My Big Fat Fabulous Life: All About Whitney’s Business Partner Jessica

The hit reality show My Big Fat Fabulous Life has seen some serious cast changes, including Whitney Thore replacing her NoBS Active business partner with Jessica Powell, and it’s time to share information about Jessica. Right now, most fans don’t know much about her. Whitney is someone who has always taken her fitness seriously. After starting her workout business, she realized that she wanted her close friend and trainer to help her run. This goal led to an unlikely partnership.

There is no doubt in My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans’ eyes that Jessica has always been there for Whitney, as a personal trainer and a friend. Whitney met her new partner through Will Powell, who owned the gym Whitney frequented. Before Jessica entered the picture, the dancer had another partner in crime whom she actually met through a dating app. Whitney and Ryan Andreas seemed like a mismatch from the start, as one was a self-proclaimed “bro,” and the other was a curvy dancer. The two former business partners butted heads over how they wanted their business to evolve. Now, Whitney is moving on to bigger and better things with Jessica.

Jessica is a North Carolina-based personal trainer who has been working with Whitney as she moves through her fitness journey. Jessica and her father Will work together as a father-daughter team. They have become so popular that they were interviewed on Fox 8, as per YouTube. Fans may not know that Jessica was once overweight, but decided to take charge of her health and turn her life around. At her heaviest, Jessica weighed over 200 pounds. She shared her story on an episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, in the hopes of encouraging others to believe in themselves and hit their own fitness goals.

Along with training, Jessica, who’s new to the fitness company, also enjoys participating in competitive bodybuilding. Viewers have watched as she spends weeks preparing to compete, by eating clean and doing intense training. In her spare time, she takes part in CrossFit competitions. TLC viewers may also recall that Jessica is in a happy relationship with Isaiah Martin. He has appeared on a few episodes with Jessica and seems to be deeply involved in the fitness lifestyle since he also works as a trainer. After five years of dating, Isaiah proposed to Jess where they first met, on the steps of the gym. That happened in 2021, and she said yes.

It makes sense that Whitney has praised Jessica, calling her one of the humblest, strongest, and most selfless people she’s ever known. Jessica will make a much better workout partner for Whitney since she never judges. She is all about supportive encouragement. Fans are looking forward to seeing what the two women can bring to the workout world.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on TLC.