Mulan: 10 Best Moments Of Female Empowerment In The Live-Action Movie

Mulan: 10 Best Moments Of Female Empowerment In The Live-Action Movie

Mulan was one of the earliest Disney characters who strived for equality between the genders. She wasn’t a damsel. She wasn’t looking for love. She didn’t advocate the norm of a docile female who brought honor through marriage alone, who had to hide away her true self to make others satisfied.

She spoke her mind and took risks, she empowered herself and those around her. The Mulan live-action film of 2020 has given audience members the essence of what made Mulan so special. Disney has given them a warrior who is celebrated for being true to herself and followed her heart in the face of adversity.

Mulan & Her Sister’s Relationship

Mulan: 10 Best Moments Of Female Empowerment In The Live-Action Movie

In the 1998 Mulan animation, Hua Mulan was an only child. But the live-action film showed what it would have been like if Mulan had a sister. Their relationship is loving and supportive, with several scenes dedicated to showing their bond.

Mulan is always looking out for Hua Xiu and protecting her. Their relationship is playful and caring, and Mulan celebrates her sister’s joy when she says she has been matched.

Xian Lang Sacrificing Herself For Mulan

Xian Lang qi transformation Mulan 2020 battle scene

Women supporting women is shown through Mulan’s relationship with her sister, as well as her dynamic with Xian Lang. “A woman. A warrior. A woman leads the army, and she is no scorned dog.” Xian Lang is powerful, so powerful that she strikes fear in the hearts of men and is referred to as a witch.

She was never accepted, never appreciated, never respected. So when she saw Hua Mulan had a powerful Qi just like her, she never treated her ill. Xian Lang sacrifices herself so Mulan can follow the noble path and have the opportunity she never had. “Take your place… Mulan.”

Mulan Going To War On Behalf Of Her Father

Mulan training scene, Hua Jun

Mulan has a complex and deep relationship with her father, and losing him to another war would mean losing him for good. The Hua family has two daughters, which means, according to the laws of China, there is no one to fight on behalf of Hua Zhou. “By edict of His Imperial Majesty, the Son of Heaven… every family must contribute one man to fight.”

But Mulan is strong, she’s loyal. What does she do when she’s told to learn her place? She makes the decision to disguise herself and fight on her father’s behalf as a son of the Hua family.

Mulan Accepting Her Qi

Liu Yifei in Disney's Mulan 2020

“Qi is for warriors, not daughters.” As a woman, Mulan is told to hide her gift away, to silence its voice, to restrain herself. As a man, Mulan is asked why she hides her Qi when it is so powerful. She was told that she should cultivate it, let it grow, use it to become stronger.

While they are fighting, Xian Lang tells Mulan that her deceit poisons her Qi. It is only when Mulan accepts who she is that her Qi truly strengthens, that she becomes what she was always meant to be. And it is not done as Hua Jun, but as Hua Mulan.

“Kill Me If You Must. But First, Listen”

Mulan warrior expulsion and return 2020 live action

After Mulan’s identity was discovered, she was called an imposter. She was told that she betrayed the regiment, that she had disgraced the Hua family. She was told that her expulsion is her punishment. “I would rather be executed.” She was told that if she showed her face again, her wish to be executed would be granted.

But she went back, threats of death be damned. She had vital information and she had a plan, and they were going to listen to her.

Saving The Emperor

Mulan and Emperor fighting to save China 2020

It wasn’t a man who saved The Emperor of China, it was a woman. Mulan proved that gender has nothing to do with skill, bravery, loyalty, and truth. She rose like a Phoenix through the fire and saved China.

But perhaps the true testament to the final moment of the battle was the equality of Mulan and The Emperor, as neither was above the other and they worked together to cast the final blow.

Mulan’s Friendship With Her Fellow Warriors

Liu Yifei and Yoson An in Mulan (2020)

Mulan was accepted by her fellow warriors before and after she revealed her gender. And the way she treated them didn’t change depending on whether she was Hua Jun or Hua Mulan. It was a testament to her character. She fought against them in training as an equal.

She sat by the fire before battle and shared words of encouragement. “My father once said… there is no courage without fear.” She had their trust when she returned with information on the opposition’s plan. She led them to save The Emperor. She was both a leader and an equal. She was respected.

Mulan’s Pledge To Be Loyal, Brave, and True

Mulan True Loyal Brave Sword 2020

“I left home under cover of darkness… and betrayed my family’s trust. I made choices I knew would risk their dishonor. Since then… I have pledged an oath to be loyal, brave, and true.” Mulan stood in front of The Emperor and turned down his offer of gratitude.

She told him that she must fulfill her oath and return to make amends with her family. She showed her devotion to her family and was respected for her decision.

Drawing Enemy Fire

Liu Yifei as Mulan in live-action 2020 film

When it looked like all hope was lost and flaming catapults threatened the demise of the entire army, Mulan led her own troop. A troop of empty helmets perched for diversion.

She drew enemy fire and lead them to their own downfall. A flaming catapult landed in the thick fallen snow and disrupted the peace of the mountains, causing an avalanche.

The Forgiveness Of Mulan’s Father

Mulan's father, Mulan 2020 Zhou

“And it is I who should apologize. My foolish pride drove you away. One warrior knows another. You were always there… yet I see you for the first time.” Mulan’s father believed he was solely responsible for the safety and protection of his family. He was prideful and blinded by the tradition of what had been.

He loved Mulan and wanted to protect her by leading her on the path he believed best, the one that was easiest and socially acceptable. He felt guilty for having misguided her as a child but realized his efforts to hide her Qi had only hindered her.