More Overwatch 2 Updates Could Come As Soon As March Or April

More Overwatch 2 Updates Could Come As Soon As March Or April

Following Blizzcon 2021, there could be more Overwatch 2 news as soon as March or April. This is shocking considering the lack of news fans have received about the game since its announcement in November of 2019. Now that Blizzard’s virtual event has come and gone, there is quite a bit of Overwatch 2 news to sit with, but it’s always nice to know that there might be more in the near future.

Overwatch 2 is the full-fledged sequel to Blizzard’s insanely popular team-based hero shooter. The original was released in May of 2016 and was praised for its excellent map design, revolutionary hero roster, and diverse gameplay that has spawned a massively successful professional league of play. Overwatch 2 looks to simply expand upon its successor by bridging the first game’s maps and characters over to its new maps and characters.

According to an interview with Jeff Kaplan, VP of Blizzard Entertainment, by IGN, there could be more Overwatch 2 news as soon as March or April. Kaplan says during the interview that the initial plan for development was to stay dark and focus solely on the development of the game, but the company has decided to shift its focus a bit to allow for more frequent updates despite the game’s lack of a release date. While Kaplan didn’t commit to a set update schedule, he goes on to say that it is likely that there will be more on the highly anticipated game in the coming months.

More Overwatch 2 Updates Could Come As Soon As March Or April

Players who want to play Overwatch with their friends but don’t have the cash to buy the sequel need not worry. Owners of Overwatch and Overwatch 2 will still be able to play together as the new content coming to multiplayer such as new maps, characters, and existing character adjustments will be added to both titles. Players who purchase Overwatch 2 will receive everything already listed plus the sequel’s all new story content complete with single player and co-operative missions that will expand upon the already rich universe of Overwatch,

Blizzcon 2021 showed off Overwatch 2‘s extensive character redesigns and new multiplayer maps, and showed more details on the game’s PvE content that many players have been clamoring for. The ability to level up specific characters will allow players to show who their favorites are through exclusive cosmetics and some PvE ability adjustments. Hopefully this news will tide Overwatch 2 fans over until the potential future updates coming later this year.