Netflix’s Kissing Booth 2: Biggest Differences To The Book

Netflix’s Kissing Booth 2: Biggest Differences To The Book

Netflix’s romantic sequel The Kissing Booth 2 might be based on the book by Beth Reekles, but the film makes big changes to the original story. The sequel follows Elle Evans (Joey King) as she navigates her senior year of high school and adjusts to a long-distance relationship with her boyfriend Noah Flynn (Jacob Elordi). After Noah moves to Boston to attend Harvard, he becomes friends with Chloe, named Amanda in the novel, as Elle becomes increasingly close to the new student Marco, named Levi in the novel. Elle must decide if she wants to fulfill her lifelong dream of going to Berkeley with her best friend and Noah’s brother Lee, or join Noah at Harvard.

The Kissing Booth 2 is similar to the plot of the book, The Kissing Booth 2: Going The Distance but makes several big changes for the movie adaptation. While both follow Elle and Noah as they navigate the challenges of their relationship, the Netflix movie focuses on Elle’s growing jealousy over Noah’s new friend, Chloe.

The changes made to The Kissing Booth 2 emphasize Elle’s tendency to make everyone else happy at her own expense, and highlight the tension in her friendship with lee. The Kissing Booth 2 also sets up another sequel, The Kissing Booth 3, which is the first film not based on a Beth Reekles novel. Here is every major difference that The Kissing Booth 2 made to the book.

Elle’s Worry About College Tuition

Netflix’s Kissing Booth 2: Biggest Differences To The Book

Elle’s college decision is a major plot point in the book and the movie, but in The Kissing Booth 2 Elle struggles with how to find money for her college tuition. The Kissing Booth is wildly unrealistic about college, with Noah somehow getting accepted to Harvard, but The Kissing Booth 2 is more grounded by showing Elle’s struggle with tuition. After talking to her father and learning that money is a problem, she decides to join a Dance Dance Mania contest with Lee, hoping to use the $50,000 cash prize to pay her tuition. Unfortunately, she ends up partnering with Marco after Lee fakes an injury and the two grow closer and closer.

While Elle’s increasing intimacy with Marco is a major source of tension in The Kissing Booth 2, Elle’s concern with college tuition and the dance contest never materialize in the novel. This change was likely made to make her college decision more realistic in The Kissing Booth 2, and also functions as a way for Elle and Marco to spend more time together. It gives The Kissing Booth 2 an explanation for how Elle can afford Harvard tuition, and helps set up the cliffhanger at the end of the movie.

Elle and Noah’s Breakup Is Way Earlier In The Book

Elle and Noah The Kissing Booth 2

In the book The Kissing Booth 2: Going The Distance, Elle lets her jealousy over Noah’s new friend get the better of her, and breaks up with him. While Elle’s jealousy is still a major part of the movie, she doesn’t break up with Noah because of it – he eventually leaves her after seeing her kiss Levi (Marco). The movie turns Elle-Noah-Marco into a love triangle, but in the book she’s already single by the time they kiss at Thanksgiving. Seeing Elle kiss Levi is what makes Noah want to get back together in the book, and the two reconcile instead of breaking up. The Kissing Booth 2 changes when Elle and Noah break up to increase the tension of the love triangle during the movie, so that everything comes to an explosive climax during Thanksgiving..

Thanksgiving: Do Elle and Noah Break Up or Reconcile?

Noah and Chloe Thanksgiving Dinner in The Kissing Booth 2

Thanksgiving dinner is a big moment in the movie and the book, but The Kissing Booth 2 turns it into a source of conflict, not resolution. In The Kissing Booth 2: Going The Distance, Elle and Noah have already broken up by Thanksgiving. Elle and Noah spend the holiday having an uncomfortable dinner at the Flynn’s house, where Elle was invited by Lee and Noah brought Amanda. Elle eventually leaves the dinner to find Levi and they kiss, but she realizes that they’re better off as friends. Meanwhile, Noah goes to find Elle later than night to explain that there’s nothing romantic with him and Amanda, and he wants to get back together.

The Kissing Booth 2 transforms the already uncomfortable dinner into a major source of conflict. Elle is already upset about Chloe’s presence at the dinner when Lee confronts Elle about her application to Harvard. Lee’s girlfriend Rachel, who is already jealous of their friendship, breaks up with him. Elle also finally learns the truth about Chloe, who explains that there was never anything romantic between her and Noah. While in the book Thanksgiving dinner is where Noah and Elle finally reconcile, it becomes the biggest source of tension in the movie, amplifying all the underlying tension until it becomes explosive.

Elle’s Application To Harvard

Elle Berkeley College Application in The Kissing Booth 2

The biggest change The Kissing Book 2 made was having Elle decide to apply to Harvard. In the novel, Elle and Lee promise to go to Berkeley together as kids, and that’s the only school that she applies to. Elle and Lee made the same decision in The Kissing Booth, but The Kissing Booth 2 gives her a change of heart, and she decides to apply to Harvard to be closer to Noah after their challenges as a long-distance couple. When Lee finds her Harvard application, it creates a conflict between the two friends that is never fully resolved. The Kissing Booth 2 ends with a major cliffhanger when Elle is accepted to both Harvard and Berkeley and must choose between Lee and Noah. This is a major departure from the novel, where Elle decides to go to Berkeley and continue having a long-distance relationship with Noah.

The Kissing Booth 2 makes some big changes to The Kissing Booth 2: Going The Distance that increases the tension between the characters and raises the stakes. Forcing Elle to choose between Harvard and Berkeley emphasizes her central conflict: making other people happy at her own expense. The decision also adds another layer of conflict to her relationship with Lee and Noah, and the financial difficulties give her an excuse to spend more and more time with Marco. The Kissing Booth 2 improves on the novel by having all of these conflicts come to a head at an explosive Thanksgiving dinner, where every character has to confront that they truly want. The Netflix movie has big differences from The Kissing Booth 2: Going The Distance, and those changes made The Kissing Booth 2 an even better sequel, and one that sets up The Kissing Booth 3.