Muppets Haunted Mansion: The 10 Best References To The Ride

Muppets Haunted Mansion: The 10 Best References To The Ride

The Haunted Mansion has been a beloved staple of the Disney parks for decades and is now the setting of the new Disney+ special Muppets Haunted Mansion. In adapting the iconic attraction, the special incorporates many references and homages to the classic Haunted Mansion ride.

Some of these references are large and obvious, such as including characters and entire scenes from the ride, while others are smaller and more subtle, like the precise recreation of finer details like the wallpaper of the Haunted Mansion. The result is a viewing experience that accurately captures the fun and spooky vibe of the attraction.

The Busts

Muppets Haunted Mansion: The 10 Best References To The Ride

One of the most unnerving moments of the attraction comes as guests exit the Stretching Room and make their way towards the ride vehicles. At the end of a long hallway are a series of busts that appear to follow guests with their eyes no matter where they walk.

The special uses this memorable gag as an opportunity for Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker to make a humorous cameo in Muppets Haunted Mansion. Honeydew even comments that he hoped for a bigger appearance but was relegated to this because of budget constraints, providing a funny moment and a great tribute to a fan-favorite aspect of the ride.

The Hitchhiking Ghosts

Gonzo and Pepe encounter the Hitchhiking Ghosts in Muppets Haunted Mansion

As the iconic Disney attraction comes to a close, the guests are confronted by a trio of hitchhiking ghosts who attempt to follow them home. The Doom Buggies then turn to reveal the ghosts being projected into the ride vehicle with the guests.

In the special, just as Gonzo and Pepe drive away from the mansion and start to believe their nightmare is over, the hitchhiking ghosts pop up, attempting to follow them home. In both the ride and the special, the hitchhiking ghosts are a fun final tag on the experience.

Doom Buggies

Statler and Waldorf sit in a Doom Buggy in Muppets Haunted Mansion

One of the most recognizable elements of the Haunted Mansion attraction is the ride vehicle known as a Doom Buggy. The Doom Buggies operate on an Omnimover system that leads to frequent stops and starts, which are accompanied by an announcement from the Ghost Host.

In Muppets Haunted Mansion, perpetual hecklers Statler and Waldorf show up in a Doom Buggy during Fozzie’s standup comedy routine. Considering that the characters usually appear in a theater box, it is a clever way to incorporate the ride vehicle. The signature announcement also plays during this segment, adding another fun nod to the ride to the special.

Constance Hatchaway

Constance Hatchaway (Taraji P Henson) and Pepe the King Prawn sit together in Muppets Haunted Mansion

For guests who are paying attention, each room of the Haunted Mansion has a rich storyline. This is especially true of the attic in which guests can see the evidence of Constance Hatchaway’s multiple weddings and subsequent murders of her husbands.

Constance Hatchaway is the most villainous character in the special, as she attempts to trick Pepe into marrying her so she can kill him as well. She is one of the best characters in Muppets Haunted Mansion and a fitting villain for the special given her role on the ride.

The Caretaker

The Caretaker holds a lantern in the graveyard in Muppets Haunted Mansion

Following the attic, guests on the attraction are then whisked away to the graveyard where they can see the groundskeeper and his dog, looking terrified as the ghosts rise up from the grave and break out into song.

In the special, the Caretaker is the first person that Gonzo and Pepe encounter at the Haunted Mansion. He is dressed exactly like the animatronic from the ride and accompanied by a Muppet dog. He sings the first song of the special and introduces the Muppets to the ghosts that occupy the graveyard.

The Stretching Room

The Ghost Host shows Gonzo and Pepe the Stretching Room in Muppets Haunted Mansion

Before guests even get on the actual ride, the Haunted Mansion’s queue offers plenty of memorable moments, none more iconic than the Stretching Room. As the walls expand, the seemingly normal portraits extend to reveal dark images. The room without windows or doors builds to a shockingly grim moment as the Ghost Host offers a solution on how to get out.

As Gonzo and Pepe are introduced to the mansion, the Ghost Host leads them into the Stretching Room. In a fun twist on the room, the portraits are recreated with familiar Muppets replacing the figures in the paintings. The dead body is a little too dark for the special, so the moment is undercut by Gonzo interrupting, a screaming goat, and Pepe falling against the wall and revealing a hidden door.

Singing Busts

The Singing Busts in Muppets Haunted Mansion

Amongst all the ghosts singing in the graveyard, the most iconic characters are the group of singing busts, with one of the busts tipped over and broken. The quintet is prominently positioned and leaves a strong impression on guests.

In the special, the singing busts appear during the scene in the graveyard and transition the song into a rendition of “Grim Grinning Ghosts” from the ride. The busts also double as celebrity cameos as they are played by Skai Jackson, Geoff Keighley, Pat Sajak, Justina Machado, and Craig Robinson. It was essential for the special to include the song and busts and their appearance is handled well.

Hatbox Ghost

Gauzy the Hatbox Bear performs standup comedy in Muppets Haunted Mansion

The Hatbox Ghost has a long and complicated history with the attraction and guests were thrilled that he returned to the ride several years ago. Appearing just after Constance Hatchaway’s scene, the character’s head disappears from atop his shoulders and reappears in his hatbox.

Muppets Haunted Mansion references this character in the form of Gauzey the Hatbox Bear, Fozzie’s ghostly comedian form. When Gauzey tells a joke, he uses the head-switching gag to punctuate the punchline. It is a funny way to incorporate one of the most memorable aspects of the attraction.

Madame Leota

Miss Piggy floats in a crystal ball in Muppets Haunted Mansion

The turning point in the ride comes as the mystical Madame Leota performs a seance that conjures up the spirits. Instruments and other objects float in the air as she recites an incantation. Following this moment, the guests experience a plethora of ghosts throughout the rest of the ride.

Miss Piggy is one of the most iconic Muppets and so it is only fitting that she steps in to portray Madame Pigota. Her attempt to conjure up the spirits results in her accidentally summoning the Electric Mayhem. The scene also contains a great cameo by Imagineer Kim Irvine, who provides the face of Madame Leota for the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay and is also the daughter of the original Madame Leota actress.

The Ghost Host’s Monologue

The Ghost Host welcomes Gonzo and Pepe to the Haunted Mansion

As guests first enter the Haunted Mansion, they are greeted by a memorable monologue from the Ghost Host, including such iconic lines as “Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion.” This opening sets a creepy tone for the ride and has become one of the most beloved elements of the attraction.

The special pays homage to this monologue from the ride by having the Ghost Host repeat the famous lines with some slight modifications, including the hilarious “Welcome, foolish Muppets.” This, combined with Will Arnett’s impeccable delivery, makes for a great moment in the special and an excellent reference to the ride.