t like, which serves as the core reason for her aversion towards Robin. This demonstration of self-awareness and reflection showcases Kara’s maturity, as she acknowledges the adverse effects of Dick’s behavior and takes ownership of her reactions.

Dick Grayson’s ability to evoke the best in others is well-known among heroes, making it surprising that he brings out the worst in Supergirl. Even though Robin Dick displayed more immaturity compared to his current self, he still served as the leader of the Teen Titans, a role he excelled in by recognizing and nurturing the strengths of his teammates. Thus, his negative impact on Kara stands in stark contrast to his usual influence on others. This highlights that sometimes, despite the best of efforts, certain individuals simply don’t mesh well, without it reflecting negatively on either party.

SuperWing: There Is Still Hope For a Supergirl and Nightwing Romance

Nightwing and Supergirl kissing vintage

Despite Dick and Kara’s unsuccessful attempt at a relationship in Waid’s Batman / Superman: World’s Finest run, it doesn’t rule out the possibility of another romance or close friendship between the two heroes in future runs. One crucial aspect to consider is that Nightwing and Supergirl were significantly younger and less mature in World’s Finest, whereas in present continuity, they have both grown into adulthood and matured considerably. As a result, their interactions would likely be vastly different as Nightwing and Supergirl compared to their previous dynamic as Supergirl and Robin.

Batman / Superman: World’s Finest #12 is available now from DC Comics!


Batman Superman World's Finest #12 cover featuring Robin and Supergirl

  • Writer: Mark Waid
  • Artist: Emanuela Lupacchino, Norm Rapmund, and Wade von Grawbadger
  • Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
  • Letterer: Steve Wands
  • Cover Artist: Dan Mora


Nightwing is the superhero moniker given to various vigilante heroes in the D.C. universe. Nightwing is depicted as a warrior who fights from the shadows, utilizes near-superhuman agility and expert combat skills, and tends to have several tools at their disposal. Though Nightwing began with Kal El/Clark Kent, Nightwing has since been primarily associated with Dick Grayson, a former Robin who grew into the new role.

Supergirl Comic Cover


Supergirl is a popular DC character that made her debut in May 1959 in the pages of Action Comics #252. Many characters have taken on the mantle of Supergirl over the years, but the most popular iteration of the character is Kara Zor-El, Superman’s cousin. Supergirl has appeared in many comics, video games, movies, and TV shows over the years, most notably the 1984 Supergirl movie starring Helen Slater and The CW’s Supergirl show with Melissa Benoist. 
