My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Way Thore Details Anxiety Struggles In Q&A

Whitney Way Thore is not letting her good hair day go to waste as she recently hopped on Instagram to share her struggles with mental health. The My Big Fat Fabulous Life star wanted to make sure she reached out to her fans to help them find the proper outlets for themselves.

Since her show ended for the season, Whitney has been taking part in a weekly question and answer segment where she opens up about major topics that are plaguing the country and the world. Whitney has struggled with her own well-being and health, and nothing made it worse, like her fiancé cheating on her and getting the woman pregnant. Even though she has gone through this life hurdle with her head held high, she admitted that her days were not always sunny.

The Greensboro native looked happy and healthy as she touched on how fans have been curious about her mental health as she thanked them for their curiosity. During her Instagram Q&A, she noted that she was “passionate” about mental health. She revealed that she had been using Better Health, and it had been an “invaluable resource to her surviving the pandemic.” Whitney revealed she had been meeting with a traditional therapist for the past five years, which helped her stay mentally strong. Thanks to the pandemic, she was not able to go in-person for her session and felt she needed a bit more help and like that she could have an app on her phone.

She also drove home the point that it is totally normal to struggle. Whether you have never struggled and are struggling now or you’ve felt down your entire life. The dancer revealed she had been diagnosed with depression just like her mother, who tried to attempt suicide. Whitney found out that her mother tried to kill herself when she was 17, and after the discussion, her mother made it clear that she wanted to make sure that her daughter would not have to struggle alone.

Whitney has been on anti-depressants on and off, which she admitted was not ideal. By allowing herself to be open and honest, she has helped numerous fans with their mental health questions. The My Big Fat Fabulous Life star does not want people to feel alone or overwhelmed and truly hopes that her social media segment helped at least one fan.