New Avengers Roster Officially Assembles, Transforming Marvel’s Future

New Avengers Roster Officially Assembles, Transforming Marvel’s Future

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Avengers: Twilight #4! Some could argue that the Avengers are and always have been the bedrock of the entire Marvel Universe, as the heroes who fight in this prestigious team are truly the Earth’s mightiest. And now, the Marvel Universe welcomes an all-new Avengers roster, as they have officially assembled in the futuristic dystopia of Avengers: Twilight – and these heroes have the power to transform Marvel’s future forever.

Chip Zdarsky and Daniel Acuña’s Avengers: Twilight is a six-issue limited series that primarily follows an elderly Steve Rogers making his way through a futuristic world that seems perfect on the surface, but is actually an utter dystopia. The Red Skull (having been disguised as Jarvis’ brother for decades) has positioned himself as more than just the current CEO of Stark Industries, but the man pulling the strings behind the entirety of the United States government.

New Avengers Roster Officially Assembles, Transforming Marvel’s Future

When Steve Rogers started to see how the country he loved so much had fallen to fascism, he joined a resistance led by Luke Cage called the Defenders. Once he joined, Rogers re-took the super-soldier serum (which he had removed from his body when he was forced into retirement), and became Captain America once again. From that moment on, Captain America immediately got to work assembling a new team of Avengers to take down Red Skull, reclaim the country, and ultimately save the world – and now, Captain America has officially done just that.

MCU's Thunderbolts and Avengers: Twilight's Captain America.


Marvel’s New Thunderbolts Just Proved The MCU Team Could Be Avengers-Level Gamechangers

The Thunderbolts are gearing up to make their official MCU debut, and Marvel Comics teases that they could experience an Avengers-level evolution!

Captain America’s New Avengers Consists of Revived Originals & New Replacements

Avengers: Twilight's new Avengers roster, including Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, and Thor.

Avengers: Twilight’s New Avengers Roster

Captain America aka Steve Rogers

Forming the team after coming out of retirement, Steve Rogers acts as the current leader of the new Avengers.

Iron Man aka Tony Stark

The revived severed head of Tony Stark, who was once believed to be dead, is now being kept alive by an android body and his red Iron Man suit.

Hawkeye aka Ramona Jones

Originally codenamed “Bullseye”, Ramona (who debuted in this series) was a member of the elite military strike team, the Thunderbolts. She defected to Captain America’s Avengers as the team’s new Hawkeye.

Ms. Marvel aka Kamala Khan

Middle-aged Kamala never stopped being the vigilante hero, Ms. Marvel, even after settling down and having a family. Ms. Marvel was one of the first heroes Captain America reached out to when forming his new Avengers.


The God of Thunder returned to Earth for the first time following H-Day upon the re-formation of the Avengers. Ashamed he allowed much of the world to be taken over by such villainy, Thor quickly joined the Avengers once again to redeem himself.

Luke Cage

Now an old man with only a fraction of his original superhuman abilities, Luke Cage is the leader of the Defenders, and inspired/assisted Captain America in assembling the new Avengers.


More of a member of the Defenders than the Avengers-proper, Tyler (who debuted in this series) is a technological genius who has been instrumental in Captain America’s efforts to assemble the new Avengers. Tyler is effectively the ‘guy in the chair’ for the Avengers.

Right when Steve Rogers became Captain America once again, he already had two Avengers by his side, ready to help him assemble the rest: Luke Cage and Tyler. However, one of the first stops Captain America made had to be alone, as he approached Kamala Khan to see if she would suit up as Ms. Marvel in a more official (and dangerous) capacity. Initially, Kamala refuses, and Captain America continues his mission without her.

One of the first official missions taken on by Captain America and Tyler was to infiltrate the Raft and rescue Tony Stark, who they knew had been kept captive there. Upon seeing him for the first time, Captain America sees that Tony was reduced to a severed head whose brain is constantly mined for its genius that’s utilized by Red Skull. Little did Cap know, the Thunderbolts sent ‘Bullseye’ to assassinate Rogers if he tried to free Tony, but instead, Ramona joined him.

Upon making their escape, Captain America, Tyler, Tony Stark, and the new Hawkeye are thwarted by James Stark (Tony’s son) who is wearing his own Iron Man armor, and is hellbent on killing every one of the new Avengers. However, the heroes are saved when Ms. Marvel shows up as an embiggened giant standing in the water surrounding the Raft. Yet even with her assistance, Captain America was nearly beaten by James, until the villainous offspring of a founding Avengers was struck by the lightning of a god, as Thor officially joined the fight.

Fans See Captain America’s Future Avengers In Action for the FIRST TIME in All-New Preview

Preview for Avengers: Twilight #4 by Chip Zdarsky and Daniel Acuña

In the preview for Avengers: Twilight #4, readers get to see the new Avengers roster in action for the first time, as they’re still making their escape from the Raft. By the end of the preview, the Avengers have successfully rescued Tony Stark, saved the lives of anyone who may have otherwise been killed during the infiltration (guards, scientists, etc.), and – arguably most importantly of all – made it out of there with their lives. So, what now? Well, now is when Avengers: Twilight is going to get really interesting.

The Twilight Avengers are Going to Save Marvel’s Future

Avengers: Twilight's Avengers assembling for the first time.

Once Tony Stark is fitted into his new red Iron Man armor (which is revealed in the full issue of Avengers: Twilight #4), he’s going to tell the other Avengers exactly what Red Skull and – tragically – his own son have been doing to bring the nation to its knees. Then, the Avengers will immediately make a game plan to dismantle this fascist regime before the final stages of Red Skull’s plans are put into effect.

However, it’s not as though Red Skull has come this far, only to allow a group of ‘has-beens’ and ‘wanna-bes’ to take him down. In fact, Red Skull has a few tricks up his own sleeve to ensure the destruction of the Avengers before they even really get off the ground, including using a fake Avengers team to lure them into a trap, and even the debut of his own Iron Man armor, courtesy of James Stark.

The stage is set, the players all know where they stand, and the new Avengers have officially assembled, with the main villains more than ready to take them on. If they lose, the Avengers will have blown their one shot at ending Red Skull’s plans for world domination under his fascist regime once and for all. But, if they succeed, then this all-new roster of Captain America’s Avengers will transform Marvel’s future forever.

Avengers: Twilight #4 by Marvel Comics is available March 13, 2024.

Avengers: Twilight #4 (2024)

Avengers: Twilight #4 cover featuring Thor.

  • Writer: Chip Zdarsky
  • Artist: Daniel Acuña
  • Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artists: Alex Ross and Daniel Acuña