New Girl: 10 Quotes That Live Rent-Free In Fans’ Heads

New Girl: 10 Quotes That Live Rent-Free In Fans’ Heads

Even though New Girl came to an end in 2018, it is still a fan-favorite sitcom for its quirky and lovable characters and creative dialogue including lines that fans quote constantly.

The show had memorable scenes, especially whenever Schmidt lost himself in anger, whether he was angry at his daughter’s school or at Nick’s many times when he was both a bad and good friend. Whether it is Nick sarcastically quipping about his older man personality or Winston describing a typical Saturday, every fan has their favorite New Girl quote.

“You Were Denied A Cell Phone Because You Have The Credit Score Of A Homeless Ghost.” – Winston

New Girl: 10 Quotes That Live Rent-Free In Fans’ Heads

One of Nick’s main character traits on New Girl is that he has no idea how to approach serious adult financial situations, including building his credit or obtaining health insurance. This quote from Winston paints a memorable image of Nick’s current credit score status.

It wasn’t enough for New Girl to just remind the audience of this character trait, the show gave Winston a hilarious and memorable line and had a flashback scene of Nick attempting to buy a phone and the employees gathering to talk about the stunningly low credit score.

“I’ve Done Things. I Wrote Half A Book About Zombies.” – Nick

New Girl's Nick writing his book

Nick is one of the funniest characters on New Girl and his countless quotable and memorable lines prove it. Nick’s many attempts at writing a book throughout the series are both memorable and relatable and this one quote sums up the multiple tries.

Nick is a struggling writer, and like the rest of the main group of friends, he also wants to be able to prove that he’s accomplishing things as he grows up, including writing half a book about zombies.

“You Gave Me Cookie, I Got You Cookie, Man!” – Nick

Schmidt reacting angrily at Nick's cookie gift

Nick and Schmidt hold each other together and support each other and have some hilarious and lovable moments in their relationship. One of the most memorable scenes is when Nick tries to show Schmidt that he cares by giving him a black and white cookie.

Schmidt is constantly doing things for his friends and is upset when they don’t appreciate the kind things he does, so when Nick doesn’t properly thank him for the dessert he brought him, Schmidt has one of his classic tantrums. Nick brings him a cookie and they get into a hilarious argument, as Schmidt doesn’t understand why Nick brought him a cookie in return and Nick breaks down screaming.

“I Brake For Birds. I Rock A Lot Of Polka Dots. I Have Touched Glitter In The Last 24 Hours! And That Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Smart And Tough And Strong.” – Jess

Zooey Deschanel as Jess Day holding folders with both hands against her chest

Jess is a creative and unique character who usually has a difficult time standing up to people because she wants everyone to like her, but Nick’s girlfriend Julia pushes her buttons enough to get this memorable quote from Jess.

This quote is relatable and fans remember it because it’s a good summary of Jess and a great quote that could give any confidence if someone underestimates them.

“If I Were Off My Rocker, Would I Take A Weekly Selfie With My Cat?” – Winston

Ferguson and Winston in New Girl

It took awhile for Winston to be a fully developed character with multiple quirks, just like the rest of the main group, but his beloved cat Ferguson helped to make him one of the best characters of the series.

Winston loves Ferguson so much that he constantly spends the day with the cat taking weekly selfies, among other things, and it’s a memorable line for anyone who loves their pet as dearly as Winston loves Ferguson.

“It’s Perfectly Fine To Watch TV All Day.” – Nick

Nick in college on New Girl

Nick is arguably the most universally relatable character on the show and fans probably quote his lines the most since he has such memorable dialogue.

Nick says that it’s perfectly fine to watch television all day and he does this on more than one occasion as a way to relax on a day off of work.

“A White Man?! No!” – Schmidt

Schmidt getting upset about a man breaking into Ruth's school in New Girl

This is another quote that’s more about the entire scene and it only lasts about 20 seconds, but it’s one of the most memorable Schmidt scenes for fans. Schmidt races to his daughter Ruth’s school when he gets a confusing call from her at work.

Schmidt runs into the school and talks to a student who says that a white man broke into their school, not knowing it was Nick trying to pick up his daughter, Schmidt freaks out screaming about how it’s typical security did nothing.

“Saturday Is A Day For Sleeping, And Damn It, You Will Not Take That Away From Me!” – Winston

Winston on couch with an amused expression

This quote from Winston is always a relatable mood for anyone who appreciates a relaxing weekend off from a busy work week.

The line is easily recognizable and endlessly quotable, as most fans would agree with Winston. The over the top way the line is delivered is hilarious, as Winston is about to break down over his roommates keeping him awake on his Saturday day of rest.

“I Like Getting Older. I Feel Like I’m Finally Aging Into My Personality.” – Nick

Nick Miller as Pepperwood in season 2 of New Girl

New Girl‘s Nick has many relatable moments and his grumpy old man personality is one of the most things fans connect with the most.

Most of the other characters have to reckon with growing older throughout the series, but Nick is excited to age because he’s always had the personality of an older man. The show flashes back to him as a kid screaming at other kids to keep a Frisbee out of his yard and at an ice cream truck to turn its music down.

“I’m As Mad As A Dad In Traffic!” – Schmidt

Schmidt mad as a dad in traffic in New Girl

Schmidt is known for his hilarious constant overreactions and he both grows and regresses throughout New Girl. The way he goes over the top over little issues is one of many fans’ favorite things about this character.

This quote is one of Schmidt’s best lines as it’s easy to remember, an instantly recognizable reference, doesn’t require the context of the scene, and even better imagining Schmidt yelling it with his typical fierce intensity.