Nightmare On Elm Street Theory Reveals Why Freddy Krueger Targeted Nancy

Nightmare On Elm Street Theory Reveals Why Freddy Krueger Targeted Nancy

A fan theory for A Nightmare On Elm Street offers an interesting reason why Freddy Krueger takes such an interest in targeting Nancy Thompson. Before he became a staple of the horror genre, Freddy was a fairly constrained villain who specifically targeted the children of those who’d killed him. However, while many of Freddy’s murders were brutal and quick, his efforts to kill Nancy across multiple Nightmare On Elm Street movies end up feeling far more targeted and sadistic.

This could be because of her impressive ability to slip away from the villain at opportune times, staying one step ahead of Freddy long enough that he gains a twisted desire to inflict pain on her. However, there may have been an additional reason Freddy was specifically targeting Nancy. The theorized reason has less to do with Nancy and more to do with her parents, giving the Thompson family an understated importance in the franchise while explaining a key piece of the origins of Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare On Elm Street.

Nightmare On Elm Street Theory Reveals Why Freddy Krueger Targeted Nancy


Nightmare On Elm Street 3’s Setting Saved The Sequel (But It Didn’t Last)

Nightmare On Elm Street: Dream Warriors managed to make Freddy Krueger scarier than ever before, but the franchise then squandered its best trick.

Nancy’s Father May Have Been Responsible For Freddy’s Freedom (& Eventual Fate)

Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Secretly Resolved A Big Freddy Krueger Mystery

A clever A Nightmare On Elm Street theory suggests that it was Nancy’s father Don who made a crucial mistake while arresting Freddy Krueger, setting off the events that eventually transformed Freddy into an immortal monster. In the backstory of A Nightmare On Elm Street, Freddy was arrested for his murderous crimes, but someone messed up the search warrant. This allowed Freddy to escape any formal justice. This infuriated the local community, spurring a mob to hunt down Freddy. The search warrant was likely the mistake of an officer on the case, which the Reddit theory argues was Don.

The theory suggests that after making that mistake, Don’s guilt prompted him and his wife Marge to target Freddy. They joined or potentially even started the mob that hunted down Freddy and killed him. Their personal roles in the hunt would explain why they have such confidence Freddy is dead years later. Marge’s reluctance to explain the full situation to Nancy years later could then stem from her lingering guilt over her husband’s mistake and their ensuing actions. It’s an interesting theory, especially because it adds layers to Freddy’s decision to stalk Elm Street and Nancy in particular.

This Nightmare On Elm Street Theory Gives Freddy A Reason To Target Nancy

If Don was the cop who was responsible for Freddy’s arrest and eventual death, then the killer would have plenty of reason to seek revenge on the police officer. This could extend to Don’s entire family, given Freddy’s vindictive nature. It would explain why Freddy invests so much effort into terrorizing Nancy, taking his time scaring her before going for the kill. More than his other targets, Freddy seems to want Don’s daughter to suffer, tormenting her slowly even in A Nightmare On Elm Street‘s ending instead of simply killing her. Freddy hating Don could explain why he does this.

It would also offer an interesting explanation for why the only adult Freddy goes after is Nancy’s mother. In the film, this kill is presented as one of opportunity. However, Don being directly involved in the case that led to Freddy’s near incarceration — and eventual incineration — would give the killer more reason to seek out his whole family for revenge. Marge helping lead the hunt for Freddy in recompense for Don’s mistake could reinforce Freddy’s decision to target the Thompsons, despite Don and Marge being divorced by the events of the film.

Freddy Krueger Movie Theories


8 Freddy Krueger Theories That Completely Change The Nightmare On Elm Street Movies

Building off the popular movie franchise, many A Nightmare on Elm Street theories exist that completely transform the existing stories.

Why This Theory Makes A Nightmare On Elm Street Better

Freddy and Nancy in Nightmare On Elm Street 3

Don’s potential connection to Freddy’s case adds some interesting tragic layers to the classic horror film. In the theory, Don’s realization that his mistake made him responsible for any future crimes Freddy committed explains why the Thompsons were so involved in Freddy Krueger’s death. However, this resulted in Freddy’s eventual transformation into a supernatural threat — giving him the chance to murder dozens more over the years. In effect, Don was still responsible for the litany of deaths Freddy caused. Don’s mistake even continues to haunt the world long after the Thompson family has been wiped out.

The theory could also go a long way toward explaining the clear tension that exists between Don and Marge. On top of her own guilt for the role she played in Freddy’s death, any frustration or fury Marge had over Don’s mistake could have further poisoned their relationship and helped cause their divorce. Don’s mistake may have been a mundane one, but in this theory, it ended up dooming his family and unleashing a powerful evil onto the world. Don’s possible part in Freddy’s initial freedom gives the Thompson family greater importance in the A Nightmare On Elm Street franchise.

Source: Reddit

A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984 Poster

A Nightmare On Elm Street

Created by legendary horror director Wes Craven, A Nightmare on Elm Street is the first film in the horror-slasher franchise to see Freddy Kruger’s arrival. When a group of teenagers begins having shared nightmares about a mysterious man, they begin dying under supernatural circumstances. The teens seek to identify the murderous and seemingly vengeful man to find a way to stop him before he claims their lives – not knowing that their parents may hold the answers they seek.


Wes Craven


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Wes Craven


Heather Langenkamp
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, Amanda Wyss
, John Saxon
, Johnny Depp
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A Nightmare on Elm Street