New Girl: 10 Most Cringeworthy Parts, According To Reddit

New Girl: 10 Most Cringeworthy Parts, According To Reddit

While New Girl is beloved for being a light-hearted sitcom about the super quirky Jess and her roommates, sometimes the show can be a bit too awkward. From storylines that don’t seem necessary to Jess’s behavior during one of her major relationships, viewers have noticed that there are some scenes and episodes that make them wince.

When looking back on the story of the ups and downs of Jess’s love life and how she gets along with her roommates and best friends, New Girl fans have found some cringe-inducing moments, and they’re talking about them on Reddit.

Jess And Robby’s Relationship

New Girl: 10 Most Cringeworthy Parts, According To Reddit

Robby is one of Jess’s worst New Girl love interests since fans find out that they’re actually related to each other, which definitely changes everything.

Redditor missleeann said that when it comes to cringeworthy parts of the show, it’s “Any moment with Robbie now that we know they are 3rd cousins.” When rewatching the sitcom, it’s impossible not to wince during scenes between the two characters knowing the ruth.

Nick Rents Out The Spare Room

Schmidt looking serious on New Girl

When Jess leaves for jury duty in season 5, different people rent out the spare room in the loft, and before Regan comes along, a family begins living there in the episode.

Redditor bri_an_h doesn’t like that the daughter constantly does impressions of Al Pacino and wrote, “it’s just so much cringe.” This isn’t a very popular storyline with fans as viewers like when the main characters all live in the loft together. It’s also awkward because Schmidt isn’t happy with it.

Why Do Nick And Jess Keep Saying “Weird?”

Nick and Jess in the elevator on New Girl

Several Redditors pointed out the season 2 scene when Jess and Nick repeat the word “weird” to each other. Redditor Annabanna86 wrote that they will “Cringe whenever I get to that scene in an otherwise funny episode.”

While Nick and Jess have a sweet relationship that fans like seeing evolve over the seasons, it’s true that several viewers question why this particular scene is necessary. Since fans already know that the characters are super quirky, it doesn’t seem like it needed to happen.

Sam Gets A Restraining Order Against Jess

Jess rests her head on Sam's shoulder

When New Girl fans debate Jess and Sam’s relationship, the season 5 episode “300 Feet” often comes up, as it’s a moment when Jess makes some poor decisions.

Redditor ThatssoAria finds “The entire restraining order plot” to be cringeworthy, and it does seem odd that Jess would stalk Sam so much that he would have to get a restraining order against her. Jess should be more mature and respectful and understand that everyone needs space.

Jess Is A Bit Cringeworthy In The First Few Seasons

Jess steps out of the shower in a pink swimsuit in the New Girl pilot

Jess is known as quite possibly the quirkiest sitcom character, and while many love her sense of humor and ability to always be herself, some fans wish that she would be a bit less intense.

Redditor tswift242 notes that Jess is “cringe-worthy” at the beginning of the sitcom but the show “retains a good amount of her awkwardness and similar characteristics, they tone her way down.”

Schmidt Has A Sexist Storyline

Schmidt gives a thumbs up in New Girl

While Schmidt is a beloved character, he can also be offensive in several scenes, including one storyline in particular.

Redditor TheSouthernOtter hates when “Schmidt shows his new apartment to Winston and Coach and all the ‘bangable’ spots.” This definitely isn’t funny and it doesn’t seem like a necessary plot, and there are many instances when fans want the characters to be more polite and respectful.

Jess Wants Her Parents To Get Back Together

Joan and Bob sitting at the Thanksgiving table on New Girl

While Jess makes some good decisions on New Girl, she makes some bad ones, too, and sometimes fans wish that they could give her some helpful advice.

In one Thanksgiving episode, Jess hopes that her parents Joan and Rob can reunite, and when there are problems, Jess acts out of character. Redditor cuppincake cringes when Jess “has a temper tantrum and dumps the turkey in the sink when she doesn’t get her way.”

The Season 4 Episode “The Right Thing”

Split image of Jess, Nick, and Schmidt on New Girl

In the season 4 episode “The Right Thing,” Jess learns that Pete, who she has been dating casually, has died. She goes to his funeral because she sent him a dirty text message and wanted to delete it.

Redditor cuppaclouds finds this to be a cringeworthy episode and wrote, “Jess was weird and self righteous attending the funeral for literally no rational reason.” It does seem like Jess could just let this go.

Jess Eats Someone Else’s Birthday Cake

Split image of Jess holding cake and Jess and Nick looking surprised on New Girl

Redditor tshmosk doesn’t like the season 3 episode “Birthday” and said that Jess is “selfish and cringey in that episode.”

It’s awkward when Jess sees a birthday cake in a park and starts enjoying it when it’s actually for a young girl. It seems odd that she would assume that she could just eat it. This is a good example of a time on New Girl when Jess is immature.

Schmidt’s Behavior When Cece Gets Surgery

Schmidt and Cece in their bed, looking over confused and startled

Schmidt and Cece definitely go through some growing pains while they’re dating and before they get married and start raising their sweet and adorable daughter Ruth.

Redditor english_rose86 found it cringeworthy when Cece has breast reduction surgery and “Schmidt felt entitled to be upset about Cece’s choice” and he “wanted to ‘say goodbye’ to them.” One Redditor agreed, “that just felt wrong.”