New Girl: 10 Times Nick Is Smarter Than Others Think

New Girl: 10 Times Nick Is Smarter Than Others Think

When it comes to the roommates at the center of New Girl, they all have their quirks. Schmidt is obsessed with the hygiene of his friends, Winston Bishop is obsessed with his cat, and Jessica Day makes up songs about herself. Nick Miller might take the cake since he does things like dry meat in a bucket in his closet and wishes to be a truck driver on Mars.

Those things might sound ridiculous to the audience (and his roommates), and he might even repeatedly be the butt of jokes when he uses the wrong words or phrases, but Nick is actually much more intelligent than his roommates give him credit for. There are many times throughout the series that it’s evident some of his ignorance is willful or even part of a facade.

He Keeps The Loft In Working Order

New Girl: 10 Times Nick Is Smarter Than Others Think

Apartment 4D is kind of a death trap. Every single person who willingly lives there is making one hugely questionable decision. One of the light switches sparks when it’s used, the garbage disposal is kept in check with an old broom handle, and the toilet can’t be flushed unless the bathroom sink tap is already running.

The thing is, all of these dangerous things are kept in working order by Nick. He’s the one who figures out how to route the water through a bottle and into other pipes to keep the bathroom from flooding. Likewise, he comes up with the system to wrangle the garbage disposal. Schmidt wants a “fancy fix” on all of these things, but it’s Nick who, without spending a dime, manages to keep their electricity and water running. He also stole the cable from the neighbors, which, while unethical, speaks to his capability.

He Writes A Book

Nick writing his book in New Girl

Some will argue that with a story in their head, anyone can write a book. Writing a book, however, takes serious commitment, something that Nick seems incapable of. After all, he includes a word search with no actual words in his first zombie novel that he gives to Winston to read. It shows immense growth that Nick is even able to finish that first book.

What’s important here is that Nick writes The Pepperwood Chronicles after being told repeatedly that he can’t do it by his friends. By all accounts, he comes up with a cohesive story that captures the imaginations of teenagers and that Schmidt has “no notes” for. A publisher even seeks Nick out.

He Passes The Bar Exam

Nick pointing his thumb at a smiling Schmidt in New Girl

One of the things the audience learns about Nick early in the show is that he dropped out of law school and started tending bar. Becoming a lawyer is incredibly demanding. There’s a lot of memorization, a lot of jargon that has to be understood, and that’s just at the surface level. A law school student would also have to figure out just what area of the law they wanted to specialize in.

Nick doesn’t drop out because he couldn’t do the work. He drops out because he didn’t like the person he was becoming. In fact, the audience also finds out that he’s the first in his family to go to college at all. Proving that he could have followed that path if he so chose, Nick passes the bar exam without ever finishing school. He could have legally practiced law in the state of California; he chose not to.

Nick Takes Care Of His Family

Nicks Brother And Cousin In New Girl Episode Chicago

The season 2 episode “Chicago” shows a completely different side of Nick. He’s the one his roommates always have to take care of in Los Angeles, but back home in Chicago, he’s the one who takes care of everyone else.

Not only is he quick to see that the kids running through the house need a distraction, but he’s also quick to make his little brother productive, calm his mother’s nerves, handle the family finances, plan (most of) his dad’s funeral, and clean up around the house. It’s a complete 180 from the person the audience has seen. Nick is entirely capable of understanding all of the grown-up things he pretends not to understand in the loft; he just doesn’t want to shoulder the responsibilities when he doesn’t have to.

He Encourages Jess To Date Russell

Russell and Jess on a dinner date in New Girl

This particular point might seem counterintuitive for the fans who see Nick and Jess as the endgame relationship from early in the show, but it demonstrates that Nick had more emotional intelligence than people give him credit for.

Jess is someone who has, by her own admission, never really been attracted to successful people. Nick tells her that dating Russell will be “good for” her once he meets him, and he’s right. Jess and Russell might not ultimately be right for one another, but Jess gets to experience a “grown-up” relationship and figure out what she really wants. If Nick hadn’t continued to push her, she might have missed out on that.

Nick Is In Charge Of The Bar’s Finances

Nick works behind the bar while his friends chat with him at the bar in New Girl

When Nick and Schmidt become owners of the bar, it seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Surprisingly, it works out really well for them. Nick already knows the bar inside and out, after all.

However, he is also the one responsible for “doing the receipts” for their accountant, not Schmidt. It seems like Schmidt would be the one more likely to take on that task, but Nick actually understands what it means to track the bar’s expenses and profits.

He Discourages Schmidt From A Racist Chat With Winston

new girl winston nick schmidt

Schmidt has a moment in which he attempts to show how much he cares about Winston without actually thinking about the implications of what he’s doing. After seeing Winston interact with a group of Black guests at the bar, Schmidt worries that Winston is being limited by living with three Caucasian roommates.

When he goes to Nick with this worry, Nick’s response is that Schmidt should let it go because “Winston has been Black his whole life; I think he knows how to handle it.” Nick definitely has a better handle on the situation than Schmidt, though the latter doesn’t listen to him.

He Knows Remy Is Into Jess

Winston, Jess, and Nick watching Remy in the New Girl episode Landlord

When Jess calls their landlord for help with a few repairs, the guys are all vehemently against it. They find him strange and appear to fear him a bit. It only takes Nick a few minutes with Remy, however, to see what no one else in the apartment sees.

Remy isn’t just a little hostile toward them; he happens to be into Jess. Jess herself doesn’t see it and ends up inviting Remy to dinner. What ensues is one of the most ridiculous of misunderstandings as it turns out Remy is definitely into her — and not opposed to Nick being there for the evening either.

He Sees A Career Path For Cece

Cece, Schmidt, and Nick behind the bar in New Girl

When Cece stops modeling, she finds herself a little lost. She decides to go back to school for a while and works at the bar with Nick to make sure she’s got a steady paycheck. It’s Nick who first sees Cece’s potential as management.

Nick is all ready to make Cece manager of the bar to lessen his own workload because he knows she can be tough on people and that she’s also a hard worker. The observation of her talking to another model about a contract makes him realize that she shouldn’t just be any manager, but that she should manage models. It sets her on her career path for the rest of the show.

Nick Channels Michael Keaton

Schmidt and Nick sit on the curb in New Girl S3E06 Keaton

One of the first hints that Nick could make a living as a writer is his ability to convince Schmidt that his emails are from actor Michael Keaton. For years, Nick gives Schmidt advice as Keaton with Schmidt none the wiser.

Not only does Nick manage to be convincing enough for Schmidt, but when Jess discovers the ruse and wants to use it to their advantage, he’s able to coach her through writing as Keaton as well. Nick has a knack for understanding what Schmidt needs to hear.