New ‘Monsters University’ Images and Posters

New ‘Monsters University’ Images and Posters

With the 3D re-release of Monsters Inc. hitting theatres next week, promotion of its prequel, Monsters University,has been understandably ramping up. A bevy of new materials featuring Mike (Billy Crystal) and Sulley (John Goodman) during their college years has been released recently, giving moviegoers a glimpse at the monsters as they learned how to scare children and became close friends before joining the work force.

A teaser trailer released earlier this year gave us the sense that the experience at Monsters University is similar to that of most colleges. There are parties, pranks and harmless, good-natured ribbing between dormmates. The new materials continue to present that feel, showing us a younger, more playful side of the main characters.

The two new images are courtesy of Entertainment Weekly. Check them out here:


New ‘Monsters University’ Images and Posters

With these images and the teaser that was released a few months ago, we can already see the beginnings of the relationship: Sulley, the more fun-loving , extroverted young monster of the two, trying to break the reserved Mike out of his shell.

Of course, before they become friends, they clash at first as roommates with very different personalities – evidenced below by the official international poster, which was first premiered by Fandango along with the domestic poster for the film, also displayed below:

International Poster
Domestic Poster

The materials set-up a film that should be a fun introduction to the characters and the monster world, while enchanting audiences with the vibrant, colorful visuals in 3D. Although Pixar is often lauded for its genuine and authentic approach to storytelling, there’s no doubt that the animation continues to improve, making a film featuring monsters and a big imagination more of a theatrical draw.

Although Monsters Inc. was well-received and commercially successful, it is often the forgotten film amongst Pixar classics, such as Finding Nemo and the Toy Story franchise. So, although the re-release of a film that is only 11 years old might seem strange, it’s actually great strategy on the part of Disney/Pixar to jar the memories of moviegoers, while sparking interest for the upcoming prequel.

Check out Monsters University when it hits theatres on June 21, 2013.

Sources: EW, Fandango