New Girl: The Male Characters, Ranked By Their Romantic Partner Potential

New Girl: The Male Characters, Ranked By Their Romantic Partner Potential

While New Girl focused on the friendship between Jessica Day (Zooey Deschanel) and her male roommates, there were some beloved couples in the series. Many episodes focus on the Jess and Nick love story and it was sweet watching Cece and Schmidt find each other.

There were some problems with this popular sitcom, but fans still enjoyed watching Jess and Nick dance around each other, and Jess dated some other funny guys as well. While some of the male characters on New Girl would be marriage material, others fall short and wouldn’t be worth a second date.

Gavin Schmidt

New Girl: The Male Characters, Ranked By Their Romantic Partner Potential

Schmidt’s dad Gavin (Peter Gallagher) is a total player. He’s seeing six people in the sixth season, and while Jess liked him at one point, as they kissed in one episode, no one was sure that he was a good person.

Because Gavin didn’t seem to like commitment, he would be terrible boyfriend or husband material. He seems to like his life the way that it is and doesn’t want to change, so there wouldn’t be much point in hoping that he would.


Screenshot New Girl Jess Remy Closet

Remy (Jeff Kober) is definitely a creepy landlord and since he’s divorced, it doesn’t seem like he’s great in the romance department.

He also isn’t a good potential partner as he’s a mean person who doesn’t like to take responsibility for anything. Instead of fixing issues in the apartment building, as landlords are supposed to do, he tries to get around it. Remy is a little strange and he makes Jess feel pretty uncomfortable.


Coach looking serious at a bar in New Girl

Coach (Damon Wayans Jr.) is a personal trainer and this character is only on New Girl briefly.

While he’s a funny character, Coach is conceited and one of his personality traits is that he has trouble talking to people he likes. He doesn’t even want Jess to be the gang’s roommate, as he thinks that it will mess up their dynamic. He can be a little intense and it seems like he would have to do some inner work before becoming a better potential partner. For example, Coach isn’t much fun on a date with Cece in the third season, as he barely talks to her.

Russell Schiller

Russell and Jess on a dinner date in New Girl

Russell (Dermot Mulroney) isn’t a great contender, either, as he tells Jess at the beginning of the seventh season that he got married and divorced a total of two times in the past three years. While it’s always best to reserve judgment, this might point to the fact that Russell isn’t great with commitment.

Jess finds Russell charming and he definitely has an allure, but he has trouble getting along with his ex-wife Ouli, which speaks to some commitment issues. He and Ouli seem to be attracted to each other but can’t find a way to get along and be nice to each other.

Sam Sweeney

Jess rests her head on Sam's shoulder

Sam (David Walton) is a pediatrician, and having a great career definitely gives someone points in the romantic partner department.

He would be ranked higher, but he and Jess date casually at first, and he has a hard time opening up to someone and being in a serious relationship. When he does get the courage to date her properly, he falls for someone else. These two were sweet together, but something always felt a bit off, in contrast to how well Nick and Jess always got along. But as long as he keeps up his brave streak and allows himself to be vulnerable, Sam will be a wonderful partner.

Robby McFerrin

Robby And Cece At The Zoo In New Girl

Robby (Nelson Franklin) dated Jess and Cece, and every fan of the show remembers the moment when Jess and Robby found out that they were cousins. They definitely stopped the romance after that.

Robby is a sweetheart who is a bit dorky and very insecure. When he’s with Cece, he thinks that she’s completely out of his league, and this makes things awkward between them. Robby would be a perfect partner if only he could build up some self-esteem and realize that he has a lot to offer someone in a relationship.

Nick Miller

Nick Miller shrugs and smiles in New Girl

Nick (Jake Johnson) is the right person for Jess, but it does take them a while to figure their relationship out.

While Jess is a teacher who has some quirky tendencies, Nick doesn’t function very well. That might be part of his charm, as he doesn’t understand money and he doesn’t eat well, but he’s hilarious, witty, and charming in his own way. Nick would be ranked much higher but he acts like a child a lot of the time and needs to grow up and become more mature before he can really be worthy of Jess.

Paul Genzlinger

Jess rests her head on Paul's shoulder in New Girl

Paul (Justin Long) is one of Jess’ love interests and he’s one of the best male characters on the show.

Paul is a music teacher, so he not only has a good job but one that allows him to explore his creative side, which is cool. He also gets engaged, which proves that he isn’t afraid of commitment. For these reasons, Paul has great potential to be someone’s romantic partner. He has an odd side to him, which makes him interesting. It also seems like he really wants to be in a serious relationship, and that’s half the battle.

Winston Bishop

Winston smiling and pointing at someone

Winston (Lamorne Morris) loves his cat, which is one of the most endearing things about him.

Winston is the second-best potential romantic partner on the show. He’s quirky, has a great sense of humor, and he’s a kind person. He loves his roommates and treats them like family, and when he and Aly (Nasim Pedrad) start dating and are expecting a baby, it’s clear that he can commit. Winston might be silly and loves playing pranks on his pals, but he can be serious when necessary.

Winston Schmidt

new girl schmidt

Schmidt (Max Greenfield) and Cece are perfect together, and many funny New Girl episodes focus on the couple.

Schmidt is the best romantic partner on the show, as he really has it all. He’s got a good career, an ambitious nature, and he likes to work hard. When he and Cece have their daughter Ruth in the final season, he realizes that he loves being a stay-at-home dad, and he isn’t afraid to admit it. Schmidt treats Cece so well and he loves and respects her. He’s also an amazing father, as he wants Ruth to be whoever she wants to be and he supports her no matter what. Cece is lucky to have Schmidt, and when compared to all the other male characters on New Girl, he’s the readiest to have a long-lasting partnership.