New Mutants: 10 LGBTQ+ Couples From Other Comics Fans Want To See On Film

New Mutants: 10 LGBTQ+ Couples From Other Comics Fans Want To See On Film

While the New Mutants was far from the best comic book movie of all time, it had a very compelling romance between Rahne Sinclair and Danielle Moonstar. Both actors played their roles very well, showing an intriguing love story between the two and it’s a shame that this couldn’t have happened in a more critically successful movie.

Comic book movies have often been criticized for their lack of LGBT+ relationships, so it is about time that both DC and Marvel start looking into the wealth of same-see relationships in their comic books and start adapting them for a wider audience on the big screen.

Renee Montoya And Daria

New Mutants: 10 LGBTQ+ Couples From Other Comics Fans Want To See On Film

Renee Montoya recently received her big screen debut after appearing in the Birds of Prey movie. If the Birds of Prey franchise is to be continued then it would be fantastic to see Renee Montoya’s personal life explored in more detail.

In the comics, Montoya entered into a relationship with a character called Daria and their relationship was compelling. Perhaps the next movie could feature Daria in some capacity.

Apollo And Midnighter

Apollo and Midnighter kiss in space from Image Comics

DC Comics is typically known for the Justice League and the trinity of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. However, the publisher has a wealth of characters that it could call upon to include in its DCEU, introducing them to a  mainstream audience.

Two of these characters could be Apollo and Midnighter. Not only do they have a compelling relationship, but they also have a cult following in the comic books, giving the film a solid audience to build upon.

Kate Kane And Maggie Sawyer

The news that Batwoman was a lesbian provoked discussion across worldwide media when her sexuality was revealed. That being said, DC didn’t cave into the criticism and gave Batwoman one of the most compelling same-sex relationships in DC Comics.

In the comics, Kate Kane and her long-time partner Maggie Sawyer would ultimately end up getting married. Naturally, any Batwoman movie would have to include Maggie Sawyer in some description.

Hulkling And Wiccan

Hulkling and Wiccan Married Featured

Appearing in the Young Avengers comic, Hulking and Wiccan are one of the most adorable and compelling couples in the Marvel Universe, with the pair even tying the knot and getting married recently.

As the MCU continues to expand with Disney+ TV shows and, hopefully, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four, surely it will open up the possibility for a Young Avengers and Hulkling and Wiccan.

Mystique And Destiny

The X-Men and the mutants have been kept away from the MCU due to Fox’s ownership of the movie rights to those characters. However, this is set to change after Disney purchased Fox Studios, allowing for the mutants to finally enter the MCU and interact with the Avengers.

As the X-Men are destined to enter the MCU over the next few years, it would be incredible if the writers pair up Mystique with Destiny, finally allowing for a same-sex relationship on the big screen in the comic book genre.

Renee Montoya And Batwoman

While both Renee Montoya and Batwoman have had other relationships on this list, the two have had a romantic connection in the past. This could make for a particularly interesting dynamic on screen.

Renee Montoya has already been introduced in the Birds of Prey movie, so introducing a romantic dynamic between Batwoman and Renee Montoya could make for a compelling side plot.

Northstar And Kyle Jinadu

Northstar and Kyle Jinadu's marriage ceremony

Northstar was one of the first openly gay superheroes in comics and was one of the first to actually come out in a comic book. As this occurred in the early 1990s, this was a very brave and vital decision from Marvel Comics.

In 2012, Northstar became the subject of the first same-sex wedding in mainstream comics when he married his long-term lover, Kyle Jinadu.

Clayface And Teddy Lupus

This point could be considered cheating, as Clayface/ Matt Hagen and Teddy Lupus were introduced in Batman: The Animated Series. That being said, there are comics set in the Batman: The Animated Series universe, so there is a comic book connection.

The subtle relationship between Clayface and Teddy Lupus was very progressive at the time, especially for a show primarily aimed at children in an age in which homosexual relationships weren’t as widely accepted as they are today. If Clayface is to be in a future Batman movie, hopefully Teddy Lupus will also feature.

Colossus And Northstar

Colossus has already appeared on the big screen, with the most memorable appearance of the mutant being in the Deadpool movies, where he had some hilarious banter with the Merc with the Mouth. After Disney’s purchase of Fox, surely it’s only a matter of time before he reappears in the MCU.

While Northstar should obviously end up with Kyle Jinadu, it would be interesting to see a love triangle develop between Colossus, Northstar, and Kyle. Afterall, Colossus and Northstar had a thing for each other in the comics.

Poison Ivy And Harley Quinn

Poison ivy in a towel talks to Harley Quinn on a balcony

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn is DC’s favorite couple. Even since Batman: The Animated Series, Ivy and Harley Quinn shared a close bond. This bond, in the comics, matured into a romantic one, much to the delight of Harley and Ivy fans.

Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn is already impressing audiences around the world, so it is surely only a matter of time before Poison Ivy is introduced, even more so considering that Harley has broken up with the Joker in DCEU continuity.