Never Have I Ever: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters

Never Have I Ever: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters

Netflix released a new show called Never Have I Ever created by Mindy Kaling, and staying consistent with Mindy’s past work on Late Night and The Mindy Project, the show is awesome. The character arcs are high quality, and the story and subplots are meaningful and honest. It follows Devi, a first-generation Indian girl. She is coping with the death of her dad and just starting her sophomore year after getting out of a wheelchair due to psychosomatic paralyzation.

Dungeons and Dragons is a role-playing game online. One of the most mainstream parts of it is the alignment grid. You are placed within the grid based on your morals and personality traits. There are nine possible alignments that a person can be. So here are the characters of Never Have I Ever placed in their alignments.

Ben: Lawful Neutral

Never Have I Ever: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters

The character arc for Ben is a big one. At the start, we hate him for his treatment of Devi, but as the show goes on, their long standing feud is explained, and their relationship blossoms as their understanding of each other becomes clearer.

Ben has a huge appreciation for organization, and wants to come out on top. He is lawful neutral because he can be very loving and kind, but also can be very hurtful. He is a rule follower in his core.

Devi: Neutral Good

Devi smiling at the camera in Never Have I Ever

Devi is dealing with so much, that the audience will have a hard time not being on her side, even when she does something unfavorable. Her heart is in the right place, but due to extenuating circumstances, she messes up and prioritizes the wrong things.

Devi is neutral good because she tries her best, and is good to her soul. She always comes around and fixes her wrongs.

Paxton: Chaotic Neutral

Devi dreams that Paxton comes to visit her

Paxton has really good moments, and really bad moments. But there feels to be no pattern controlling them. Paxton’s character is very fly-by-the-night, and he seems to really be out in the world for him and only him.

He is chaotic neutral because he does not always think his actions through, and does what makes him happy in the moment.

Kamala: Chaotic Good

Kamala watching television in Never Have I Ever

Kamala is a rebel.  She is smart and driven, and knows her worth. She does not want to succumb to traditional ways, and when she ultimately does, she does so in an untraditional way. She breaks bounds and also is obsessed with Riverdale which is so relatable.

Kamala is chaotic good because she does not let society tell her what to do. While she rebels against societal norms, she does so with great intentions and the audience will always be rooting for her.

Eleanor: Chaotic Neutral

Eleanor smiles while holding up a postcard in Never Have I Ever

With just one look at Eleanor, you know that she is a free spirit. She doesn’t care what others think of her, and walks to the beat of her own drum. When her life is turned upside down by her mom and she gets in a fight with Devi, she changes the way she dresses to reflect her emotions.

She is chaotic neutral because she is all over the place in expressing her emotions, and has moments where it is difficult to understand her actions. Her free spirit is beautiful and loud and honest.

Fabiola: Neutral Good

Fabiola smiles at the camera in Never Have I Ever

Fabiola is discovering her sexuality as well as dealing with her friendships changing and trying to come out her family. She is doing her best and once she starts being honest with herself and others about who she is, we see a more comfortable and supported Fabiola.

Fabiola is neutral good because she is always trying her hardest to be honest and understanding. The audience will love her attitude, aura, and general vibes.

Nalini: Lawful Neutral

Nalini holds Mohan's urn in Never Have I Ever

Nalini is dealing with loss while trying to raise her daughter. She wants to instill a love of tradition in Devi, and wants to know what is going on in her life. She does not approach these goals with delicacy.

She yells at boys in Devi’s life, and she yells at Devi. But it is very clear that all of this is well meant and stemming from a place of deep love. Nalini is Lawful Neutral because traditions important to her, and she follows rules that Devi wishes she wouldn’t.

Mohan: Lawful Good

Mohan smiles in Never Have I Ever

Mohan seems to be the voice of reason and the calmer voice that complimented Nalini’s. Their team of parenting was great considering that together they raised Devi who is a great kid. He was the more relatable parent, the generally more positive and excited to be alive type. He and Devi has a beautiful relationship.

Mohan is lawful good because he is compassionate, honest, and honorable. He is a stable father figure who showers the people he loves with love.

Rebecca: Chaotic Good

Rebecca Hall-Yoshida

Rebecca made a big impression on the watchers of this show. Paxton’s younger sister has big dreams, is talented, and sees, specifically, Paxton’s world in a light that he cannot see it in. She also has down syndrome, She gives Paxton a dose of honesty and clarity when he needs it most. She is also very trendy, and wants to go into fashion.

Rebecca is chaotic good because she is on the sidelines, but makes the impression that she is breaking bounds. When she talks to Paxton, she shamelessly puts him in his place and earns herself the title “Queen.”

John McEnroe: True Neutral

John McEnroe carries a surfboard and pats Devi on the shoulder in Never Have I Ever

The narrator of Never Have I Ever is professional tennis player John McEnroe, except for the one episode that Andy Samberg narrates. He notoriously has a temper and is very angry. But on this show, he shows a very level attitude and great personality. His voice offers a familiar connection from episode to episode. And it is very funny to have a middle-aged man narrating Devi’s story, and all the stories that surround her.

John McEnroe therefor is true neutral. And in the last episode, the audience gets to see him in person, and not just hear his comforting voice. He helps Devi at a pivotal moment in her life.