Mulan: 20 Best Quotes From The Original Animated Movie

Mulan: 20 Best Quotes From The Original Animated Movie

With the live-action version of The Little Mermaid still gearing up to be one of the major releases of 2023, fans of Disney’s animated movies are looking back to the classic Renaissance-era hits that have formed the basis of so many successful live-action remakes in recent years. Mulan got its own and that’s partly because of how much the songs and the dialogue of the original have stuck out in popular culture over the years.

The movie boasted an incredible voice cast and they deliver a number of significant quotes that really flesh out the themes of the epic story.

Updated on May 17th, 2022 by George Chrysostomou: Fans continue to enjoy Mulan on Disney+ and indeed even its animated sequels. As the Walt Disney Company continues to add to their roster of inspirational female heroes, including their princesses, these Mulan quotes should remind audiences why this Chinese warrior is amongst the boldest and most courageous in their filmography. 

The Greatest Of Traits

“Loyal, Brave And True.”

Mulan: 20 Best Quotes From The Original Animated Movie

It’s a quote that is often associated with Mulan, from the promotional materials to versions of that quote scattered throughout the film. Ultimately, no matter the context, it’s a line that holds great meaning for Mulan, who utters it herself almost like a mantra.

It perfectly encapsulates the woman that she is and the hero that she will become. She has to stay loyal, brave, and true to herself to ultimately find her way. The reason she is so beloved is because of those admirable qualities, for which so many try to learn from.

In The Face Of Danger

“There Is No Courage Without Fear.”

Two characters setting off fireworks on Mulan

Mulan constantly looks up to her father, always striving to be just like him. She of course far succeeds what he ever achieved, but she does so by carrying with her a lesson Zhou once taught her. She wishes to be just as brave as him, but he reminds her just how alike they are.

There is no courage without fear because it takes bravery to actually face those demons. Mulan continues to move forward, even when she’s afraid to be found out, afraid for her life, and afraid for the safety of her country. That’s how she proves just how resilient she is, because she never stops.

Fulfilling A Destiny

“She Has Brought Honor To Her Ancestors, To Her Family, To Her Village, And To Her Country.”

Shang observes the wreckage of a town in the original animated Mulan

Mulan needed to hear that she didn’t dishonor everyone she loves. She tries to fit in so that she can fulfill the role expected of her, thus not destroying the reputation of her family. But she can never manage it and instead makes a much bigger pledge, to protect her father.

Everything she does is a risk, yet she follows her heart, which is why she ultimately honors her whole country in the process. It’s no longer about conforming to a stereotyped role, this Mulan quote from Commander Tung demonstrates everything she did paid off.

Pledging To The Ancestors

“Ancestors, Hear My Plea. Help Me Not To Make A Fool Of Me And To Not Uproot My Family Tree. Keep My Father Standing Tall.”

Mushu pretends to be the Great Stone Dragon in Mulan

Another quote from one of the beautiful songs in Mulan, here the titular princess is begging the ancestors to help guide her. It’s such a vital quote in regards to the overall narrative, as it’s the piece of the puzzle that ultimately unites her with Mushu.

Once again, she is so obsessed with never letting anyone down, so it’s appropriate that the ancestors she wants to please actually seek to help her on her journey. They are already so proud of her courage and Mulan will come to learn that throughout the course of the film.

True Feelings

“Your Belief In Love Wasn’t Strong Enough To Overcome Your Fear Of Rejection.”

Shang walks away from Mulan who is on the ground wrapped in a blanket.

Across her journey, Mulan comes to know that she isn’t the only person hiding something. Indeed, while she might wear her emotions on her sleeve, those around her do not. Love is something that she has to allow to find her, and she’s open to the prospect in the end.

But the theme of fear is prominent throughout the picture and this Mulan quote definitely demonstrates how it plays a different role here. It’s scary to fall in love and to put one’s self out there. Mulan doesn’t end up getting rejected of course, but it’s a powerful piece of scriptwriting.

Refusing To Be A Bystander

“I Have To Do Something.”

Mulan Horse

It’s such a simple quote and yet it sums up Mulan’s likable personality perfectly. The role of a Disney Princess is to act when no one else will. For Mulan, she never waits for anyone else to step in, she makes these rapid decisions herself.

She is a character that is fundamentally good at her core and there’s no other option but to do the next right thing. A quote like this may go overlooked but in many ways is the motto of a character willing to throw herself into danger for the greater good.

A Proud Father

“The Greatest Gift And Honor Is Having You For A Daughter.”

Mulan's Father

Mulan’s father goes on his own complex journey throughout the film, as he too has to come to terms with the fact that he can no longer fight for his country and that his daughter has run away to take his place.

What’s the most interesting is despite the fact that this behavior should bring dishonor to him, he is, in fact, incredibly proud to be the father of such a talented, brave, and noble young woman.

A Sense Of Gratitude

“You Have Saved Us All.”

Mulan leaves for war

It’s a simple but effective quote. The Emperor lists a long line of actions that could have Mulan arrested. The way she ran away from home, illegally hid her identity, and even fought in a war she should have never been involved in.

But the most important thing is her actions saved China and ultimately made her a hero. It’s a line that the audience is waiting for, to see if Mulan really succeeded in what she needed to do and this leads to the celebrations she so deserves.

An Unbreakable Bond

“We Started This Thing Together And That’s How We’ll Finish It. I Promise.”

Mushu Mulan hug

The hilarious Mushu was very unsure about his mission to help out Mulan. He thought he was capable but also didn’t really know how to approach the role. His fake confidence got him most of the way, but some genuine emotion demonstrated how loyal he really was.

At the height of danger, when all could have seemed lost, Mushu pledged that he was there for the ride alongside Mulan. He wasn’t going anywhere showcasing that perhaps the small dragon wasn’t all talk after all despite some of the comedically cowardly moments he had contributed.

Claiming Authority

“Bow To Me.”

Shan Yu in Disney's Mulan

It’s a line uttered by Shan Yu and one that holds great power. Although the comeback is perhaps even greater and will be discussed later, this single line really demonstrates the kind of man Yu actually is.

He feels like he is owed respect and is owed the throne just because of his physical strength. It’s interesting that as one of his most iconic lines, not only does no one bow to him, but no one ever will which is a great insult to the warrior.

Introducing Mushu

“I Am The Guardian Of Lost Souls. I Am The Powerful, The Pleasurable, The Indestructible Mushu!”

Mushu from Mulan

Mushu’s introduction says a lot about Mulan overall. He is brought to audiences as the comedic sidekick, with a ridiculous quote that shows that perhaps he thinks a lot more about himself compared to what he actually is.

The irony is that this tiny dragon is telling the truth. While he originally says these things to try and be impressive, he does turn out to be a funny companion, who is emotionally powerful as a supportive presence for Mulan as he shows great courage in the face of danger.

Symbolic Flora

“The Flower That Blooms In Adversity Is The Most Rare And Beautiful Of All.”

Mulan sitting on a bunch under a blooming tree in Mulan

Flowers are a huge motif in the film, with magnolias representing the titular Mulan and being forever linked to her name in Chinese culture. There are many symbols of this flower throughout the movie.

The Emperor’s quote further illustrates the idea of a flower blooming in the face of adversity. Mulan is of course this rare flower as she has really become a strong woman after her adventure and is all the more unique for it.

True Intentions

“My Name Is Mulan. I Did It To Save My Father!”

Mulan and her father kneeling on the ground hugging in Mulan

The plot of the original animated movie, the live-action remake, and the poem they’re both based on is that Mulan is trying to replace her father in the army. China is going to war and they need all the men they can find. The problem is, Mulan isn’t a man.

Masquerading as the son of the family, Mulan takes the place of her father. This grand reveal towards the end is said with great pride. Her motives were good and she demonstrated that she has a kind heart, despite the crime she has committed.

Creating A Bond

“The Truth Is We’re Both Frauds.”

Mulan petting Mushu's head

After Mushu’s big introduction he perhaps felt like he had also exaggerated a bit. Once Mulan starts to feel like she’s fake for trying to become something she isn’t, Mushu steps in with some wisdom.

Perhaps they’re both frauds but that doesn’t matter if they keep on fighting the good fight. The parallels between the two characters and their individual stories become clear in that moment and it’s a powerful scene.

Never Give Up

“No Matter How The Wind Howls, The Mountain Cannot Bow To It.”

The emperor and the villain in Mulan

The Emperor has some fantastic quotes throughout the film that demonstrate why he is the much-respected ruler of China. He’s an incredibly proud man that won’t even bow to the enemy when held at the point of a blade.

His metaphor about mountains and the breeze is incredibly powerful and sends a clear message. These invaders are nothing more than a gust of wind and the almighty presence of the dynasty will continue long after they are gone.

The Unlikely Victor

“A Single Grain Of Rice Can Tip The Scale. One Man May Be The Difference Between Victory And Defeat.”

The Emperor in mulan

Another incredible quote from the Emperor that demonstrates he understands the role that Mulan can play in his empire. The analogy that any man can step up and make a real difference is a strong one.

Of course, the story shows that in this case, a woman was that grain of rice who finally tipped the scales. The idea of the status quo changing plays into his mountain quote as well, as Mulan is demonstrated to be more than a gust of wind, yet is compared to something even smaller.

Mulan’s Real Reflection

“When Will My Reflection Show Who I Am Inside?”

Mulan's reflection

Fans were upset that none of the iconic songs from the original film would be brought to the live-action iteration. “Reflection” is the key song demonstrating Mulan’s own progression throughout the film.

One line in particular sets up the whole song, with Mulan contemplating when her reflection will ever truly show who she is. She goes through a physical transformation to masquerade as a man, but ironically her reflection shows who she is once out of the masculine armor again at the end of the film.

Mulan’s True Role

“Can It Be I’m Not Meant To Play This Part?”

Mulan Singing Reflection

Another idea that is brought up in this song, and is a major theme throughout the course of the film, is that Mulan was not made to play the part that she has been thrown into. Historically speaking, there were very strict gender-based roles to conform to.

She of course ends up playing another part as a male soldier, and Mushu’s quote about being frauds plays on this theme too. It’s when Mulan is truly herself that everything lines up perfectly and she is no longer an actress in a play.

Romance Blossoms

“Would You Like To Stay Forever?”

Mulan and Li

Mulan’s family is very keen for her to settle down and find a husband. When her grandmother spots the potential suitor of Li Shang, she gets incredibly excited about what that could mean.

After Mulan invites him to stay for dinner, her grandmother hilariously suggests that he stay forever. Perhaps she really likes the look of Shang as well and is quite happy to keep him around for a while.

Settling A Debt

“A Life For A Life. My Debt Is Paid.”

Mulan and Shi

Shang demonstrates that he is very by the book until the rules are thrown out and he has to re-assess everything that he has been taught. He is still a man of honor, though, and one who lives by a code.

A life for a life is an interesting quote as it suggests that his actions are always based on living by this ideal. However, this is not quite true as his personal attachments to Mulan become clear towards the end of the film.