Netflix’s The Witcher: 5 Times Geralt Was A Great Friend (& 5 Times He Was The Worst)

Netflix’s The Witcher: 5 Times Geralt Was A Great Friend (& 5 Times He Was The Worst)

One of the funniest and most enjoyable parts of Netflix’s The Witcher series is the endearing friendship between Geralt and Jaskier. The Witcher and bard have a complex relationship, where they often butt heads and make fun of each other, but it’s filled with fealty for one another. No matter what happens, they always stick by each other’s sides.

(Until episode 6, but that will be talked about later).

Fans love Geralt when he’s being a great friend, but he’s not always that. Sometimes he does some pretty unforgivable things to Jaskier. Even though everyone hopes their relationship survives, all anyone can do until season 2 is hope.

And read this list.

Here are five times Gerald was a great friend as well as five times he was not.

Great Friend: Brought Jaskier On Great Adventures

Netflix’s The Witcher: 5 Times Geralt Was A Great Friend (& 5 Times He Was The Worst)

Even though Geralt didn’t like him very much when they first met, Jaskier grew on him. Sort of like a parasitic moss that wouldn’t let go, but still. After he stopped fighting Jaskier’s friendship, Geralt took him on many great adventures. Not only did those quest strengthen their relationship, but also it gave Jaskier great memories and material for his music.

Because of Geralt’s adventures, Jaskier went from a disliked tavern bard to a famous singer and composer. That’s more than everyone’s favorite bard could’ve dream for.

Jaskier may have butted in, but ultimately Geralt still let him come. And those experiences together made all the difference.

Worst Friend: Insults Him Constantly

During a time where Witchers were overwhelmingly feared and hated, Jaskier fearlessly walked over and asked the scary man for a review of his music. Despite Jaskier’s carefree bravery and shameless affection, Geralt chooses to insult him all the time. And worse, it’s less like they play a game of insulting each other. Or that Geralt takes particular pleasure in mocking the bard. He just insists on saying unkind things about his life choices and his beloved career.

While they do have a very ebergetic relationship full of witty moments, Geralt does take the needling too far. Jaskier is a bombastic goon, but he cares for Geralt very dearly and puts up with a lot. He could chill out with the insults.

Great Friend: Saved Him From The Elves

The Witcher Timeline Elves Filavandrel Uprising

On their first adventure, where Jaskier basically stalked Geralt, they were kidnapped by the elves of Dol Blathanna. Getting himself in accidental deeper danger was par for the course for Geralt, but with Jaskier it was all new. Even though he probably could have caused a lot more chaos on his own and gotten out fairly easy, he did everything he could to make sure Jaskier also made it out of the situation alive.

Even though the bard really annoyed him, Geralt kept him safe. That’s an important foundation for any friendship.

Unfortunately for Geralt, he couldn’t shake Jaskier after that one good deed. But in the end, he secretly probably cared a lot.

Worst Friend: Ungrateful For Jaskier’s Publicity Song

Geralt never, in the entirety of the series, shows any gratitude or affinity for the absolute hit that Jaskier wrote for him. “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher” became a classic around the Continent and it’s all thanks to Jaskier. Not only is it a song praising Geralt, but it also improved Witcher PR everywhere.

Considering everyone had pretty negative feelings about Witchers, that’s amazing.

Even if it’s not exactly his cup of tea, just from a money perspective Geralt should’ve been more appreciative. People probably paid him more and he probably got more jobs. But nope,

Great Friend: Saved Jaskier From Angry Nobles

Despite how much Geralt acts like Jaskier annoys him, he does what he can to protect his friend. Even if that means going to a Cintran royal party (that he hates) to protect Jaskier from his own mistakes.

Though he doesn’t do it in a very kind way, he does keep an eye out all night to make sure no one assaults Jaskier. That’s helpful for the bard’s health and his career. Not best to get beat up by an ex-lover’s family or husband at work.

For all his belly-aching, Geralt does care about Jaskier’s well-being.

Worst Friend: Broke Jaskier’s Heart

In episode six of The Witcher, fans were treated to one of the most heartbreaking moments on screen. Not only was Geralt viciously rejected, but when his best friend tried to comfort him, he cruelly rejected him in turn. He called Jaskier a burden and wished him away from his life.

The look on Jaskier’s face, standing behind him on those rocks, is one of the most depressing things a Witcher fan will ever see.

Hopefully in season 2 they will reconcile, but for now fans (and Jaskier) will be haunted. Geralt had every right to be upset, but taking it out on his best friend who did nothing wrong? Not okay.

Great Friend: Leaned On Him During The Dragon Mission

Geralt is normally a really tough and terrible cookie to crack, but during the Dragon mission? It seemed he actually tried to be more open with Jaskier, about Jackdaws, Yennefer, and how shocking life can be.

That moment where they looked down the mountain and sat next to each other? Pure friendship poetry. It felt like a big step forward for Geralt. It even led to his very vulnerable and honest night with Yennefer.

Of course, when Yennefer left him he turtled right back up and was a jerk. But for that little while, he went a little further than normal and was a really good friend.

Worst Friend: Told People Jaskier Was A Eunich

Both Geralt and Jaskier have a little twisted humor in them. However, Geralt took it a step further when at the engagement part of Princess Pavetta. When protecting Jaskier from a jilted husband, his cover story was not… complimentary.

Basically, he told the man Jaskier wasn’t able to have sexual relations with his wife because he didn’t have the equipment.

Though it worked, Jaskier wasn’t a huge fan of the humiliation part of it all. No one can blame him. When he has a sexy reputation, he doesn’t need that rumor going around.

Geralt found it hilarious, though.

Great Friend: Saved His Life From The Djinn

After the djinn was released, Jaskier’s throat was magically severed. Geralt did everything he could to save him, including talking to strangers ad involving himself with a manipulative witch. He even told her he’d pay anything, to anything for her, a very risky thing to offer a witch who turned a whole town into an orgy for her amusement.

But together, they did it. They saved him from losing his voice or bleeding out.

Normally, Geralt chooses snark over honest affection. But, in this case with Jaskier, he carried him around and went to any and all extremes to protect him. That’s a good friend.

Worst Friend: Is The Reason The Djinn Almost Ended Jaskier

… However, speaking of said djinn, the only reason Jaskier was in any danger was because Geralt (a monster expert) didn’t realize he was the wish-holder and verbally wished for Jaskier to be quiet. Especially once he got magically stabbed the second after he said it, Geralt should’ve caught on. But nope, he didn’t realize until he blew up some guard heads.

Dude should be a little less reckless, especially with people he care about on the line. Sure, he was exhausted and fans can respect that. But yikes.

That’s one dangerous, almost-fatal mistake, dude.