New Twilight Book Midnight Sun Includes Scene Missing From Original Story

New Twilight Book Midnight Sun Includes Scene Missing From Original Story

Twilight author Stephenie Meyer recently revealed that her upcoming book, Midnight Sun, includes a scene missing from Twilight. The Twilight series has been a worldwide success since its start in 2005, and its newest addition, Midnight Sun, will tell the story of Twilight from the perspective of Edward Cullen.

The original book is narrated by protagonist Bella Swan, and no book in the series has ever showcased the perspective of a vampire. The release of the book has been long-awaited since Meyer stopped work on the project after a draft was leaked online in 2008. The book was put on hold 12 years ago but is now set to be released on August 4th. Meyer recently got back to work on the project and expanded on the 12 chapters originally leaked to the public. Now, fans have an update on the highly anticipated Midnight Sun.

When speaking with Picture Start, Meyer revealed that Midnight Sun will include a scene missing from the original Twilight story involving the meadow, an absence that has bothered her for years. On a recent episode of Letters To Stephenie Meyer, the author stated, “…I was able to get back to the story again, and also to write the little missing piece from the meadow that has always driven me crazy!” As to why Meyer didn’t include this missing piece in the original Twilight book, she commented, “I just expected an editor to say to me at some point, ‘what happened here? Why don’t you fill this in? Why isn’t that there?’ And then no one ever did, and so it was like, okay, I guess it’s not that important.”

New Twilight Book Midnight Sun Includes Scene Missing From Original Story

Meyer started work on Midnight Sun after realizing Edward’s perspective would portray the story in a more exciting light, but her interest in the project wasn’t renewed until the book’s 10th-anniversary celebration. On Letters To Stephenie Meyer, the author said, “I think the real reason I got back into it was when I did that little gender-bend version of Twilight that I did a couple years ago… was that from the 10th anniversary, I think.”

Fans of the series have waited 12 long years for Midnight Sun, and many have undoubtedly pre-ordered copies already. As the entire Twilight series is told from the perspective of protagonist Bella Swan, with the exception of the part of Breaking Dawn told from Jacob Black’s point of view, getting a look into the world-famous vampire’s head is sure to inject new life into the well-known series. Meyer has stated that the character of Edward “overanalyzes everything,” so readers will definitely have many pages of Edward’s inner thoughts to lend a more in-depth look at the events of the first Twilight book. Though fans may have already read the 12 chapters available online, news of this missing piece is proof that the published copy of Midnight Sun will contain many new elements of Edward and Bella’s story for readers to sink their teeth into.