Morgan Spurlock To Document ‘The Simpsons’ 20th Anniversary

Morgan Spurlock To Document ‘The Simpsons’ 20th Anniversary

Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock (of Super Size Me and 30 Days fame) has been tapped by 20th Century Fox to document the rise and continued fame of America’s favorite family, The Simpsons.

That’s right, the Super Size Me guy is going to be producing and directing the upcoming Fox special, The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special in 3D on Ice (love that title). The special, planned for early next year, will look at all the cultural impact The Simpsons has had during its two-decade run on television. For all those who have been claiming in the last few years that The Simpsons has lost all relevance, you’re wrong. There, I said it. As far as the documentary special: I’m guessing that Spurlock’s “man on the street” approach is largely what made Fox decide on him. Hopefully we’ll be treated to many hilariously ironic interviews with everyday people, mashed up against hilariously ironic Simpsons clips – and there better be a montage of people quoting their favorite lines.

Said Spurlock about getting the gig:

When they first called me about this, I thought it was a prank and I hung up…And then my agent called back and said, ‘No, no, this is for real,’ at which point I fainted. Then when I woke up, I called everyone I knew because it was the coolest thing I could ever get to do in my career.

GOOD NEWS: For those of you attending this year’s San Diego Comic-Con next week: Spurlock will be in attendance on Saturday July 25th to audition lucky fans for a chance to appear in The Simpons 20th Anniversary Special in 3D on Ice. If you think you resemble a real-life version of any Simpsons character, send a note with your contact info to [email protected]


Morgan Spurlock To Document ‘The Simpsons’ 20th Anniversary


The Simpons 20th Anniversary Special in 3D on Ice will air on Fox Thursday, January 14, 2010.