New Girl: 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously Meme-Worthy

New Girl: 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously Meme-Worthy

With its hilarious storylines and unique characters, New Girl’s brand of quirky comedy endeared fans to the gang in apartment 4D and led the show to air for seven seasons. And despite the fact that the show has been over for years, there are still some underrated lines that stick out in fans’ minds.

From snarky insults between friends to the amusing jams Jess, Winston, Schmidt, and Nick got themselves into, there are hundreds of priceless, meme-worthy quotes from the show that don’t get the recognition they deserve.

Jess at a bar

“I’ll take the strongest drink you have, and also a wine spritzer on the side in case I don’t like it”

New Girl: 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously Meme-Worthy

After a rough day trying to usher her friends off to their various destinations for Christmas, Jess heads to an airport bar, looking to blow off steam and ease the anxiety she has about visiting her boyfriend and coworker’s family in England.

At the bar, she asks for the strongest drink she can get and a wine spritzer on the side. The meme is perfect for picky people who know exactly what they like.

Nick and Responsibility

“I’ve never been an inspiration before. I don’t like this much responsibility”

Nick in New Girl

In this episode, Winston is questioning his career choices and feeling wanting to find his passion. Meanwhile, Nick is going above and beyond trying to prank Schmidt into thinking that he is aging rapidly.

Inspired by Nick’s passion for pranking Schmidt, Winston asks for a promotion at work and becomes a producer of a radio talk show. This meme could work for anyone who didn’t expect their friend to take their advice.

Jess and her time of the month

“I was sabotaged by my baby box”

Jess in New Girl

Jess is unemployed and searching for a new job, while also experiencing the multitude of emotions that one may have on their period.

However, during her interview she ends up crying over a photo of a puppy and in a teacup, wrecking her opportunity to get the job. When Schmdit asks how the interview went, she screams that her babybox sabotaged her, making an excellent meme for anyone to use during that time of the month.

Schmidt’s Positive Outlook

“The economy stinks, bees are dying, and movies are pretty much all sequels now”

Schmidt in a blue suit in New Girl

While going through a groin injury that is impacting his budding relationship with CeCe, Schmidt tries to cheer Jess up after she breaks up with Russell.

After a failed attempt to help her move on, he tells her that she is not the only one who is hurting in the world. The quote makes an excellent meme to send to friends when they need a little reminder of the big picture.

Jess is left alone

“I’m probably fine but I might also be dead”

A slighlty surprised Jess talks to someone

After the guys leave Jess alone at home so they can meet women at the bar, Jess starts hearing scratching at the door. Jess’s pension for dramatics leads her to barricade herself in the loft with a homemade spear.

She calls Sam, CeCe, and the guys, begging them to return to protect her. She tells Sam that she is probably fine but might also be dead. This New Girl meme would work for anyone with the flair for the dramatic like Jess.

Winston’s Birthday

“I got my own damn cake and you can’t have none”

Winston Bishop looking unimpressed in New Girl

After Jess and Nick finally moved their relationship forward and spent the night together, the two are interrupted by Jess’s dad and a potential job opportunity for Jess. CeCe is preparing for her wedding and Schmidt is trying to rebuild his relationship with Elizabeth.

The gang is too busy with their own problems to remember Winston’s Birthday. He repeatedly believes they are surprising him with a party to no avail. Finally, Winston buys himself a big birthday cake to eat all himself, making a perfect meme for anyone who doesn’t like to share food.

Schmidt’s Anger

“I’m as mad as a dad in traffic”

Schmidt mad as a dad in traffic in New Girl

This scene is an excellent meme to express irrational anger and it’s begging to be sent to any dad. After it appears that his big interview for Buisness, Man Magazine has fallen through due to a technical issue with their new landline, Schmidt hilariously yells that his is mad as a dad in traffic.

While he eventually completes the interview, the line makes for a great and relatable meme that can apply to a plethora of situations.

Nick’s Opinion On People

“People are the worst”

Nick and Jess talking in the elevator in New Girl

Nick and Jess are fighting about the landlord. Jess believes he is friendly and nice, Nick believes he is creepy and trying to sleep with Jess. Jess tells Nick that he always believes the worst in people. Nick quips back that it is because people are the worst.

While Nick ends up being right about the landlord, his line also makes for a great meme for those frustrated with the world.

Winston’s Interrupted Sleep

“Saturday is a day for sleeping”

Winston and Furguson together in New Girl

While Nick is trying to date multiple women at once, the two women run into each other when one returns to the loft to look for her scarf. They start loudly fighting while Nick tries to break it up.

Jess and CeCe are also fighting about CeCe secretly dating Schmidt. Winston yells at the group for waking him up, shouting that Saturday is a day for sleeping. In this scene, Winston is relatably that guy who loves to sleep in on the weekends.

Schmidt’s Friendship Requirements

“As my best friend, I expect you to be willing to sacrifice everything for me at a moment’s notice”

Schmidt is reeling in the aftermath of CeCe’s failed wedding. He is trying to choose between Elizabeth and CeCe even though he loves them both. Nick has run off to Mexico with Jess and is ignoring his calls.

He turns to Winston to help him work through his problems, demanding a little too much from Winston. This meme would work for any friend who expects a lot from their friends.