Ms Marvel’s Ending Explained (In Detail)

Ms Marvel’s Ending Explained (In Detail)

WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Ms Marvels finale

Take a deep dive into Kamala Khan’s Disney+ farewell – here’s the Ms Marvel ending explained in full. It’s no secret that Ms Marvel – Disney’s latest MCU streaming project – hasn’t quite hit the viewership heights enjoyed by Loki and WandaVision. Regardless, critical opinion has remained high, with reviews routinely praising the heart and uniqueness of Kamala Khan’s origin tale, not to mention the representation of a Muslim superhero with Pakistani heritage.

Played by Iman Vellani, Kamala has endured a hectic few weeks. A mysterious family trinket unlocked an ability to generate glowing purple constructs, distant relatives revealed her family tree traces way further afield than Pakistan, and Kamala has notched up no less than three potential love interests. Making life more difficult in Ms Marvel is the Department of Damage Control – the SHIELD-lite organization seen previously in Tom Holland’s Spider-Man movies. Not exactly living up to its name, a Damage Control drone destroyed Bruno’s home in Ms Marvel‘s penultimate episode, perfectly setting up for a dramatic finale.

The Ms Marvel ending neatly concludes Kamala’s introduction to superheroism, but also charts a chaotic path forward in the MCU. A path that apparently includes mutants, Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel, and a much better name than Nightlight.

Ms Marvel Finale Spoilers: What Happens In The Ending

Ms Marvel’s Ending Explained (In Detail)

Since Kamala Khan resolved the Clandestine crisis already, Ms Marvel‘s finale (“No Normal”) is less of a climatic last chapter and more action-packed housekeeping, as almost every lingering thread gets tied up. Upon returning from her life-changing Pakistan adventure, Kamala proudly announces her superhero status to family and friends… even if most of them knew already. She quickly discovers how a hero’s work is never done as, continuing from Ms Marvel episode 5’s cliffhanger, Damage Control is hunting down Kamran and Bruno.

Kamala and her allies assemble at their high school (the best place to be if your battle is happening on a weekend) and hold off the Damage Control agents until Kamran is able to escape. Both literally and figuratively, Kamala does the heavy lifting in this fight but, of course, Damage Control is after her too. In a heartwarming display of solidarity, the local community protects their hero from arrest and Kamala escapes into the night, free to punch enemies with her massive fists another day. She becomes New Jersey’s friendly, neighborhood Nightlight.

The two biggest spoilers of Ms Marvel‘s ending come in the finale’s dying moments. Bruno has, somewhat conveniently, taken another look at Kamala’s DNA sample from earlier in Ms Marvel, coming to the conclusion that she is, in fact, a mutant. If an X-Men connection wasn’t enough, Kamala Khan returns home from a long day of schoolwork and superheroism to find her bangle glowing strangely. In an instant, Kamala swaps places with her idol, Carol freakin’ Danvers.

Kamala Khan’s New Ms Marvel Suit (& Name) Explained

Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan in Ms Marvel costume try on

The Ms Marvel ending gives Kamala Khan a superhero makeover, transforming her from Nightlight into Ms Marvel proper. Until now, Iman Vellani’s MCU heroine got by with (admittedly impressive) cosplay and an eye mask made by Bruno, but thanks to her mother Kamala now possesses a proper superhero outfit brimming with meaningful connections. The colorful ensemble was handmade in Pakistan, allowing Kamala to represent her community every time she slips it on. The red scarf and blue tunic incorporate Kamala’s link to the Red Daggers, and how they helped her during a time of crisis. Finally, Muneeba has used her daughter’s broken necklace from episode 5 as Ms Marvel’s superhero logo. The bolt-like symbol emblazoned across Kamala’s torso quite literally derives from her own name.

That Muneeba should be the one to bestow Kamala her costume in Ms Marvel‘s finale is deeply significant. Back in episode 1, Muneeba shivered at the mere thought of her daughter donning cosplay in public, so this awesome gift represents a true sign of maternal acceptance.

Not to be left out, Kamala Khan’s father, Yusuf, also makes a huge contribution toward shaping his daughter’s superhero identity. He reveals the Urdu origin of Kamala’s name is “Marvel,” before describing her as their very own “Ms Marvel.” The look on Kamala’s face confirms she has finally found a replacement for “Nightlight,” and the name casts further relevance onto her logo. It’s the kind of family synergy Thor and Star-Lord can only dream of.

Will Kamran Become A Red Dagger Now, Or A Villain?

Ms Marvel Episode 4 Kamran

Ms Marvel leaves the fate of Rish Shah’s Kamran deliberately vague, but does at least drop a few vital clues. When the Ms Marvel finale begins, Kamran is very much a protagonist, abandoned by his mother and struggling to control the new powers she bestowed upon him before dying. Kamala wants to help her friend/crush, and the episode’s showpiece fight sequence is entirely centered around saving Kamran from Damage Control. Already working through troublesome abilities and a government military unit doing their damnedest to capture him, Kamran becomes a little unhinged upon learning his mother died. As Ms Marvel‘s final battle progresses, Kamran turns increasingly ruthless against enemy agents, forcing Kamala to step in. These flecks of darkness undoubtedly set up a villainous turn for Kamran in a potential Ms Marvel season 2, which would honor the path his Marvel comic counterpart took.

Or, maybe not. After Kamala pleads with him to stand down, Kamran flees to Pakistan, and Ms Marvel‘s ending shows him meeting Kareem at Red Dagger HQ. Their brief interaction seems friendly enough, suggesting Kamran could now train to become a Red Dagger – or at least an ally of theirs – ahead of future MCU appearances. Even if Kamran and Kareen do end up bonding over their shared love of Kamala Khan, however, Ms Marvel has firmly planted the seeds for Rish Shah’s character to break bad.

Damage Control Aren’t MCU Villains Anymore

Damage Control Agent Deever

Damage Control has lingered in the MCU’s shadows ever since Spider-Man: Homecoming, often making themselves a nuisance, but never descending into outright villainy. Ms Marvel changed that. Not only has the governmental department ruthlessly hunted two teenage superheroes (and with far more gusto than Spider-Man, oddly enough), it did so with extreme prejudice against Jersey City’s Muslim community, disrespecting the local mosque, rehashing offensive stereotypes, and making race-based assumptions. Although Damage Control is technically Ms Marvel‘s final boss, the show’s ending tracks back on them being outright baddies. Damage Control’s recent deviousness is attributed entirely to Agent Deever, and after the school battle is over, she’s officially relieved of duty by the still-a-jerk-but-not-that-bad Agent Cleary from Spider-Man: No Way Home. We can assume Damage Control will now revert back to pestering superheroes rather than firing sonic weapons at children.

Ms Marvel Gets Her Comic Book Superpowers (Sort Of)

Ms Marvel Strikes A Pose

Ms Marvel‘s biggest pre-premiere controversy concerned how the MCU was changing Kamala Khan’s superpowers. In the comics, Kamala essentially alters her body shape at will, elongating limbs during fights. In live-action, Kamala creates physical constructs from Noor energy due to her biological connection to the Clandestines.

Pleasing comic fans, the Ms Marvel ending pulls Kamala significantly closer to her authentic self. Though her base power remains unchanged, Ms Marvel‘s closing battle sees Kamala develop a technique she subs “Embiggen” – a mode in which Kamala wears her Noor energy like a suit of armor. Acting as an extension of herself, Kamala harnesses that energy to enlarge her own body, creating the massive fists and flailing limbs comic book fans will be more familiar with. Ms Marvel showed sporadic glimpses of Kamala’s embiggening ability earlier in the season, but the finale lets her master the trick.

Though still not perfectly in line with Marvel’s source material, “No Normal” heavily implies that “Embiggen” will be live-action Kamala Khan’s go-to technique for future battles, so even if her methods are different, her fighting style will evolve more or less into the same as comic Kamala Khan.

So, Is Kamala Khan A Mutant Now?

Kamala Khan and X-Men Sentinels in Ms Marvel

Short answer? Pretty much, yes. As Ms Marvel explained previously, Kamala Khan’s powers were activated by her Clandestine DNA coming into contact with the mysterious Noor bangle. However, Ms Marvel also made clear that Kamala was somehow different to her ancestors – special, unique and more powerful. Henry finally figures out why in Ms Marvel‘s finale, citing a “mutation” in Kamala’s genes. As if the very deliberate use of the word “mutation” wasn’t enough, Laura Karpman’s soundtrack drops a few notes from THAT classic X-Men animated series theme, all but confirming Kamala Khan is a mutant as well as a Clandestine.

Needless to say, Ms Marvel‘s shocking mutant reveal will have massive ramifications upon the entire MCU – but exactly what those ramifications are remains to be seen. The revelation might prove that the mutant gene secretly exists within Earth-616’s population already, but some kind of trigger is required to activate it. Kamala’s awakening might even provide the spark for other mutants to surface. Whatever direction Marvel’s science takes from here, Kamala Khan is seemingly the first confirmed mutant in the MCU’s main universe after Patrick Stewart’s Professor X debuted in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness‘ Earth-838.

While Charles Xavier’s cameo borrowed the same iconic theme musicMs Marvel goes one better by actually using the term “mutation” – a topic the MCU has danced around until now. Kamala dismisses this landmark discovery as “just another label,” but Marvel’s message is perfectly clear: the X-Men are coming. With SDCC 2022 right around the corner, they might be closer than we think.

How Ms Marvel’s Post-Credits Scene Sets Up Captain Marvel 2

Carol Danvers in Ms. Marvel's post-credits scene

Marvel still knows its way around a post-credits scene. In one last shocking Ms Marvel ending twist, Kamala Khan’s bracelet emits a strange glow, and Iman Vellani is suddenly replaced by Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel, who is understandably confused upon finding herself in a teenage girl’s bedroom.

Thanks to Kamala’s time-travel exploits, we know the Clandestine bangle somehow connects to other objects like it, dragging the owner through time to wherever the second relic might be. Though the visual effect is very different in Ms Marvel‘s post-credits, logic would suggest that Captain Marvel was somewhere in the universe studying a companion to Kamala’s bangle. This makes sense because Brie Larson was last spotted in the MCU investigating Shang Chi’s Ten Rings, which have long been theorized to share a link with Ms Marvel‘s bracelet. Whatever Carol fiddled with has apparently swapped her for the Clandestine bracelet, and warped Kamala along with it. Should that hypothesis hold true, Kamala could now be absolutely anywhere in the universe. Best case scenario? Avengers HQ (unlikely, this is Captain Marvel). Worst case? The middle of an alien warzone.

While so much remains unknown, the Ms Marvel post-credits scene finally draws a concrete link between Carol Danvers and Kamala Khan before they share a screen in The Marvels. Whether Carol must rescue Kamala from whatever hell-scape she tossed her into, or whether Danvers merely apologizes for the inconvenience then leaves again, the Captain and the Ms are now inextricably linked.

What Ms Marvel’s Ending Really Means

Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan in Ms Marvel

Putting aside all talk of mutations and Marvel-ous body-swaps, the real meaning behind Ms Marvel’s ending concerns the impact of a superhero representing Kamala’s community. Ms Marvel makes no attempt to shy away from commenting on the harsh treatment mosques are subjected to by law enforcement agencies, and although the subject is tackled with a pinch of humor (the finale’s “ID” scene is absolute gold), Kamala Khan’s story highlights how Muslims face deep-rooted institutional discrimination on a depressingly regular basis.

The imam of Kamala’s mosque is quietly defiant in the face of such prejudice, and his attitude spreads to the wider community as they rally around “Nightlight” to shield her from arrest. That spirit of togetherness is by far the most affecting moment of Ms Marvel‘s ending, drawing a broad spectrum of local folks together, from holy men and gossiping aunties to social media starlets and police officers, in the name of helping someone who helped them. The sight of a community standing as one is the true message behind Ms Marvel‘s ending, and can be found woven into Kamala Khan’s costume inspirations, Kamran and Kareen maybe settling their Red Dagger vs. Clandestine feud, and even in how Kamala nonchalantly reacts to her mutant genes.

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