Most Difficult Video Game Bosses On N64

Most Difficult Video Game Bosses On N64

The Nintendo 64 era brought players some fantastic games, but with some of those games came some wildly difficult boss fights. Between Banjo-Tooie, Diddy Kong Racing, and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, it may feel impossible to beat an N64 game. Even now, years later, some of the most challenging video game bosses to beat are on the Nintendo 64.

Being the successor to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the N64 brought gamers into a new world with 3D graphics. The 5th generation console brought titles that still live today as remastered versions like Super Mario 64. Speaking of remasters, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is coming to Nintendo Switch Online next month.

The N64 sold well and has become a source of nostalgia for many gamers since its release. For some, this was the first video game console in players’ homes. While some N64 games were certainly made with kids in mind, some of them featured bosses that seemed impossible to overcome. Here are the most difficult N64 bosses.

The Wasps Are A Repetitive Boss Fight In N64’s Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Most Difficult Video Game Bosses On N64

The Wasps in Conker’s Bad Fur Day is the most persistent fight in the entire game. After the beehive is stolen multiple times, Conker must retrieve it every single time. Conker must fight off the wasps using the nest’s machine gun to shoot the wasps as they attack. Inside the machine gun, the wasps’ flight path is inconsistent, making it hard to keep the sights on them. Another thing that makes this fight challenging is there is no way to gain health in this fight. Once the player is in the machine, they are stuck until the battle is beaten or the player dies. The fact that this fight occurs multiple times in the game makes this boss a pain.

 Ganon’s Second Phase In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time On N64

Ganondorf sitting on a chair with his elbow on his knee and his cheek resting on his hand

Ganon has always been the main antagonist in the Zelda series. In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Ganon is a pretty tough boss fight. Ganon’s first form as Ganondorf is not the worst part and can be beaten relatively quickly. In his second transformation, Ganon knocks away the Master Sword leaving the player to resort to other tactics.

Figuring out which tool works the best is the tricky part as it can seem redundant. If the player completes the optional mission to achieve the Goron sword, the second half of the battle won’t be as tough. During the second part, Navi also comes back to help. Hitting Ganon’s tail is the weakest point to bring him down. While the boss fight altogether is a challenge, beating Ganon is always satisfying. The N64 version is now available on Switch too, making it more accessible than ever.

King Krusha K. Rool In Donkey Kong 64 Is A Tough Boss Fight

King Krusha K. Rool in the final boss fight of Donkey Kong 64

King K. Rool is a well-known antagonist in the Donkey Kong franchise. He is also known to have some of the most brutal boss fights. The fight in Donkey Kong 64 takes place in a boxing ring with all five Kongs against King Krusha K. Rool. Each round has a time limit, and dying or running out of time means the whole fight will start over.

The fight’s first round consists of jumping over shock waves and jumping in barrels to hit K. Rool. With five rounds and 5 Kongs, each round has a different fighting mechanic with each Kong. Get through all five Kongs and their different fight styles, and after all five rounds are complete, King Krusha K. Roll has had enough – or so it seems.

Banjo-Tooie Returns With A Difficult Boss Fight On N64

Banjo and Kazooie playing their instruments in front of a waterfall and a grove of trees.

Gruntilda makes another appearance in the Banjo sequel in Banjo-Tooie. The boss fight with the witch is different and complex. Gruntilda battles the player in her tank named HAG 1. During the battle, not only will Gruntilda shoot at Banjo, but she will also ask the player questions referring to the game.

The player is given 5 seconds to answer each question, and with one wrong answer, Gruntilda will make her attacks even faster, making the fight even more complex. In between the questions during the fight, the player must use certain eggs to shoot at the witch to deal the most damage. Either way, a fight with Gruntilda is always challenging. As fans haven’t heard anything new about Banjo, players are wondering what Rare is up to these days, and another Banjo-Kazooie game would certainly be nice.

Majora In The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Is A Frustrating Boss Fight

Majora towers over Link in Majora's Mask.

Majora is one of the weirdest villains in the Zelda series. The evil that lives within the mask is what gives this game, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, its name. Majora is not only tough to beat, but it is also creepy. With three different forms, Majora is a pain to overcome. The spinning form is difficult to hit with arrows as it moves constantly, and the human form is so fast it’s a blur. Majora’s final form uses whips to keep its distance from Link. Completing an optional quest to acquire the Fierce Deity Mask can make this fight a little easier but players shouldn’t bank on it. In the end, with time, finally beating Majora is rather pleasing.

Diddy Kong Racing On N64 Has The Hardest Boss Fight With Wizpig

Wizpig in Diddy Kong Racing is said to be the most difficult boss on Nintendo 64 ever. And it is. In this childlike racing game, the adventure mode offers a lot of gameplay. Racing in five worlds with four tracks at the end of each completed world, there is a boss race. The very last boss in the game is Wizpig, and he is fast. With Wizpig’s speed, it is almost impossible to pass him up, and he is faster than he seems. Every boost on the course must be hit in order to even get relatively close to him. Drifting plays a significant role in this race as it helps shorten the curves. One missed boost or wrong turn and the player will be restarting the race over again. Get ready to put some time into this one because it seems unbeatable.

The N64 was one of the most known consoles for its generation. It brought gamers beloved titles like Perfect Dark and GoldenEye 007. Many great titles also brought players lots of frustrating moments. The N64 might have some of the most difficult bosses around, but it has also brought great memories into many families’ houses.