My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Why Fans Think Whitney Needs Tough Love

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Why Fans Think Whitney Needs Tough Love

My Big Fat Fabulous Life star Whitney Way Thore has inspired a lot of viewers with her determined attitude and relatable personality, but some fans think that she needs to make more of an effort. Lately, she has disappointed some supporters, who feel that the reality star has stopped focusing on her health. They think that she isn’t making an effort or getting results. Some MBFFL viewers believe that tough love from Whitney’s friends and family is what she needs to help her get back on track.

Whitney has been open about her disordered eating and how it impacts her decision-making. Knowing this big part of her history makes fans empathetic about her journey, while simultaneously having concerns. Viewers want to see Whitney succeed, and feel that she needs a push to continue moving forward. They think that she’s not making progress. Southern-With-Pain started a thread on Reddit, to discuss a scene from an earlier My Big Fat Fabulous Life season. “So I’m torn I feel like Whit needs tough love and someone to be honest, but I feel like Jess might have taken it too far. Jess was talking to Whit about eating right and Whit was talking about being bulimic, and she was scared if she focused too much on the diet she would go back to bulimia. And Jess said grow up!,” the social media user stated.

Fans Think Whitney Needs To Take Accountability

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Why Fans Think Whitney Needs Tough Love

Although Whitney has health issues relating to her weight, body image, and the effects of her PCOS diagnosis, she has a strong support system behind her. My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans know the potential that Whitney has, and want to see her take control of her life again. Whitney has never settled for less when it comes to her dreams or her love life, and viewers want to see the same amount of energy being applied to her health goals. While dancing around her feelings may be easier to do, hearing the truth could be just what she needs. Redditor hugmebrutha commented on the thread, “Especially in Whitney’s case, she’s so deep into her eating disorder that her health is in immediate jeopardy, so wasting time trying to beat around the bush or coddle her feelings would just be doing her a disservice.”

Whenever Whitney’s friends and family discuss her health seriously on My Big Fat Fabulous Life, she becomes defensive, and snaps back with justifications for her behavior. No matter how much her friends and family try to encourage her, fans feel that she isn’t going to listen until she is truly ready to make a change. Viewers know that Whitney is capable of so much more than she is willing to do. Reddit user texgrandma commented on the thread, “Nothing anyone can say will change Whitney about overeating. It will possibly take a significant health scare to nudge her to eat right. I’m sure others besides Jess have said something.”

My Big Fat Fabulous Life used to center on Whitney’s health journey, passion for dance, and aspirations for her future. Recently, the focus of the show has switched to her unpredictable love life, putting Whitney’s troubled relationships in the spotlight. Fans hope that she will focus on bettering herself, and using her platform to be a role model for others.

Sources: Southern-With-Pain/Reddit, hugmebrutha/Reddit, texgrandma/Reddit