My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Shares Waking Up On 37th Bday

Season 8 of My Big Fat Fabulous Life threw Whitney Thore’s life upside-down. She found out her fiancé Chase Severino was cheating on her and was now expecting a baby. She had to deal with the depression largely on her own, as the pandemic put everyone into quarantine and her chronic health problems put her at greater risk. Her longtime friend Buddy came to stay with her and help her through the roughest point, but she was disappointed that he wouldn’t move in permanently. Viewers don’t have to wait for season 9 to see how Whitney is now. She posted on Instagram on the morning of her 37th birthday and let fans know her plans.

Whitney’s 36th birthday was spent alone in quarantine, but her friends still did what they could to make it special. Her friend Buddy was with her, but she wouldn’t let anyone else come over. Her friend Heather arranged a car parade with Whitney’s friends, where they decorated their cars and drove by her house. Whitney sat on her porch and was able to talk to her friends from a safe distance and it reminded her she was not alone, even during quarantine.

Her 37th birthday seems to be less difficult for Whitney than her 36th was. She posted a video of herself on Instagram of how she woke up, with the caption “Today is my 37th birthday and I will continue to spend it in bed, entertaining a revolving door of domesticated animals.” Given how active she is, running a fitness company, a day in bed is a nice break for her. The IG video shows Whitney snuggling a very contented-looking dog sleeping on the bed next to Whitney. The camera then pans over, revealing a cat on the bed as well. The cat looks hilariously disgruntled despite its comfortable surroundings. Over the video is the song “You Make Me Happy” by the band My Sun and Stars.

Followers wished her a happy birthday. Whitney said she had already received many birthday texts and some flowers. Fans were glad to see that this birthday was going better than her last one. After going through so much, Whitney only made it past those hard moments with the help of her friends, especially Buddy, who stayed by her side through it all. This year, her furry friends are doing their part to give her a great birthday.

Whitney Thore has dropped hints that My Big Fat Fabulous life will get a season 9, even though it hasn’t been officially confirmed by TLC. There’s definitely plenty more to explore on the show. After her painful breakup, she began considering weight loss surgery, blaming her body for Chase cheating on her instead of his own lack of character. Viewers are also hoping Whitney will get back into the dating game and finally find love. In the meantime, she seems to have found happiness on her birthday as a confident, single woman.