New Splatoon 3 Salmon Run Modes Hinted In Datamine

Nintendo’s Splatoon 3 launched just over a week ago, and data-miners seem to have revealed new modes that may be added to the popular Salmon Run Next Wave. Salmon Run is just one of quite a few aspects that Splatoon 3 inherited from Splatoon 2, and it has quickly become just as popular in the newest installment as it originally was. New game modes are exciting, especially for experienced higher-ranked players who have been able to master Salmon Run.Salmon Run Next Wave still has the same gameplay in Splatoon 3 as it did in the second title, but there are a few changes and upgrades. Most notably, Next Wave is playable at all times, whereas the original Salmon Run was a special event. There are also four new special weapons and two new Known Occurrences included in Next Wave, so players of Splatoon 3 have new mechanics and weapons to get used to. Splatoon‘s multiplayer game modes are one of the main reasons players are obsessed with the squid-shooter in the first place, and the third installment already has plenty to offer right after its launch.Related: How to Level Up Fast in Splatoon 3According to Nintendo Life, data miners may have also discovered some new game modes that will be available in Salmon Run Next Wave. The popular data-miner OatmealDome revealed that there may be three new Salmon Run modes called Pair, Underground, and Contest. OatmealDome states the first two will have their own pay grades and titles and Underground will have higher quotas per wave. These reveals have not been confirmed or denied by Nintendo, but OatmealDome also says they could be special events happening with the next update.

Splatoon 3 Salmon Run Next Wave May Get New Modes

Even though Splatoon 3‘s main story offers plenty of content, modes like Turf War and Salmon Run have garnered most players’ attention. Since Salmon Run Next Wave will be continuously available now, it makes sense that limited events would be included in the game mode as they are in the permanent Turf War. Since Nintendo has not revealed anything about future updates including the three supposed game modes found in the files, fans we’ll just have to wait and see.

The hype surrounding Splatoon 3 was massive since the first two franchise titles were successful and amassed a devoted community. So far, the colorful family-friendly shooter has lived up to the hype with seamless and stimulating multiplayer gameplay as well as a charming main story. While players are taking breaks from Salmon Run and waiting for the rumored special events, they can also battle Splatoon 3‘s fan-favorite boss, Shiver.