Netflix’s Manifest: One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Netflix’s Manifest: One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

The characters on Netflix’s Manifest have gone through a ton of shocking twists and turns since the departure and arrival of the enigmatic Montego Air Flight 828. The events over the past three seasons have shaped and changed both the passengers and their families, bringing out the best and worst among them.

The best quotes from the show often perfectly capture the characters’ personalities. These individuals’ true motivations and intentions come through when they face stressful situations and puzzling Callings. From Zeke’s insecurity to Saanvi’s persistence, the characters’ traits are evident in some of their most unforgettable lines on the series.

Eagan Tehrani: “Everyone Is Out To Get Us.”

Netflix’s Manifest: One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Some fans were able to predict that Eagan would turn out to be Manifest’s new villain in season 3. From the moment he’s first introduced as an arrogant chess player with a photographic memory, he comes off as untrustworthy. Even Ben is immediately wary of the unpredictable passenger.

All of the viewers’ worst fears turn out to be true when Eagan kidnaps Ben and accuses him of working against the passengers. Eagan stirs up hatred among other passengers, convincing them that the Stone family is conspiring against them with the government’s help. His distrustfulness combined with his narcissistic need for power and control doesn’t end well for him and his recruits.

Robert Vance: “How Much Are You Willing To Sacrifice To Get To The Truth?”

Robert Vance sitting on a chair in the dark in Manifest.

NSA Director Robert Vance’s story arc has been a satisfying one to follow. He starts out as an antagonistic figure suspicious of the 828 passengers, but his dedication to finding the truth results in him switching sides.

Vance has sacrificed so much to protect the passengers, as he understands none of them can get to the truth behind the airplane’s disappearance without their help. From covering up a murder for Saanvi to staying in Cuba to save Ben, he’s willing to make hard choices and risk his own life to get answers.

Olive Stone: “Well, The Callings Will Never Come Out And Just Say Something. That’s The Point Of The Puzzle.”

Olive standing in the kitchen and looking at someone offscreen in Manifest.

Whether she realizes it or not, Olive is a lot like her father. She has Ben’s inquisitive mind, as shown in her determination to help despite not being able to get Callings.

Although she’s somewhat on the outside looking in during most situations, she’s still able to contribute to solving Callings and keeping her family safe. She enjoys helping in this way, much like when she pieces together fragments of an ancient parchment that becomes instrumental in interpreting the Last Trial.

Grace Stone: “You And Cal Were Dead. I Had A Big Hole In My Life.”

Grace crying and looking upset in Manifest.

Grace is perhaps the most misunderstood character during the earlier seasons of the show. Fans can’t be blamed for disliking her for her distrust of Ben and her attitude towards Cal’s Callings.

That said, Grace has worked to slowly accept her family’s new normal and strives to adapt to what the Callings want. Her personality is inextricably linked with the sacrifices that she’s had to make since Ben’s return, which includes giving up a long-term relationship. When the “big hole” in her life is suddenly filled with what she was missing all along, it’s hard, if not impossible, to shift back to the way things once were.

Jared Vasquez: “Don’t Waste Your Miracle On Your Pain. You Deserve Better.”

Jared wearing a suit and looking concerned in Manifest.

Much like other characters on the show, Jared’s life is turned upside down when the love of his life comes back alive. He’s obviously still in love with her, as he risks his career to help her solve Callings, breaks up his marriage in an attempt to be with her, and risks his own life to stop an anti-828 hate group.

Through it all, he serves as Mick’s support system and friend. Despite his own inner turmoil and pain, he never hesitates to offer her a shoulder to lean on and sound advice when she’s feeling down.

Zeke Landon: “I Don’t Know If The People I Hurt Will Ever Forgive Me. I Don’t Know If They Should.”

Zeke wearing a jacket and looking up at someone in Manifest.

Although he was only introduced towards the end of the first season, Zeke has quickly become one of the most likable characters on Manifest. His struggles with his addiction and his reconciliation with family and friends are thoughtfully and poignantly portrayed on the show.

Zeke’s journey to redemption is often hampered by his own insecurities. He feels like he’s a burden to those around him, whether it’s his ex-wife, estranged mother, or Mick herself. He’s thankfully starting to become more sure of himself, slowly understanding that he is worthy of forgiveness and love, if not from others, then at least from himself.

Michaela Stone: “The Callings Are A Blessing In That They Can Save Our Lives, But Hell If They Are Not A Curse As Well.”

Michaela in a car looking upset in Manifest

The protagonist, Mick, is one of the best 828 passengers on Manifest. Her best trait also happens to be her biggest flaw – she always tries to see the best in others, hoping that they will do the right thing. When they don’t, she’s there to stop them with her badge and gun anyway.

Mick is one of the first to realize that the Callings are not something that can be explained purely through science. Much like how she sees other people, she often tries to see the best in the Callings. That said, they have been “a curse as well” because they aren’t always so easy for her to follow. Conflict often arises when Mick has to choose between doing her job as a police officer and following the Callings as a passenger, which is most evident when she fails to follow them and unintentionally unleashes Jace’s evil into the world.

Saanvi Bahl: “We’re So Close. I Just Need A Little Bit More Time.”

Saanvi wearing her labcoat and ID as she holds a gadget in Manifest.

One of the reasons Saanvi is one of the best characters in Manifest is her unwavering determination to solve the Callings through science. As a medical researcher, she believes that she can find a way to save everyone from the Death Date if she tries hard enough.

This strong belief in her own abilities and in science is the best and worst thing about her. She helps stop Grace from compromising Cal’s cancer treatment because of it, but she also unintentionally murders the Major. Saanvi gives too much of herself for the safety of the passengers, even experimenting on her own body to save Zeke. For her, the answer is always in the next breakthrough – all it takes is a few more tests and “a little bit more time.”

Ben Stone: “I Can’t Do That, Not Without A Solution, Not Without Knowing More.”

Ben fixing his Flight 828 passenger board in Manifest.

Saanvi and Ben get along well because they both believe that there is a logical and methodical way to solve the Callings. However, Ben’s approach isn’t strictly limited by science, which gives him more freedom to find broader solutions to each cryptic vision.

Ben has dedicated his new life to beating the Death Date by keeping the Lifeboat afloat. Every step is meticulously calculated, every decision is based on what he knows to be true about the passengers and the Callings. Although he’s had his fair share of missteps and wrong calls, Ben always tries to do his best by treating the Callings like a mystery to be solved instead of a curse to be feared.

Cal Stone: “I Love You, Mom. It’s Okay. I Know What We Need To Do Now.”

Cal wearing a black sweatshirt in Manifest.

It becomes clear early on in the show that Cal’s Callings are different from everyone else’s. He experiences them more intensely, which gives him an advantage when it comes to solving them.

That said, Cal is also just a young boy, still dependent on his protective parents for guidance. Despite his age, he’s shown that he can be caring, brave, and intelligent, which may be why the Callings chose him to be the most sensitive passenger in the first place. He always seems to know what has to be done before everyone else has the chance to figure it out, which is especially obvious when he goes out on his own to rescue Zeke. After the shocking twist showing Cal as an adult at the end of season 3, there’s no telling how much more capable and skilled he will be in the upcoming episodes of the gripping series.