Nightwing & Batgirl Just Proved They’re DC’s Ultimate Hero Romance

Nightwing & Batgirl Just Proved They’re DC’s Ultimate Hero Romance

WARNING: Potential Spoilers for DC’s How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1!Nightwing and Batgirl share a storied history of an on-again, off-again relationship, but this Valentine’s Day, readers witness this beloved pairing unite for a rare date night. It’s during this date that Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon showcase their remarkable synchronicity. However, the very trait that makes them ideal for each other could also be the catalyst for the downfall of their relationship.

This year’s DC Valentine’s Day special, How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1, presents eight 10-page rom-com stories showcasing beloved heroes and villains navigating the highs and lows of love.

Nightwing & Batgirl Just Proved They’re DC’s Ultimate Hero Romance

Among these tales is Date Night by George Mann, Leonardo Rodrigues, Joe Prado, and Jonas Trindade, which centers on Nightwing and Batgirl enjoying a romantic Valentine’s dinner. Throughout their evening together, it becomes evident that the two vigilantes share a common ultimate priority: the mission takes precedence over everything else, even their relationship.

Nightwing and Batgirl Are Perfect for Each Other Because They Are Both Workaholics

Date Night - DC Valentine's Day Special - Batgirl and Nightwing

In Date Night, Nightwing and Batgirl show that they are the perfect match for each other by revealing their shared workaholic tendencies. Despite their initial agreement to set aside their vigilante duties for the evening, they find themselves unable to resist the urge to check on Bat-related matters. This breach of their agreement occurs even before their date officially commences, with both Dick and Babs discreetly attending to their superhero responsibilities while attempting to keep their actions hidden from each other.

Batgirl is the first to break her promise not to engage in vigilante tasks, strategically selecting a restaurant close to one of her ongoing cases. Despite her earlier insistence on refraining from Bat-related activities, she brings along her Batgirl suit. Additionally, she keeps her communication device active during the dinner, a decision that later allows Spoiler and Black Bat to contact her and Dick for backup. Similarly, Dick also reneges on his promise by wearing his Nightwing costume beneath his suit and when he immediately begins investigating the restaurant’s patrons upon arrival.

Batgirl and Batman Villains DC


“Not Even Nightwing Knows”: Sorry Nightwing, Batgirl Admits She’s Attracted to a Shock Gotham Villain

Even Nightwing doesn’t know that the love of his life Batgirl once harbored some pretty strong feelings for an unbelievable Batman villain.

What Makes Nightwing and Batgirl Perfect Together Is Also Why They’re Doomed to Fail

Date Night - DC Valentine's Day Special - Batgirl and Nightwing (2)

Their shared dedication to crime-fighting and their unwavering commitment to their roles as protectors of Gotham City highlight Dick’s and Babs’ compatibility as partners. However, this shared focus on their duties may also prove to be detrimental to their relationship, as their primary concern is not each other, a fundamental element necessary for most relationships to thrive. Fans have seen similar patterns result in relationship struggles in various instances, as exemplified by Batman and Catwoman, who face challenges in prioritizing each other. Consequently, it appears that history may be repeating itself with Nightwing and Batgirl.

DC’s How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1 is available now from DC Comics!

DC’s How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1 (2024)

DC's How to Lose Guy Gardner in 10 Days cover featuring Green Lantern, Fire, Killer Frost, etc

  • Story: Date Night
  • Writer: George Mann
  • Artist: Leonardo Rodrigues, Joe Prado, and Jonas Trindade
  • Colorist: Hi-Fi
  • Letterer: Carlos M. Mangual
  • Cover Artist: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti