Moon Knight Cosplay Confirms the Brutal Reason He Wears White

Moon Knight Cosplay Confirms the Brutal Reason He Wears White

A stunning new Moon Knight cosplay confirms the brutal reason he always wears white. Although it may seem counterintuitive for a vigilante who stalks the streets at night to wear a white outfit, Moon Knight has pulled it off for almost 50 years. Now, cosplayer Jose_jc007 has brought Moon Knight’s most brutal persona to brilliant life, showing why white suits the Fist of Khonshu so well.

Jose_jc007 unveiled the cosplay in a post on the r/cosplay section of Reddit. The shoot is spread across two photos, both depicting Moon Knight in his “Mister Knight” persona. The first features Mister Knight standing in a tunnel, holding a pair of fighting sticks. His all-white dress suit is covered in blood splatters.

In the second photo, Mister Knight is still covered in blood, but is now pointing one of his sticks at the viewer, poised and ready for combat.

Moon Knight’s All-White Outfit Sets Him Apart From Other Like-Minded Heroes

Moon Knight Has an Incredible Reason For Wearing It

Moon Knight Cosplay Confirms the Brutal Reason He Wears White

Since his first appearance in Werewolf by Night #32, Moon Knight has ranked as one of Marvel’s most interesting characters. Moon Knight relies heavily on gadgets to fight crime, and is also extremely wealthy. These two qualities have invited unfair comparisons to Batman, but the truth is, Moon Knight is far more brutal than the Caped Crusader, and has not hesitated to use more violent means, including lethal force. What truly separates Moon Knight from Batman is his choice of uniform: an all-white get-up, that seems to contrast with his mission.

Yet, as revealed in the first issue of Warren Ellis’ run on Moon Knight, there is a very good reason he only wears white: so that his opponents can see him coming. This attitude is a clear departure from Batman, who wears all dark colors as a means of stealth and concealment. However, unlike Batman, Moon Knight does not care about hiding or stalking his prey. Instead, he prefers to rush in head first, ready to dispense lethal justice to criminals, and he does not care if they know he is coming. He almost seems to relish it.

random moon knight go


Moon Knight Just Flipped His “Random ******** Go!!!!” Meme in the Coolest Way

In a curious twist, art imitates parody as Moon Knight brutalizes his foes with an assortment of random weapons, bringing a hilarious meme to life.

Moon Knight is a Brutal Hero–And This Cosplay Captures That

Moon Knight Is At His Most Unhinged

Moon Knight and Mr. Knight in the MCU's Phase 4

And Jose_jc007 reminds fans of this quality in Moon Knight. Moon Knight wears white as a warning to criminals, a warning that justice is coming, and it is not going to be pleasant. Of all of Moon Knight’s personas, Mister Knight is arguably the most unhinged, and it makes perfect sense that Jose_jc007 would choose this outfit to drive home just how brutal Moon Knight can be. Jose’s Moon Knight is covered in blood, which forms a stark contrast to his all-white uniform. The blood does not bother Moon Knight, and he almost wears it like a badge of honor.