New Anti-Quicksilver Weapon Threatens His Title as Marvel’s Fastest Hero

New Anti-Quicksilver Weapon Threatens His Title as Marvel’s Fastest Hero

Warning: Contains spoilers for Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1!!

As one of the fastest heroes in the Marvel Universe, few things can slow Quicksilver down, especially when he’s already reached high speeds. That’s changing thanks to the Wizard introducing the perfect tactic for taking Pietro out of the game – and possibly off-planet. As the speedster runs laps across the sea, venting his frustration at his sister, the Wizard’s crew hits him with a powerful new weapon: an anti-gravity pellet.

In Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1 – by Steve Orlando, Lorenzo Tammetta, Frank William, and Ariana Maher – the twins butt heads after Wanda burns a letter from Magneto. It leads to a heated argument, ending with Quicksilver taking off for a (very distracted) sprint around the world.

New Anti-Quicksilver Weapon Threatens His Title as Marvel’s Fastest Hero

The Wizard’s team seizes the moment and manages to hit Quicksilver with an “anti-gravity pellet” as he leaps. The weapon leaves him weightless and ensures that his feet never touch the ground again. It neutralizes his greatest skill and weapon with one shot, while also sending him to his potential death in space.

The Wizard Removes Quicksilver’s Greatest Asset

Quicksilver is hit with an Anti-Gravity Pellet.

Quicksilver relies on his speed in every aspect of his life. It’s his greatest asset in battle and his crutch for escaping his problems. And yet, as versatile and powerful as that speed can be, it’s of little use to him if he can’t use it. Taking out a speedster’s legs or feet is standard protocol, but it’s possible to push past the pain of a broken bone or recover from a fall. The Wizard’s anti-gravity pellet is far more clever, and unless Pietro spontaneously teaches himself to fly, there’s little he can do to stop it.

Beyond the effects of the pellet itself, being able to hit Quicksilver is its own feat. The Wizard knows that Quicksilver would likely get in the way of his planned confrontation with the Scarlet Witch and does something that few accomplish: he successfully tracks and targets him, even as Pietro is running full-tilt around the globe. His team manages to take the shot from a whole three miles away, too, which means there’s some commendable technology accompanying that pellet. It takes a lot to catch Quicksilver off-guard, and doing so immediately makes the Wizard a formidable foe.

Quicksilver Won’t Fall for the Wizard’s Trick Again

The Wizard's team targets Quicksilver mid-run.

As surprising as the anti-gravity pellet is, it’s unlikely the tactic will work a second time. Once Pietro has his feet back on the ground and the weightless effects have worn off, he’ll know what to look for. It’s impressive that the Wizard and his team manage to get that single shot in, but they can’t count on him being distracted in future encounters now that he knows there’s danger. Even if it only works once, the Wizard’s use of an anti-gravity pellet renders Quicksilver powerless, proving that he’s not to be underestimated.

Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1 is available now from Marvel Comics.

Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1 (2024)

Scarlet Witch in costume and tiara stands beside Quicksilver in his new green suit design
  • Writer: Steve Orlando
  • Artist: Lorenzo Tammetta
  • Colorist: Frank William
  • Letterer: Ariana Maher
  • Cover Artist: Russell Dauterman