Netflix’s Gaming Plans Seem To Include Original Games & Mobile Titles

Netflix’s Gaming Plans Seem To Include Original Games & Mobile Titles

As Netflix‘s gaming endeavors inch closer to the public eye, new information regarding its plans becomes more apparent. Recent job listings have revealed that Netflix’s gaming platform could include both original games and mobile titles. It also seems Netflix’s game studio will partner with second and third-party studios during its game development process. The streaming service announced its new video game division in July, which will reportedly release content starting in 2022. It was reported that Netflix will primarily focus on game development for mobile devices, though in what capacity that will be is still unknown.

The video game service will be an added feature for subscribers at no additional charge. While its still not clear what Netflix games will look like, it was reported that whatever form those games take will appear for Netflix subscribers free of charge. Whether these games will look like Bandersnatch or Netflix’s version of Minecraft: Story Mode is still unknown, but it seems Netflix’s gaming endeavors are continuously expanding as more information is unveiled. And with 2022 around the corner, subscribers won’t have to wait too much longer to try the first Netflix video games.

As seen in the job listing on the Netflix website, it seems the company’s game division will focus on original titles and mobile games particularly, and will also include first-party development alongside second/third-party studios. In its job listing for the Technical Director position, Netflix claimed it was looking for someone with either AAA or mobile gaming development experience. The listing specifically required at least some experience with mobile game development. In its Product Designer listing, Netflix said it was looking for a “lead-level product designer to push the boundaries of mobile games on Netflix.

Netflix’s Gaming Plans Seem To Include Original Games & Mobile Titles

It seems that for multiple job listings at Netflix’s gaming studio, it is imperative for applicants to have experience producing mobile games, as well as a passion for those kinds of video games. Also specified on the listings was the ability for applicants to partner with other game studio leaders, which suggests that Netflix will be working with second and third-party studios to produce and publish games on its platform.

Netflix will be specifically focused on mobile games, but it is possible it will have multiple studios and teams within its gaming division. What each one will focus on is up in the air. As of now, though, it seems evident that Netflix will be invested in both developing its own games and bringing projects from external developers to life. It was also previously leaked that PlayStation and Netflix were partnering in this gaming endeavor, which matches the job listings that indicate employees will work with other studios and development teams outside of Netflix.