New Girl: 10 Most Romantic Nick Miller Quotes

New Girl: 10 Most Romantic Nick Miller Quotes

The sitcom New Girl is best known for its hilarious cast and their chemistry, but the show could get serious once in a while. It could also handle some pretty romantic exchanges. While most fans would argue that the romance between Cece and Schmidt stood out more than the will-they-won’t-they nature of Jess and Nick, that doesn’t mean Nick didn’t have some romantic moments.

In fact, the bulk of Nick’s most romantic scenes in the series with Jess. Even some of his lines that were played for laughs or said in the midst of an argument were actually pretty sweet.

“It Doesn’t Matter Because I Like You A Lot.”

New Girl: 10 Most Romantic Nick Miller Quotes

At the start of season 3, Schmidt actively tries to sabotage the relationship between Jess and Nick because he blames them for interfering in his own love life. He puts the two of them in a position to talk about their feelings, believing Nick won’t do it.

From the pilot episode of New Girl, Nick is clearly the roommate who has the hardest time dealing with his feelings, but by the time he says this, he’s ready to attempt to talk. Nick, much to Schmidt’s surprise, suddenly starts opening up to Jess in the middle of an argument, telling her all of the things he likes about her – and the things he doesn’t. According to Nick, it doesn’t matter if she has qualities that annoy him because of how much he likes her. It’s a big step in growing up for Nick, and definitely a stand-out moment in his romantic journey.

“She’s Got That Giant Heart That’s Part Compass And Part Flashlight, And She’s Just The Greatest Person I’ve Ever Met.”

Nick in New Girl

Like most of Nick’s romantic lines, this one is about Jess. It’s not, however, said to her, but in a conversation with her father Bob when the two aren’t even speaking. In fact, it’s said when Nick hasn’t even figured out that he’s still in love with her, but when Jess is avoiding him.

While some relatives of New Girl characters only make a single appearance, Jess’ father plays a larger role, especially when it comes to Nick and Jess. Though he has his doubts about the two of them initially, he grows to really care about Nick, and the way Nick talks about Jess is part of what convinces him that the two are perfect for one another. When they have this conversation while Nick is trying to contact Jess, Bob figures out how Nick feels about Jess, even if Nick isn’t yet on the same page.

“Now We’re Both In The Same Amount Of Pain!”

Jess and Nick stand in the middle as Cece finds out Schmidt has been cheating on her in New Girl

In the season 3 episode “Double Date,” Nick and Jess discover that Schmidt has been cheating on Cece with Elizabeth, and they want to make sure that she learns the truth. While racing to get to the restaurant where they’re supposed to go on a double date, Jess accidentally shocks herself on the car’s cigarette lighter.

Nick wants to more than just sympathize with her; he wants to share her pain. It’s sweet, and he puts his own finger in the cigarette lighter to demonstrate, which results in this line. It’s misguided, but it shows how much Nick cares about her.

“I Fell In Love With Jess The Minute She Walked Through The Door.”

Caroline at the wedding in New Girl

Caroline and Jess never get along. That might be because Jess hears how horrible Caroline is from Schmidt, Coach, and Winston. It also might be because Jess is presented as Nick’s girlfriend (though she isn’t) when Caroline first meets her. Regardless, they don’t become friends.

When Caroline runs into them long after Nick breaks up with her, she wants to know what the reason for the split was and she suspects that he had feelings for Jess all along. While Nick admits to that with this line that’s a revelation for Jess and the audience, he also is quick to clarify that he never cheated on Caroline. The admission acts as a way to explain why Nick is so reluctant to live with Jess in the pilot episode for fans who didn’t understand his hostility.

“I’m Really Fighting The Urge To Buy You A Lobster Dinner Right Now.”

Jess and Nick stand together outside the venue for Ceces first wedding in New Girl

In Nick’s head, a lobster dinner for a date is the epitome of romance. That’s why this line comes across as romantic despite being played for laughs.

When Nick and Jess decide to officially give a relationship a try, despite being roommates and all the complications that could arise, this line is a nod to him tempering his feelings for her. It makes the audience laugh while still showing he’s serious.

“This Is The Coin I Had In My Pocket The First Time We Kissed, And I Always Have It.”

Jess and Nick wearing birthday hats at the movies on New Girl

Nick always claims that he isn’t particularly sentimental but it’s clearly a lie he tells himself. He’s so sentimental he keeps a coin from the first time he kissed Jess in his pocket at all times.

Nick reveals the secret in a video made for Jess’ birthday in season 3. In any of his other relationships, Nick might have considered something like this embarrassing, but with Jess, he’s willing to admit it on a recording that’s played for all of her friends. That’s Nick’s version of romance.

“Jessica Night Is The Whole Reason Pepperwood Gets Out Of Bed Everyday!”

Poster of a meet-and-greet for Nick's book, The Pepperwood Chronicles

When Nick pens the first of The Pepperwood Chronicles, it’s clear that several things are inspired by the people in his life. A publisher, however, doesn’t realize that and discusses killing his Jessica Night character off when he writes a sequel.

That idea doesn’t sit well with Nick at all since Night is based on Jessica Day and Julius Pepperwood, the titular character of his novel, is based on himself. It’s sweet that he can’t bring himself to kill off the character, but that realization also helps him understand his feelings for Jess (along with Schmidt’s talk right before, of course).

“I Realized Something… I’d Do Anything For You, Jess.”

Jess talks to a bank employee while Nick sits at their desk in New Girl

Early in their first attempt at a relationship, Jess tries to get Nick to grow up before he’s really ready to. One of the things she does is use a sudden windfall to pay his bills, which leads to an argument about, among other things, banks.

Nick ends up surprising Jess when he decides to open a bank account, and his explanation is that he’s discovered he’d do anything for her. Opening a bank account might not seem like the most romantic of actions, but for Nick, it’s a big step.

“I’ve Had The Time Of My Life…”

Coach, Nick, and Schmidt sing to Jess in the New Girl pilot

This particular quote isn’t one said by Nick, but instead, sung by him. It happens in the pilot episode of the series, and while it doesn’t have to be interpreted as romantic, it certainly feels that way when the audience knows more about how Nick viewed Jess upon first meeting her.

The line in question comes from “I’ve Had (The Time Of My Life)” that Nick and his roommates hear repeatedly while Jess watches Dirty Dancing over and over after moving in. Nick knows that it cheers Jess up, so he sings to her, and gets the guys to join in (with the wrong words) when they discover her first date since her breakup stood her up. It’s one of the most memorable musical scenes in New Girl, but also speaks to Nick’s deeper feelings for her.

“… Even When I Don’t Want You There, You’re There. That’s What A Husband Does… You’re A Great Husband To Me.”

Nick and Schmidt ride on a motorcycle together in New Girl

This is one of the few romantic lines in the series that Nick gives that isn’t about or said to Jess. Instead, it’s said to Schmidt. Nick has a longer speech he gives Schmidt when the latter is worried that he won’t be a good husband for Cece.

Nick points out that Schmidt isn’t just a good friend to him – Schmidt acts like his husband. He reminds Schmidt how much he really takes care of him – like cooking for him, combing his hair when he’s passed out, and just being there for him. Everything that Nick points out to Schmidt are things Nick wholeheartedly believes Schmidt will do for his wife, which makes their relationship just as sweet as Schmidt’s with Cece, despite their bickering.