Names The Third FF7 Remake Might (& Definitely Won’t) Use

Names The Third FF7 Remake Might (& Definitely Won’t) Use

A third Final Fantasy VII Remake game is on the way and there is speculation about what names it will and will not use. When Square Enix announced FF7 Rebirth it confirmed that there will also be a third game in the series, though the name or release window of that game is still unknown. The first game is FF7 Remake and its sequel is FF7 Rebirth, which many fans believe is a clue to the title of the third game, as it will likely involve a word starting with “Re”, of which there are many possible candidates.

FF7 Remake co-director Tetsuya Nomura has teased the name of the third FF7 Remake, suggesting that it will follow the naming convention of using a word beginning with the letter R, as he would like the series to be abbreviated as FFVIIR, which would help separate it from the original game. It makes sense that the FF7 Remake series doesn’t have numbered sequels, as it has stopped following the events of the original game. There are lots of possible names for a third FF7 Remake game, and at least one name that seems really unlikely.

Final Fantasy VII: Resurrection – Might Be The Title of FF7 Remake Part 3

Names The Third FF7 Remake Might (& Definitely Won’t) Use

One of the most important moments in the original FF7 involved the death of Aerith and one of the hardest parts of FF7 Remake is getting close to her again, seeing as FF7 Remake gave Aerith and Tifa equal screentime, as it means preparing to lose her in the future. Or at least, that would be the case if FF7 Remake had been a straight remake of the original game. The entire ending of FF7 Remake made it clear that the story is free to go in a new direction this time around, and there is no bigger way that could happen by sparing Aerith.

If FF7 Rebirth ends with Aerith seemingly about to be killed by Sephiroth, but Cloud (or Zack) is able to save her, then it would create a massive deviation in the events that happen later in the story. FF7 Resurrection could refer to Aerith’s new life after her famous death in FF7 and how it would change this new story, especially as Zack has also been resurrected in FF7 Remake. If Aerith lives in FF7 Remake, then things could get very interesting. The title could also refer to Sephiroth being able to create a new body, rather than relying on Jenova copies as his actual body is still broken within the Lifestream. A living Aerith could come at the cost of Sephiroth being revived at his former strength, making him a more active and powerful foe than before.

Final Fantasy VII: Reunion – Won’t Be The Name of FF7 Remake Part 3

Crisis Core FF7 Reunion DMW

FF7 Reunion would have been the perfect title for the third game in the series. The concept of the Reunion Theory is an important part of the original game, as those who were injected with Jenova cells will be compelled to come together, so that Jenova’s body can be recreated. FF7 Reunion would not only reference Jenova, but it works with the “Re” name theme and could refer to various different elements of the story.

The problem is that Square Enix is already using the Reunion name. Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion is the upcoming remake of Crisis Core, which updates the visuals and adds QoL features to the game. Not only has Square Enix used the word Reunion with a Final Fantasy game, but with FF7‘s direct prequel. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that Square Enix would still call it FF7 Reunion, but it’s unlikely, considering that Crisis Core already nabbed it.

Final Fantasy VII: Revelations – Might Be The Third FF7 Remake Game

One of the most obvious names that Square Enix could use for the third FF7 Remake game is one that makes a lot of sense. FF7 Revelations fits the “Re” naming theme, it ties into the biblical aspect of angels that permeate the story, and there are still a lot of mysteries about the story that needs to be answered. The exact cause of this new timeline has yet to be revealed, why Zack is somehow still alive in FF7 Remake, nor why Aerith and Sephiroth have knowledge about events that they shouldn’t have. It’s unlikely that FF7 Rebirth will answer all the lingering questions posed in FF7 Remake, and it’s more likely that they will be saved for the end of the story, leading to FF7 Revelations.

Final Fantasy VII: Revenge – Might Be FF7 Remake Part 3’s Title

When FF7 Rebirth was first announced and fans started speculating about its name, a lot of people made jokes about it being called FF7 Revengeance. A shorter version of that title could work, however, as FF7 Revenge might be a surprising title to end the series. If Cloud and his friends are unable to spare Aerith from her famous fate, then Cloud and Zack’s desire for revenge on Sephiroth could be their main motivation in the final act of the game.

FF7 Remake spared characters who died in the original game, most notably Biggs. This can go both ways, however, and FF7 Rebirth could kill characters who survived in the original story. If FF7 Rebirth killed someone like Tifa, then the story could go in a darker direction, as she is the one who helps Cloud uncover his true memories. The final FF7 Remake game needs to up the stakes from the original story, especially as Sephiroth seemingly knows what happened in FF7 and that could go in multiple ways.

It’s possible that the third game has a living Aerith helping to stop Sephiroth before he grows too powerful, or it could involve Sephiroth using his knowledge of prior events to give himself an advantage, forcing an ever more desperate chase to stop him, and not everyone might survive that story. An FF7 Remake story where Sephiroth wins would be the most shocking of all, but it’s unlikely that the story would end that way. The most exciting thing about the ending of FF7 Remake is that fans no longer know where the story is going, and the only real disappointment would be if events still played out the same way they did before. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will carry a lot of weight on its shoulders and fans won’t know what to expect for the third game until the second is released.