My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Barbara ‘Babs’ Thore’s Best Scenes From The Show

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Barbara ‘Babs’ Thore’s Best Scenes From The Show

For nine seasons, My Big Fat Fabulous Life viewers have been able to watch Babs Thore, Whitney Thore’s mother, add to the show. Those who watch the series have fallen in love with Babs and her firecracker attitude. The show has provided a sneak peek into Whitney’s life and how her parents think she is doing as an adult.

It is hard to deny that My Big Fat Fabulous Life is partially successful thanks to Whitney’s dramatic way of life. The dancer turned reality star has been very open regarding her extreme weight gain and inability to find love. Thankfully, she has had her loving parents, Babs and Glenn Thore, by her side for comfort and endless advice. Whitney’s mother, in particular, comes across as someone who dotes on her family from sunrise to sunset. Thanks to her devotion and witty comebacks, Babs has become a fan favorite amongst viewers.

Throughout the seasons, Babs has offered unsolicited advice that usually lands pretty well with her daughter. As she had aged, Whitney has become more of a mother hen to her own parent, especially after Babs suffered from a stroke. Even though Babs may be starting to lose her health just a bit, she is a trooper and continues to live her life the only way she knows how to: with a positive attitude.

Driving Ms. Babs

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Barbara ‘Babs’ Thore’s Best Scenes From The Show

One of the funnier TV moments showed Whitney in the passenger seat as Babs took the wheel. It was shortly after she recovered from her stroke, and it was notable that she was a little confused about the route. It had been seven months since Babs burned rubber, and Whitney was extremely anxious through the ordeal. Naturally, Babs remained calm under pressure.

Babs Pokes Fun At Whitney

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Whitney Thore Family portrait white background

While Babs is usually pretty good at embracing who her daughter is, there have been times when TLC cameras have caught Bab’s mocking her daughter’s weight. During a MBFFL episode, the duo was out shopping when her mother tried handing her a few different sizes. Babs then turned to the camera and mouthed “bigger” to the sales associate. While it may have been a bit of mockery, it was a true mom moment.

Bab’s Sex Talk

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Babs Thore

Babs has offered a bit of relationship advice to Whitney over the seasons. But one of the funniest moments caught by My Big Fat Fabulous Life viewers had to be when Whitney shared a bit too much information when it came to her own sex life. Back in season 5, Whitney spoke openly about her boyfriend’s perfect organ. Babs’ response cracked viewers up as she stated, “I don’t know what in the world goes on in your mind.” Viewers can only hope that Babs will continue to appear in more upcoming seasons.