“My Name Is Victor Strange”: Doctor Strange’s Brother Returns, with a Feat That Makes the Sorcerer Supreme Look Incompetent

“My Name Is Victor Strange”: Doctor Strange’s Brother Returns, with a Feat That Makes the Sorcerer Supreme Look Incompetent

Warning: contains spoilers for Doctor Strange #12!

Doctor Strange’s brother returns with a feat that makes the Sorcerer Supreme look incompetent. Last year, Marvel teased the return of Stephen’s brother Victor, positioning him as a powerful villain. Now, in Doctor Strange #12, Victor’s plans for the Sorcerer Supreme and his allies begin to come into focus, and he has already demonstrated he has what it takes to defeat his brother.

Doctor Strange #12 is written by Jed MacKay and drawn by Danilo S. Beyruth. Bats, Strange’s ghost dog, smells something amiss in the Sanctum, and tries to warn his humans. Strange brushes his concerns off, saying that if someone had entered the Sanctum, he would know about it. Bats refutes this by pointing out Black Cat was able to do so.

“My Name Is Victor Strange”: Doctor Strange’s Brother Returns, with a Feat That Makes the Sorcerer Supreme Look Incompetent

Strange still dismisses Bats’ fears, reasserting that he would know if someone entered the Sanctum–all while Victor looks on from the shadows.

Doctor Strange’s Brother Has Suffered Greatly Because of Him

Victor Strange Tried to Be a Hero

Two panels, one of Doctor Strange and the other a mysterious shadowy figure.

Victor Strange has had a rough life as Stephen’s brother. Victor died in a car accident, and was kept alive in a coma by Doctor Strange, while he searched for a way to help him. Strange found a solution, but it not only turned Victor into a vampire, but also brought the undead back to the Marvel Universe. Determined to make the best of it, Victor tried to be a hero, but it was not to be. Victor killed himself, but later found himself in the Crypt of Shadows, from which he escaped in last year’s Crypt of Shadows one-shot.

Crypt of Shadows set Victor Strange up to become one of the Sorcerer Supreme’s greatest foes. As both a ghost and a vampire, Victor Strange is immensely powerful, which fans saw when he escaped from the Crypt. Any goodness that was once in Victor has been ground out, and all that is left is hate and anger. As Doctor Strange’s brother, Victor is also one of his most personal foes. None of Strange’s regular adversaries have the deep personal connection that Victor has, which will make it harder for the Sorcerer Supreme to defeat him.

Victor Strange Will Be Doctor Strange’s Bigges Foe Yet

Deadlier Than Dormammu, Nightmare or Baron Mordo

And judging from Victor’s actions in Doctor Strange #12, he will be tough to beat in more ways than one. Strange gloated over how he would know if anyone had entered the Sanctum, yet Victor was able to escape from his prison without Stephen knowing it. Furthermore, Victor saw Strange and Clea from just around the corner, showing that he could move through the Sanctum undetected as well. Victor imprisons Bats in the Crypt of Shadows and Doctor Strange is none the wiser, dealing his brother not one, but two humiliating defeats.

Doctor Strange #12 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

Doctor Strange #12 (2024)

Image of Doctor Strange walking his ghost dog, Bats, who is floating in the air.
  • Writer: Jed MacKay
  • Artist: Danilo S. Beyruth
  • Colorist: KJ Diaz
  • Letterer: Cory Petit
  • Cover Artist: Alex Ross