New NIGHTMARE HUNTER Yautja Officially Begins “Predator’s Bloodiest Chapter Yet”

New NIGHTMARE HUNTER Yautja Officially Begins “Predator’s Bloodiest Chapter Yet”

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Predator: The Last Hunt #2! The Predator franchise is entering its bloodiest chapter yet, one filled with presumed character conclusions, epic hero returns, and an ultra-deadly Super-Predator dubbed the ‘Nightmare Hunter’. As Theta continues her quest to eliminate every Yautja in the galaxy, she stumbles right into a trap, and this time, it’s not certain if she’ll be able to fight her way out.

In Predator: The Last Hunt #2 by Ed Brisson and Francesco Manna, Theta and her companion, Paolo, found a Predator-controlled planet where they believe the Yautja’s main Stasis Farm is located. Since Volume 2 of 20th Century Studios’ Predator storyline, fans have learned that Predators go to different planets across the galaxy to not only hunt their prey there, but also abduct their prey and keep them in stasis for upwards of nearly a century before awakening them to use as controlled prey on one of their game preserve planets.

The Predator world Theta is on in Predator: The Last Hunt is believed to be home to the master Stasis Farm, where all the abducted life-forms are kept before being awakened on any given preserve planet. However, this issue reveals that the Predators just wanted Theta to believe that. The Yautja have been trying to kill Theta for some time, so they sprung a trap by luring her to this abandoned Stasis Farm, where the only life form in sight is perhaps the most vicious Predator in the history of the franchise: a Super-Predator called the Nightmare Hunter.

New NIGHTMARE HUNTER Yautja Officially Begins “Predator’s Bloodiest Chapter Yet”


Predator Teases the Return of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutch in the Far Future of 2068

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s iconic character from 1987’s Predator, Dutch, is teased to be making a return to the franchise in the current continuity!

Predator’s Nightmare Hunter Could Be the Reason Behind the Title: ‘THE LAST HUNT’

Theta fighting a Predator.

When Predator: The Last Hunt was first announced, fans collectively pondered: whose ‘last hunt’ is this storyline going to chronicle? It seems unlikely that ‘The Last Hunt’ is referencing the series as a whole, as 20th Century Studios practically just kicked off its Predator universe – it’s not going to wrap up this early. Another possibility is the return of John Schaefer, a prominent protagonist from the Dark Horse Comics Predator series and the older brother of Dutch Schaefer. Perhaps John only returned to the franchise for fans to witness his ‘last hunt’?

However, as tragic as it may be, it seems ‘The Last Hunt’ is referring to Theta, and this Nightmare Hunter Predator may be the one to finally put her down for good. Readers have been following Theta since 20th Century Studios’ Predator Vol. 1 #1, meaning she’s been the main protagonist this entire run. Throughout that time, Theta has killed more Predators than anyone in the series’ history, but now, fans may be bearing witness to her ‘last hunt’ as she finally faces the one Predator she can’t kill: Nightmare Hunter.

Why the Nightmare Hunter Predator is an Exceptionally Deadly Foe

Fans will learn more about Nightmare Hunter in Predator: The Last Hunt #3!

A full-page look at Predator's new Super-Predator: the Nightmare Hunter.

Readers only got a glimpse of the Nightmare Hunter on the last page of Predator: The Last Hunt #2, though that was more than enough. Not only is this Super-Predator absolutely massive, but it has armored tusks, a plasma cannon at the ready, glowing red eyes locked onto its targets, the classic two-pronged claw, and – oddly enough – a katana. This Predator just oozes deadliness in ways that are often found lacking in other Yautja, but the true indication that this Predator will be the death of Theta is based on the summary for the next issue.

At the end of this issue, readers are given the summary of the next issue, along with a look at the cover art. It’s here that readers not only see an image of Theta being strangled by the Nightmare Hunter, but they are told the very name of this beast for the first time. Issue #2 doesn’t mention the Nightmare Hunter by name. That’s not until the blurb teasing the next issue, along with an image of Theta in a decidedly tight spot.

Preview for Predator: The Last Hunt #3 featuring Theta getting strangled by the Nightmare Hunter Predator.

At this point, anything about the Nightmare Hunter and the potential for this story to chronicle Theta’s ‘last hunt’ is totally speculative. However, fans won’t have to wait too much longer to find out the truth, as Predator’s new Nightmare Hunter will quickly prove why this is Predator’s bloodiest chapter yet – one Theta may not survive.

Predator: The Last Hunt #2 by 20th Century Studios is available now.

  • Predator Franchise Poster

    Created by:
    Jim Thomas, John Thomas

    First Film:

    Carl Weathers, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Peter Hall, Peter Cullen, Derek Mears, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Walton Goggins, Françoise Yip, Boyd Holbrook, Olivia Munn, Amber Midthunder, Dakota Beavers

    Predator (1987), Predator 2, Predators, Predator, Prey

    Video Game(s):
    Predator: Hunting Grounds, Predator: Concrete Jungle