New Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Series Gives Original Red Ranger His Best Costume Yet

New Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Series Gives Original Red Ranger His Best Costume Yet

The original Red Ranger gets his best costume in time for the new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series. The series in question, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return, takes place in an alternate universe where Jason, Trini, and Zack never left the original team. What follows instead is an even bigger sacrifice that the Rangers still feel the ramifications of 22 years later.

Before Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return by Amy Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson ends its Kickstarter campaign, the original Pink Ranger actor Amy Jo Johnson has offered a special preview on Twitter/X of Dan Mora’s character designs for the series. In addition to showing off the aged-up versions of each of the original Rangers, Jason’s Red Ranger stands out the most as, in Johnson’s words, “a middle aged badass.”

These character designs, especially Jason’s, offer a lot for readers to speculate about regarding what the series has in store.

The Red Ranger Becomes The Power Rangers’ Resident Vigilante

New Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Series Gives Original Red Ranger His Best Costume Yet

While most of the 1990s Power Rangers have moved on from their superhero duties 22 years later, Jason is the only one who has kept being a Power Ranger. The danger that Jason continues to put himself in may explain why he’s suddenly gone missing, giving his former teammates a reason to reunite in search of him. While it isn’t clear whether this is how Jason looks before or after he goes missing, the point is that he has made some slight alterations to his classic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers outfit.

He still has his Power Sword, this time with a new sheath attached to his back. Meanwhile, his opposite shoulder is covered by a shroud. It also appears that both of his forearms are bandaged (along with his left bicep), which seems to be confirmed by how his hands out of costume are also bandaged. His face appears to also be scarred, which can be seen as a sign of the bruises and scars he’s received in his vigilante adventures.

What The Red Ranger’s Look Reveals About Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return

Mighty Morphin Red Ranger

Another thing worth noting about this concept art is that all the aged-up Rangers also have Ranger outfits beside them. While it could just be showing a reference to when they were still teenagers with attitude, it could also be a hint that all the Rangers still have their powers, they just choose not to use them. After all, in this universe, Zordon has been killed off. Thus, in theory, the Rangers likely still have their morphers when no one deprived them of having them. Readers curious to know more about the secrets of the Red Ranger‘s new look can support Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return on Kickstarter now.