Never Have I Ever: One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Never Have I Ever: One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

The third and final season of Netflix’s Never Have I Ever will surely have the series going out with a bang, as the trailer shows a new potential love interest for Devi. While she has already experienced dating both Ben and Paxton at the same time, the incoming Indian character will surely draw her attention and gain her mother’s approval.

It would be in Devi’s true personality to never be satisfied and go after yet another boy instead of being happy she finally landed Paxton. However, occasionally throughout the series, viewers catch small glimpses as the characters deviate from their typical behavior. These quotes stand out as unexpected from the normally predictable characters.

“There’s A Boy Here To See You.”

Nalini Vishwakumar

Never Have I Ever: One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Nalini is a stereotypical protective mother to Devi which makes it surprising when she notifies her daughter that Paxton is at the front door to speak with her instead of telling him to go away. There are several moments throughout the series where she forces Devi away from boys, making this particular scene stand out.

When Devi lands herself in the emergency room following a coyote attack, Nalini tells Paxton he’s a “walking HPV infection” and to leave. When she catches Devi kissing Ben in the car at the end of season 1, she forces her out of the car. It is highly unlikely she would be so easygoing by even allowing her daughter to go outside to speak with Paxton. She’s too overprotective.

“I could never be a model. I’m too curvaceous.”

Kamala Nandiwadal

Kamala looking scared during her

When Kamala explains to a newspaper boy how she isn’t a model, her tone is innocent and naïve, bordering on facetious. While it could be argued that’s part of her personality, as Kamala is particularly funny at times, viewers must remember Kamala is a woman who is trying to separate herself from the traditional Indian values of her parents to get her PhD from CalTech.

Kamala is presented as an intelligent biologist, fully capable in her field despite what her coworkers think. Her commenting on her appearance, however silly, is a strange addition that doesn’t fit her personality. She’s aware of her beauty and would be equally aware of changing beauty standards considering she’s breaking the mold of what is expected of her, both romantically and professionally. Even if she meant to be funny, she’s unlikely to boast about her appearance in the first place.

“Idiots Are Banging All The Time. We Can Learn How To Do It, Too.”

Fabiola Torres

Fabiola smiles at the camera in Never Have I Ever

As the robot-building best friend to Devi and Eleanor, Fabiola is smart, caring, and discovering her sexuality. When she states in the first episode how the girls can figure out how to lose their virginities, it seems like an insincere sentiment by the end of season 2. Fab is never depicted as someone who is particularly concerned with losing her virginity.

Though she still attempts to find a boyfriend while figuring out her feelings for a female classmate, she is never shown as preoccupied with sex the way Devi is. Her comment appears to be more for Devi’s satisfaction than something she actually wants to follow through with. Fabiola is becoming a strong LGBTQ+ character as she develops and understands her feelings and sexuality without being depicted as a hormone-driven teenager.

“Because From This Point On, Drama Is No Longer A Part Of My Life.”

Eleanor Wong

Eleanor smiles while holding up a postcard in Never Have I Ever

Eleanor can never stay away from drama. Since episode 1, she has been dramatic, claiming she will never use her legs again in solidarity with Devi. She adores acting thanks to her mother, but vows to have nothing to do with it after she discovers her mom abandoned her again to pursue her own performance dreams.

Related: The 10 Best Duos On Never Have I Ever

Despite thriving on excitement, she’s upset with her mother. Joyce’s return and subsequent disappearance in her life is extreme, and Eleanor should love the theatrics and discovery. With her true dramatic personality, she should realize the story of her mother is just a chapter in her strange childhood as she becomes a leading lady in theater.

“You Shouldn’t Wear So Much Makeup.”

Ben Gross

Ben smiles while participating in a model UN debate in Never Have I Ever

Ben tells Devi to wear less makeup because “It’ll collect on your mustache.” Throughout the beginning of the series, he is portrayed as Devi’s nemesis. He’s depicted as this mean, nerdy, shallow teenager constantly making rude comments toward Devi that can easily be considered bullying. However, that is not who he is at all. Despite having a rivalry with her throughout their entire education, Ben is actually a good person with feelings that Devi perpetually hurts.

Ben is a perfectionist who is just trying to get attention from others because he doesn’t receive it from his family. He is completely misunderstood by Devi. He welcomes her into his home after she fights with her mother. He encourages Eleanor and Fabiola to mend their friendship with Devi because she needs them. Ben is a good guy who actually cares about the people in his life and is heartbroken when Devi chooses Paxton over him.

“No, I’d Also Like To Do The Extra Credit Project.”

Paxton Hall-Yoshida

Paxton holding a test, looking confused in Never Have I Ever

Paxton is never presented as a highly ambitious student. He only wants to do better when he realizes he may not be able to get into college if he doesn’t raise his grades. Though he enlists Devi for help, and he gradually becomes better at school, even his teacher is surprised when he, along with Devi and Ben, volunteers to do an extra credit project.

It is an especially significant moment. Though extra credit goes completely against his underachieving, yet popular personality, Paxton is trying to change for his future, and he is trying to do it on his own because tutoring can only take him so far. Devi may see him in a new light following the project, cementing her and Paxton as couples’ goals for some fans.

“This Nerd Is Playing Doubles Like A Pro.”

John McEnroe

John McEnroe talks to Devi in Never Have I Ever

Tennis star John McEnroe serves as the narrator for the series during episodes starring Devi. Her father, Mohan, once told her how she has a similar personality to McEnroe. However, the narrator states he doesn’t condone cheating, yet continues to compliment Devi on “playing doubles” so well.

Throughout much of his narration, McEnroe doesn’t condone most of her behavior and treatment of her friends, regularly telling her to “read the room, Devi.” This is the first real moment when McEnroe praises Devi for her behavior, no matter how much he disagrees with her dating both Ben and Paxton at the same time when it is one of the worst things she has done in the series, yet.

“I Promise To Be A Better Friend From Now On.”

Devi Vishwakumar

Never Have I Ever Devi Vishwakumar (Maitreyi Ramakrishnan)

Devi is an outgoing, yet selfish protagonist. She loves her friends, but continually bails on them when she’s needed. After yet another moment of selfishness when she perpetuates the lie that she lost her virginity to Paxton, she promises Eleanor and Fabiola that she will do better. Unfortunately, she’s not capable of doing better. Days later, she ditches Eleanor in her time of need in favor of helping Paxton instead.

Devi proves time and time again that she is a terrible friend who cannot be trusted to be there when her friends need her most. She bails on helping Paxton study and accidentally spreads a rumor that Aneesa has an eating disorder because she is too wrapped up in her own emotions and drama. Her selfish behavior makes Devi incapable of being a good friend to those around her.