New Amsterdam: 10 Characters Fans Miss, Ranked

New Amsterdam: 10 Characters Fans Miss, Ranked

Since New Amsterdam began airing in 2018, characters like Dr. Vijay Kapoor have made a popular choice in the highly-competitive world of medical dramas. Several characters have come and gone in the show and it’s unclear in some cases if the characters might one day return or if they are gone for good. Nevertheless, counted among them are a few fan favorites.

It’s never easy when a popular character leaves a show. In the case of New Amsterdam, many popular characters who left the series departed under sad and unfortunate circumstances, from illness to job loss and even death. In others, they left on their own terms but fans miss them quite badly all the same.

Georgia Goodwin

New Amsterdam: 10 Characters Fans Miss, Ranked

Interestingly, while Georgia was the woman who made Max light up outside of work, fans just weren’t as taken with her as they were with other characters. It might have been because many were hoping for a Max and Helen romance. Despite the fact that he was married and Helen was just a co-worker and friend, there was undeniable chemistry between them.

For this reason, while the storyline about the ambulance accident and Georgia’s untimely death not long after giving birth to Luna was tragic, she was one character fans were upset about seeing leave, but not too upset. Her death opened a world of possibilities for Max’s storyline. In fact, even when she was on the show, she was a character that fans felt needed less screen time on New Amsterdam.


Evie Garrison sitting at her desk in New Amsterdam

While Evie might have been good for Floyd, it was clear that they both had a lot going on in their lives professionally and the relationship would always be strained. Fans were initially upset to see Evie go because she took Floyd along with her. But he eventually returned to the show, and their relationship ended.

With her no longer being tied to Floyd and no longer working at New Amsterdam, the character of Evie is gone. There’s a possibility she could return, but considering Floyd is caught in a love triangle with Dr. Lyn, involving a baby that could be his, he has enough on his plate already.

Dr. Cassian Shin

Cassian Shin Smiling in doorway in New Amsterdam season 3

Fans weren’t too fond of Dr. Shin given that he was generally mean to others and he captured the heart of Helen, who they hoped would end up falling for Max. However, actor Daniel Day Kim brought his signature style to the role and somehow made Dr. Shin likable.

He was very much closed off like Helen, which posed challenges in their relationship. But he also allowed fans to see a softer side of her that didn’t involve Max. While things didn’t work out and he disappeared as quickly as he arrived, Dr. Shin was a good villain on the show who had some layers that could have been explored further.

Leyla Shinwari

Leyla from New Amsterdam looking upset while talking to Lauren, wearing her blue scrubs.

Leyla was one of the most recent additions to the cast, but as quickly as she arrived, she disappeared – at least for a few episodes. A trained doctor from Pakistan, her credentials weren’t accepted once she arrived in America. So, she drove a taxi that she also lived in because she could not afford a home.

At first, she and Lauren butt heads but they soon fell in love, making them one of the best couples on New Amsterdam. While she returned after her falling out with Lauren, fans missed the time she had been away and hope to see more of the talented doctor who still hasn’t had the full extent of her skills realized in the U.S.


Gladys from New Amsterdam looking upset in the elevator, carryingin a box of her belongings.

It was difficult to imagine how Dr. Iggy Frome could ever manage without Gladys by his side. Indeed, shortly after she was let go, he found himself in a panic trying to keep things organized.

Gladys was not only there to help Dr. Frome, she was often also the voice of reason, helping him when he was feeling down or having trouble making a difficult decision. She was also there to talk sense into him when he would take things too far, such as when he was training new recruits and reacting far too harshly to their mistakes.


Ella serving Dr. Kapoor coffee at the shop, wearing an apron

Ella is technically on the show, but with the absence of Dr. Kapoor, with whom she was most linked to in the storylines, she isn’t seen much. Her storyline about falling for Dr. Kapoor’s son, getting pregnant with his child, then having to deal with not only a pregnancy and being abandoned by the baby’s father, but also her OCD, was a compelling one.

What’s more, Ella’s sunny disposition while serving the hospital staff coffee was always fun to watch. While she did return to deliver the sad news of Dr. Kapoor’s death, fans want to see more of the character.

Karen Brantley

Karen Brantley from New Amsterdam, leaning back in her chair during a board meeting.

Karen was in a position to easily be a villain on the show, and at first, she appeared as such, fighting back against Max at every turn. Her moves, however, were understandable given that Max often had grandiose ideas without considering the business implications.

But Karen quickly warmed to Max, and when the character was humanized, particularly with the death of her daughter, fans began to see through the rigid façade. After being ousted by the true villain, Veronica Fuentes, Karen’s future remains in limbo. But fans would love to see her come back.

Dr. Agnes Kao

Close up of Dr. Agnes Kat from New Amsterdam, looking straight ahead.

The story with Dr. Agnes Kao was reaching wonderful heights. First unsure of her abilities, studying under Dr. Kapoor’s tutelage, she was eventually thrust into a leadership position she didn’t feel she deserved.

But Dr. Agnes was finally starting to get her footing, demonstrating an inspirational character arc. To have the character laid off among others for the sake of budget cuts while was heading up an important department and had proven her value made her final episode heartbreaking. Characters like Dr. Kao are what made New Amsterdam one of the best medical dramas that are better than Grey’s Anatomy.

Casey Acosta

Casey in his scrubs with Dr. Bloom

Fans came to love the tattooed nurse who was Lauren’s number-two and seemingly best friend. The pair confided in one another and had such a great groove, each knowing what the other needed at every turn.

A skilled nurse, Casey was another victim of the mass lay-offs and arguably the one fans were most surprised about. He was integral to every episode and was a wonderful representation of someone bucking stereotypes as a brawny, Latino man who fully embraced his nursing career.

Dr. Vijay Kapoor

Dr. Vijay Kapoor in his white coat smiling

Dr. Vijay Kapoor was one of the oldest characters on the show, and one of the most likable characters on New Amsterdam. A seasoned doctor, his outdated tactics were sometimes questioned until others realized that his years of experience meant his instincts, as well as medical science, helped him figure out what was wrong with patients faster than most.

A kind-hearted soul, he was a dear friend to Ella and a confidante to Dr. Frome, who viewed Vijay as one of his closest and dearest friends. While fans were upset about the storyline that saw Dr. Kapoor get COVID-19 and suffer long-term effects from it that prevented him from continuing with his job, the departure was actually the actor’s decision. Anupam Kher, who played Dr. Kapoor, left the show to be with his wife, who was receiving treatment for cancer, according to TV Insider. With the latest season confirming the character’s death, there’s no way he will return unless through flashbacks.