New World Beta: 10 Best Things About The Amazon’s New MMORPG

New World Beta: 10 Best Things About The Amazon’s New MMORPG

With Amazon’s new MMORPG New World, finally entering its beta event, fans are hyped to try it out. With over 190K concurrent players in the beta, New World seems definitely promising. It adopts some features from other MMORPGs like Elder Scrolls Online and World of Warcraft, but it also adds some unique twists.

With only 1 month until its official launch, most of the great features in the beta will remain. From the new mechanics of factions and the situational open-world PvP to the fun and enjoyable focus on crafting, New World definitely has a lot to offer.

Fun Dungeons

New World Beta: 10 Best Things About The Amazon’s New MMORPG

New World favors a traditional approach regarding dungeons. Dungeons will be five-player events where the group will have to go through multiple waves of enemies and bosses for some great rewards at the end.

The most notable feature is that, before queuing for a dungeon, players will have to decide which role to play, choosing between DPS, healer, or tank. This ensures that there will always be a healer and a tank in each dungeon at the cost of slightly longer queues, which is a great addition.

Armor Mechanics

Combat between players with spears, swords, and axes.

The game features some interesting armor mechanics, as the player can choose between light, medium, or heavy armor. Light armor provides increased dodge mechanics and damage dealt at the cost of lower defense, while heavy armor prioritizes blocking and defending.

Medium armor is somewhere in between, with average damage and dodge mechanics. Armor is one of the aspects that allows each player to create any character that they want without being limited to a specific class.

Great Graphics

Player in a beautiful large tall forest with a river

One great aspect of New World is its great graphics. As it is an MMORPG that focuses on survival elements and skills, it offers great visuals. Gathering, mining, and harvesting look great, while traveling around the picturesque world of Aeternum can be breathtaking at times.

In addition, although there were some issues with the Nvidia RTX 3090 GPU, these issues appear to have been addressed as EVGA agreed to replace all damaged cards. In addition, the game runs great on lower-end graphics cards and PC builds.

Separate Storage In Each City

3 players crouching in the wilderness while holding rifles

One issue that most MMORPGs have been facing is the limited amount of storage. In New World, each of the cities will have its own storage, and players will have much more space.

The main issue will be that storage spaces will not be connected to each other, so the player might have to run a few extra miles to get their things. Nevertheless, some extra storage is always appreciated, especially in MMORPGs that favor hoarding materials and equipment.

Combat Attributes

Players fighting at the gate of a castle

Other than weapon attributes, players also level up their combat attributes. With five attributes total—those being strength, dexterity, intelligence, focus, and constitution—players are free to upgrade them in any way that they like to fit their build.

For instance, mage classes will prefer high intelligence builds, while tanks will focus on strength and constitution. In addition, players are free to respec their attributes before level 20 at no cost.

No Classes

Players fighting one of the larger bosses in New World

One of the first things players noticed is the lack of class options in this game when creating a character. Instead of classes, the game features weapon mastery. In short, every player can equip any weapon they like without any restrictions.

The more they play with that weapon, the more their respective weapon mastery will level up. It seems that New World takes an approach that doesn’t require the player to have multiple alternative characters to try every weapon, and this seems exciting, especially as more weapons will be added by launch.

Optional Open World PvP

Players attacking a keep while another player defends with a cannon

One of the best features in New World is the multiple PvP options provided to the players. First, there is open world PvP between factions, as long as both players have their PvP option on.

Second, there are multiple extra PvP modes like Outpost Rush in which 40 players in two factions try to control three outposts, and the much larger open war between two factions of 100 players which is focused on larger scale territory attack and defense. Lastly, there are also duels, which can happen between two players regardless of faction.

Focus On Lifeskills

Players fishing at a river while on a boat

For players that do not always wish to make their profit by fighting enemies and doing dungeons, New World offers the alternative of life skills. With five gathering skills like mining and fishing and five refining skills like stonecutting and leatherworking, there’s something for everyone.

For instance, players can gather wood and sell it to the market for profit, or they can use that wood to craft furniture for their own house through the woodworking skill.


One of the purchasable houses in New World

Houses are always an interesting feature in MMORPGs as long as they have some use. In New World, players will be able to buy a house in multiple different locations and craft furniture for it to make it feel like home. In addition, the house will work as a fast travel location.

By doing daily activities in some areas, players increase their standing there. With increased standing and progression level 15, players can buy their own house, customize it, and show it off to their friends.


Three players working together while looking at a large white tree

One of the main features of New World‘s gameplay is the idea of factions. Upon reaching level 10, the player has to choose between three factions: the Marauders, the Covenant, and the Syndicate.

Depending on which one they choose, they will be able to participate in different open-world events focused on going to war and conquering outposts against the other 2 factions. The same applies for PvP, as players can only fight each other if they have the PvP option enabled and if they are from different factions—aside from duels, of course, which can occur regardless of faction affiliation.