Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 14: Release Prediction, Renewal Chances & Everything We Know

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 14: Release Prediction, Renewal Chances & Everything We Know


Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 14 is on the way, and after almost four decades after the show’s very first episode the bombastic movie lampooning antics of MST3K has no signs of losing its edge. Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a parody sci-fi-themed TV and movie review series created by Joel Hodgson. The show has had a cult following ever since its debut in 1988, surviving multiple cancelations and moves to various networks and streaming platforms including Comedy Central and Netflix. Now, in 2023, Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 14 is on the cards — although like the 13th it has the minor hurdle of a successful crowdfunding campaign first.

The premise of Mystery Science Theater 3000 is simple. A group of aliens subject an abducted human to watch terrible sci-fi B-movies. This translates to the cast, including creator Joel Hodgson as Joel Robinson, hilarious riffing on the dozens of movies the show has lambasted throughout its almost forty years on (and off) the air. With the most recent seasons hosted on The Gizmoplex, its own streaming service, and a highly successful crowdfunding campaign for the previous season it’s clear there’s still a great deal of support for MTS3K, and so the anticipation for Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 14 is high.

Most Recent Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 14 News

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 14: Release Prediction, Renewal Chances & Everything We Know

The latest Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 14 news arrived in late October 2023. After successfully getting the 13th season off the ground in 2021 the same way, the team behind Mystery Science Theater 3000 has launched a season 14 crowdfunding campaign (via Collider). The campaign — first announced via the Mystery Science Theater 3000 website — runs until November 24 and has a goal of $4.8 million. If the campaign succeeds at reaching its first tier then 6 new episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 will arrive, though it is unclear when the projected release date will be.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 14 Isn’t Confirmed

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 12 Robots and Jonah Heston

Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 14 isn’t confirmed yet, although the team behind MST3K have launched a crowdfunding campaign to get another batch of episodes made. If the team achieves their largest goal of $7.4 million then season 14 of Mystery Science Theater 3000 will have 12 episodes.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 14 Release Date Prediction

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Moon 13 Crew Season 12

There’s no MST3K season 14 release date yet, and it likely won’t be announced until after the crowdfunding campaign is completed. Mystery Science Theater 3000 is available to stream on a purpose-built and crowd-funded streaming platform named The Gizmoplex, and it’s expected that MST3K will find its way there too.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 14 Cast

It’s unclear who will be part of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 cast, at least until the season is confirmed. The most recent season on the streaming platform Gizmoplex featured many returning cast members from the show’s 11th and 12th seasons on Netflix. The hosts and cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 14 will likely be:

  • Joel Hodgson as Joel Robinson and Ardy
  • J. Elvis Weinstein as Dr. Laurence Erhardt.
  • Patrick Brantseg as Gypsy
  • Jonah Ray as Jonah Heston
  • Hampton Yount as Crow T. Robot
  • Baron Vaughn as Tom Servo
  • Rebecca Hanson as Synthia
  • Felicia Day as Kinga Forrester
  • Patton Oswalt as Max
  • Gran Bacioccio as M. Waverly
  • Emily Marsh as Emily Connor

Until the MST3K crowdfunding campaign is complete, however, it’s difficult to predict who will be returning for the cast of the 14th season.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 14 Movies

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 12 Artwork

It’s not known which movies will be lambasted by the MTS3K team when Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 14 arrives. Joel Hodgson and the rest of the eventual cast will likely be keeping that a secret until closer to the eventual release date. There’s also a chance they haven’t actually decided which movies to feature on Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 14, as the decision will likely depend on how many episodes the crowdfunding campaign allows them to produce.