Moana 2’s Villain Can Solve A Heart Of Te Fiti Mystery That Disney’s Original Movie Never Did

Moana 2’s Villain Can Solve A Heart Of Te Fiti Mystery That Disney’s Original Movie Never Did

The recent announcement of Moana 2 is exciting for many reasons, but above all, Moana 2 can answer some big questions leftover from the first movie, particularly about the film’s main magical item, the Heart of Te Fiti. While 2016’s Moana follows the titular character on her journey of self-discovery, the “heart” of the film’s lore lies in the Heart of Te Fiti. The pounamu stone is the literal heart of the nature goddess Te Fiti, who long ago brought life to the ocean. However, demigod Maui stole the Heart of Te Fiti, then lost it.

Moana’s story begins when her grandmother gifts her the Heart of Te Fiti and tasks her with finding Maui. If Maui returns the heart to Te Fiti, the goddess can save the ocean and Motunui. Despite physical and emotional struggles, the two find Te Fiti within the volcanic monster Te Kā. Upon returning the Heart, Te Kā becomes Te Fiti, and everything is saved. The ocean is no longer dangerous and Moana becomes chief. Despite this, the true magic of the Heart of Te Fiti is never truly explored, which leads to the potential plot of Moana 2.

Moana 2’s Villain Can Solve A Heart Of Te Fiti Mystery That Disney’s Original Movie Never Did


Moana 2 Shows Disney Is Finally Listening To Fans (In The Right Way)

It’s taken Disney a long time to release Moana 2, but the sequel’s recent update suggests the studio is finally listening to fans in the right way.

The Original Moana Claims The Heart Of Te Fiti Can Create Life (But Never Reveals How)

Although the Heart of Te Fiti plays a central role in Moana, its abilities are never discussed. Moana knows that returning the Heart to Te Fiti will bring order back to nature, but neither Moana nor Maui attempt to use the Heart. It is simply a vessel that they carry, lose, and ultimately return. This is especially interesting since, according to Motunui’s lore, Maui stole the Heart of Te Fiti in order to use it. It is revealed that Maui stole the Heart to gift humans the ability to create. However, he lost it before he could fulfill that wish.

In this way, Moana leaves plenty of mystery surrounding the Heart of Te Fiti, and many unanswered questions. If Maui stole the Heart from Te Fiti many centuries ago, could it be possible for someone else to steal the Heart in the present day? What kind of person is capable of stealing the Heart of Te Fiti? Does it have to be a demigod, or could a human do the stealing? And finally, who can use the Heart of Te Fiti?

Moana 2’s Villain Can Solve This Heart Of Te Fiti Mystery From The Original

TeKa standing as smoke billows in Moana

Now that Moana 2 is finally happening, this opens the door for these Heart of Te Fiti questions to be answered. The end of Moana was tied up pretty tightly, so the sequel could go in many directions, however, the Heart of Te Fiti is definitely a strong option. It is an object that audiences are already familiar with, and in turn, both Moana and the viewers know how important it is. In this way, bringing the Heart of Te Fiti back into Moana 2 would immediately raise the stakes without an abundance of context or info dumping.

What Moana 2 can do in particular with the Heart of Te Fiti is put it in the hands of another villain. In many ways, Moana didn’t have a real villain. The monstrous Te Kā was just Te Fiti without her Heart. However, Moana 2 can change that. The sequel can bring in a new character that is a true villain, who not only steals the Heart of Te Fiti, but also uses it for evil purposes. By doing this, Moana 2 can further explain the Heart of Te Fiti’s powers and raise the stakes of the magical object.

Why The Heart Of Te Fiti Deserves More Attention In Moana’s Sequel

Moana touching the ocean

Ultimately, the Heart of Te Fiti deserves to return in Moana 2 because it is such an interesting object with so much mystery surrounding it. A high point of Moana is all the lore and history it provides. It is a movie and world that hinges on Polynesian mythology and nature, and the Heart of Te Fiti is a major part of that. If anything, Moana 2 definitely needs to maintain its focus on myth and legend, but the Heart of Te Fiti is also an easy way of doing this.

Moana left so many unanswered questions about the Heart of Te Fiti that it would be great for the object to return in Moana 2. By doing this, audiences could learn more about the object, and also, get a story that reaches further than the original movie did. With an evil villain who has the capability to “create,” there is no telling what kind of chaos could ensue. Moana 2 has the opportunity to offer a fresh story based on an already established mystery.

  • Moana 2Moana
    Release Date2024-11-272016-11-23
    GenresAnimation, AdventureAnimation, Comedy, Adventure