New Girl: 10 Hilarious Times Schmidt Had To Put Money In The Douchebag Jar

New Girl: 10 Hilarious Times Schmidt Had To Put Money In The Douchebag Jar

One of the best running gags of New Girl is the infamous Douchebag Jar. Fans who have watched the series all the way through know that Schmidt’s character has changed a lot throughout the seasons. By the finale, he is a thoughtful, committed, and loving husband and father.

However, fans also know that Schmidt was not always this way. He started off the series as, well, a douchebag. He was a ladies-man and honestly sometimes just a jerk. Yet as time went on Schmidt’s personality improved and the Douchebag Jar slowly began to fade away. The beloved running gag finally met its end when Schmidt married Cece and he smashed the jar during their wedding ceremony.  But just because the jar is gone doesn’t mean fans can’t still enjoy Schmidt’s past jar-worthy moments. Here are 10 hilarious times Schmidt had to put money in the Douchebag Jar.

Ladies Love Schmidt

New Girl: 10 Hilarious Times Schmidt Had To Put Money In The Douchebag Jar

In the Pilot episode, Jess is first introduced to Schmidt, Coach, and Nick. During their initial conversation, Schmidt takes his shirt off and says, “This is LLS: Ladies Love Schmidt”.

Jess is then also introduced to the Douchebag Jar for the first time, as Coach yells at Schmidt to put in a dollar.

When He First Met Cece

When the guys first meet Cece, Schmidt takes his shirt off yet again and asks, “Can I hit you up with some tea?” He then begins to list out types of tea before saying, “A little teabag action – that wasn’t…  I wasn’t talking about…” and Nick hands him the douchebag jar.

After Cece tells the guys not to hurt Jess, Schmidt responds, ” I’m gonna be honest with you, I did not hear a word that you just said, cuz I can kinda see your party hats right now and Nick puts the jar in front of him again.

When He Wanted Expert Advice From A Vagenuis

In the episode “Eggs” Schmidt comes to Jess’s friend Sadie for sex advice. Since Sadie is both a lesbian and a gynecologist, Schmidt refers to her as a “Vagenius.”

He also asks Sadie if he can ask her a few questions about “the downstairs girl cookie”. This prompts Jess to call in disgust for “jars, jars, all around jars.”

When He Was Very Particular About Cooking

In the episode “Katie”, Schmidt, Nick, and Winston watch as an unemployed Jess cooks rapidly in the kitchen. Schmidt comments, “Jess are you cooking a frittata in a saucepan? What is this prison?” and Nick and Winston immediately call for the Douchebag Jar.

At least Schmidt knew he had it coming this time since he stated that he already had the money ready.

The Story Of The 50

On Schmidt’s 29th birthday he does something that the gang agrees requires $50 in the Doucebag Jar – he tries to kiss Jess. Although Schmidt attempts to deny it, saying that Jess had a piece of fuzz on her face, his roommates know better.

This is also the most money Schmidt has ever had to put in the Douchebag Jar.

When The Gang Reminsced On Schmidt’s Most Jar-Worthy Moments

In the episode, “The Story Of The 50” Nick remarks that it’s impressive that Schmidt has never put $50 in the Douchebag Jar before. His roommates then remember his most jar-worthy moments: $20 for telling Jess his “personalized condoms just came in the mail”, $30 for saying to Winston, “Did you know that NWA doesn’t stand for Never Walk Alone?” and an unspecified scream of, “No! Jar Schmidt”  from Nick when Schmidt walked in the door wearing a tank top and page boy cap.

Other jar-worthy lines remembered at the end of this episode include, “Ooo Jess I just found a Groupon for hypnosis. Think about what you could do with that… sex stuff” and “Nick I just came up with the best name for an uncircumcised penis. Bishop in a turtleneck!”

When He Called Jar On Himself

After coming home from bar trivia, Winston is annoyed by how much Schmidt was showing off in front of Shelby. She remarks about how Schmidt knew Calvin Coolidge’s birthplace and asks, “How did you know that?” to which Schmidt responds, “Question – how do you forget that? Answer – you don’t” and then immediately calls “jar” on himself.

While Winston pulls Shelby out of the room he calls after him, “Winston, don’t worry about it, man. It’s your public school education, you’ll catch up,” after which he remarks, “Jar again!” on his own comment.

When He Made A Turkey Joke

In the episode, “Thanksgiving” Jess buys an enormous turkey to make for Thanksgiving dinner.

While Schmidt attempts to help her shove the turkey in the oven she yells, “I can’t get it in!” Schmidt responds by saying, “We’ve all been here, am I right?” to Nick and Winston watching behind them and Nick responds “jar.”

When The Methheads Stole His Suits

In the episode “Bathtub” Jess and Winston buy a bathtub for the loft and store it on the roof to check for leaks. Unfortunately, the bathtub falls over and spills onto all of Schmidt’s suit. The two pretend that the loft was robbed by methheads to buy themselves some time.

When Schmidt gets home and sees the mess he says angrily, “the only thing he left was my summer suit with the lightning bolt on the back. I keep that in my summer bin, along with my summer condoms – citrus-flavored for a more refreshing summer experience.” Winston and Jess both agree that this is a jar-worthy comment. Schmidt also notes that the “typical methheads” took his suits but left the douchebag jar behind.

Girl, Imma Marry You

This quote isn’t hilarious, but it is the most important jar-worthy line. When Schmidt thinks his relationship with Cece is over, he prepares to throw away a box of her stuff.

He then finds the $5 that he had to put in the jar when he first met Cece for saying, “something stupid.” That quote turned out to be, “Girl, Imma mary you” and it ended up being true. Schmidt uses this line and shows Cece the $5 when he proposes to her in the episode “Clean Break.”