New Girl: The 10 Best Decisions Jess Made

New Girl: The 10 Best Decisions Jess Made

As the main character in New Girl, Jess does a fantastic job of being the heart of the show. Although the audience is absolutely in love with the rest of her roommates, the show really works at its best with her storylines. She experiences a lot of hardship along the way, but thankfully, it all works out in the end quite nicely. She grows amazing friendships with the people around her, while also becoming a far more complete character by the end of the series.

A big reason behind this clear fact is that she makes a lot of good decisions along the way. A lot of fans believe that she is the smartest character in the loft, and there is a lot of evidence to back up this claim, too. This is especially the case when it comes to the action she takes when it comes to her personal life, which makes her overall story very captivating to the audience.

If Jess does not make these decisions, her entire life could have been far different. Thus, it is impossible to truly measure the significance of them all.

When She Moves Into The Loft

New Girl: The 10 Best Decisions Jess Made

When Jess moves into the loft, it ends up being perhaps the best decision for her in the entire show. Upon meeting her new roommates, she is an immensely rough state, as Spencer cheats on her and she is heartbroken.

However, from the very beginning, she bonds with the gang and builds very close relationships with them all. So, even though things are extremely hard at first, it surely works out far better than she ever could have imagined.

When She Gets Her Stuff Back From Spencer

Jess getting her stuff back from Spencer

Jess have every right to be angry with Spencer after he cheats on her, but she does eventually let go of those emotions. In fact, she even aims to keep a healthy friendship with him, which is why she is having trouble getting her stuff back from their old place.

After receiving help from her new roommates, she gains the courage to confront him. She even takes all of her stuff back in one trip, which is impressive when seeing how much she has to carry in the process. However, this is a big item off the agenda, as it allows her to finally get her closure.

When She Is Honest About Her Feelings With Paul

Jess and Paul when dating

When Jess and Paul are dating, it seems that they are the perfect match. They are both quirky and possess a mutual love for music, but it is not as nice as it seems. This is because of the fact that Jess feels that Paul’s feelings are far more intense than her own.

After Nick accidentally tells Paul that Jess is not in love with him, it leads to Paul breaking up with her. Although she is sad about this, it is very admirable of her to not deny this as it was the truth. It also marks the end of a relationship that just never was going anywhere for her.

When She Uncalls It With Nick

Jess and Nick before making their relationship official

After Nick kisses Jess, it really makes her realize that she has real feelings for him. However, due to the fact that it occurs when she is with Sam, she does deny it for a good amount of time. However, the two begin to explore their feelings more.

Yet, when Nick joins in on sabotaging Cece’s wedding after Jess wrongly accuses him of doing so, he decides to call off their romantic dynamic. This leads to Jess later “uncalling” it, and the pair officially begin to date one another in a serious manner.

When She Breaks Up With Ryan

Jess and Ryan standing and smiling

When Jess and Ryan date, they face a very hard obstacle in the fact that the latter has to move back to England. It is very challenging for Jess especially, as this leads Ryan to miss a lot of important events, such as Thanksgiving.

After Nick is honest with her that she needs a boyfriend who will be there for her, it leads to her ending things with him. Nick is a fantastic friend in this instance, as he helps Jess realize that she deserves a better dynamic, especially because this one makes her so sad.

When She Tells Schmidt That Cece Still Loves Him

Schmidt proposes to Cece on New Girl

After Schmidt and Fawn break up, it opens the door again for Cece. At this point of the series, Cece is hiding her deep feelings for Schmidt and makes Jess swear to not tell him. Yet, after Schmidt opens up about feeling the same way about Cece, Jess ends up breaking her promise and telling him.

Although it is clearly hard for her to do this, it ultimately is the right choice. In fact, Cece certainly benefits from it, too, as Schmidt immediately proposes to her and the pair marry in the following season.

When She Gets Back With Nick

Jess and Nick on the elevator before kissing

After her break-up with Sam, Jess comes to terms with the fact that she is not over Nick. However, she realizes this at the worst time, as Nick is beginning a brand new relationship with Reagan. Thus, she bottles up her feelings towards him for quite some time.

Yet, after Nick ends up dumping Reagan, Schmidt helps him realize that he is actually still in love with Jess, too. Thus, this leads Nick and Jess finally getting back together, which remains constant for the rest of the series.

When She Quits Her Job After Being Taken Advantage Of

Jess doing work for Principal Cavatappi

It is clear that Jess is a wonderful teacher, but she always finds herself in very challenging situations. This is due to the fact that her employers often take advantage of her high energy and spectacular work ethic.

Yet, after Principal Cavatappi gives her all of her work to do on numerous occasions, while also being extremely rude in the process, Jess finally quits. It is so satisfying when she does this, as it is clear that she deserves so much better.

When She Adopts Mario

Jess holding Mario

Throughout the entire series, it is clear that Jess loves animals. So when she has the opportunity to interview again for a new puppy, she tries very hard to leave a better impression. It is challenging, though, as the interviewer clearly is put off by Jess’ high excitement towards it.

Yet, she thankfully is successful this time around and is able to adopt the cutest pup, Mario. It is a nice element to the series, as it marks the beginning of her family with Nick, which is amazing to see.

When She Marries Nick

Jess and Nick at their wedding

One of the biggest wishes that the audience has while watching New Girl is Nick and Jess getting married. Thankfully, this does occur in the final season, which of course is one of Jess’ best decisions. The same can be said for Nick, too.

These two are perfect together, even if they have their bouts of conflict along the way. It also is wonderful seeing the flashforward in the finale, as it shows that Jess and Nick now have a son, too.