New Female Nightcrawler Just Revealed X-Men’s “Ultimate Weapon” – & It Lives Up to the Hype

New Female Nightcrawler Just Revealed X-Men’s “Ultimate Weapon” – & It Lives Up to the Hype

Syzya of the Smoke – a recently introduced mutant with suspicious similarities to Nightcrawler – just revealed the “ultimate weapon” X-Men has been teasing for months, and it’s every bit as terrifying as Marvel has been hinting. In fact, it’s so dangerous, it may be something Storm’s faction will forever regret unleashing.

In a preview of Al Ewing and Yıldıray Çınar’s X-Men Red #16, the mutant warrior War strikes Port Prometheus. It’s the latest loss in the battle for Arakko (formerly Mars), in which Storm’s resistance forces are fading fast. However, amidst the attack, Syzya of the Smoke retrieves a terrifying weapon – the Uranos Trigger.

New Female Nightcrawler Just Revealed X-Men’s “Ultimate Weapon” – & It Lives Up to the Hype
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For months now, Marvel has been teasing that Storm can only win the Genesis War by deploying an “ultimate weapon” – now, fans know it’s the device the mutants acquired in the aftermath of Marvel’s Judgment Day crossover – the Uranos Trigger.

Storm’s X-Men Faction Now Command Thanos’ Uncle


If used, the Uranos Trigger will unleash Thanos’ uncle Uranos for one hour. When Uranos last visited Arakko, he devastated the planet, killing 98% of all mutants in a fifty-mile radius of his attack, including Magneto himself. After Uranos’ attack, the Eternals (who had unleashed him against Arakko while under Druig’s leadership) gave the mutants the weapon that had been used against them as a gift. Uranos is a wildly powerful individual and also has some of the most advanced weaponry in existence sealed away in hidden dimensional vaults only he can access. However, if Storm does use the weapon, his targets will put up a fight worthy of the disgraced Eternal.

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Recently, the Arakki mutant Genesis arrived on the planet, and began seizing control of the civilization while under the influence of the demonic god Annihilation. Storm’s resistance group – including Nova, Sunspot, and a variety of Arakko’s strongest mutants – have been fighting her ever since, but with little hope of victory. Now, however, they have the ability to unleash what equates to a god of war against their enemies. Unleashing Uranos would likely wipe out Genesis’ forces, but with any sliver of time left, Uranos will surely turn on his handlers.

Is Syzya Nightcrawler’s Sister?

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Syzya of the Smoke may have just handed victory to Storm, but little is known about the heroic mutant. A member of the nation’s ruling Great Ring, even Magneto noted her similarities to Nightcrawler: her demonic appearance, prehensile tail, and teleportation powers that create a puff of purple smoke. Given Nightcrawler’s father Azazel is a truly ancient mutant, there’s a high chance Kurt has many siblings he doesn’t know about, and giving him a sister would tie into Marvel’s recent attempts to expand his lore as the new Uncanny Spider-Man. It’s likely the upcoming X-Men Blue: Origins – coming November from Si Spurrier and Wilton Santos – will settle the relationship between Syzya and Kurt, as the issue promises to reveal the hidden truth of Nightcrawler’s origin.

However, whether she’s Nightcrawler‘s sister or not, Syzya just handed Arakko’s resistance the ultimate weapon to beat Genesis – if the ragtag group of freedom fighters and former X-Men actually dare to use it.

X-Men Red #16 is available from Marvel Comics.