Mon Mothma’s Husband Lie Massively Changes Her Star Wars Story

Mon Mothma’s Husband Lie Massively Changes Her Star Wars Story

This article contains spoilers for Andor episode 12.Mon Mothma’s lie in Andor episode 12 completely changes her Star Wars story. She may have never been a main character, but Mon Mothma has always been vital to the Star Wars story. A senator during the dying days of the Old Republic, she was a canny politician who became one of Emperor Palpatine’s chief opponents. Mon Mothma initially trusted in the power of politics to overthrow the Empire, but ultimately even she was forced to admit the regime that created the Death Star could only be overthrown by force. She became one of the most important leaders in the Rebel Alliance, and the first Chancellor of the New Republic after the Empire’s defeat. The Andor Disney+ TV series has stepped back in time, showing Mon Mothma’s role in the early rebellion.

Andor season 1 has revealed just how vulnerable Mon Mothma really was. Mon Mothma’s family was divided; she had been married as a child according to Chandrilan custom, and Mon Mothma and her husband had very different political beliefs. In Andor episode 12, Mon Mothma took advantage of their differences to give herself cover when the Empire investigated her finances. She then went to drastic lengths to resolve the financial irregularities, marrying her daughter Leida to the son of a sleazy Chandrilan businessman Davo Sculdun. Andor season 1’s finale offered a shocking insight into the price paid by Mon Mothma.

Mon Mothma Sacrificed Her Marriage For The Rebel Alliance

Mon Mothma’s Husband Lie Massively Changes Her Star Wars Story

Andor season 1 stresses that every successful rebellion requires sacrifice, simply because there is a natural power imbalance between the rebel and the system they are attempting to overthrow. Mon Mothma is no exception to Andor‘s remorseless logic, and the price she pays is heartbreaking. She lives a double life, concealing her true nature not only from the Empire, but from her own family. Mon Mothma goes even further in Andor episode 12, using her own husband Perrin’s past indiscretions to give herself cover. Aware an Imperial audit will identify funds she has actually funneled into the Rebel Alliance, Mon Mothma stages an argument with him over his historic gambling habit. The senator’s new driver is an agent of the ISB, and he reports it back, convinced he has just stumbled on a useful sandal – just as she had planned.

Mon Mothma is using her husband’s past weakness as a shield, because the Empire will now expect to find anomalies in her finances. She’s also using the ISB agent as a tool to spread misinformation, allowing him to believe he’s overheard a juicy scandal, and thus convincing the Empire he hasn’t been discovered. Mon Mothma can now drip-feed further lies to the agent, misleading the ISB. She’ll surely build on her deception in Andor episode 12.

Mon Mothma’s Marriage Looks Set To End In Andor Season 2

Mon Mothma in her apartment in Andor.

The Star Wars saga has never been told in chronological order. In this case, viewers already have a strong sense of how things are going to play out. Mon Mothma will draw a little too much attention after one high-profile Imperial massacre, and she’ll go on the run. Her husband and daughter won’t accompany her – and in fact her husband, Perrin, is never mentioned again in canon. It looks as though Mon Mothma’s marriage will end in divorce or estrangement, most likely in Andor season 2.

All episodes of Andor are streaming now on Disney+.